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In the field of organic semiconductors researchers and manufacturers are faced with a wide range of potential molecules. This work presents concepts for simulation-based predictions of material characteristics starting from chemical stuctures. The focus lies on charge transport – be it in microscopic models of amorphous morphologies, lattice models or large-scale device models. An extensive introductory review, which also includes experimental techniques, makes this work interesting for a broad readership. Contents: Organic Semiconductor Devices Experimental Techniques Charge Dynamics at Dierent Scales Computational Methods Energetics and Dispersive Transport Correlated Energetic Landscapes Microscopic, Stochastic and Device Simulations Parametrization of Lattice Models Drift–Diusion with Microscopic Link
Organic photovoltaics (OPVs) are a promising carbon-neutral energy conversion technology, with recent improvements pushing power conversion efficiencies over 10%. A major factor limiting OPV performance is inefficiency of charge transport in organic semiconducting materials (OSCs). Due to strong coupling with lattice degrees of freedom, the charges form polarons, localized quasi-particles comprised of charges dressed with phonons. These polarons can be conceptualized as pseudo-atoms with a greater effective mass than a bare charge. Here we propose that due to this increased mass, polarons can be modeled with Langevin molecular dynamics (LMD), a classical approach with a computational cost much lower than most quantum mechanical methods. Here we present LMD simulations of charge transfer between a pair of fullerene molecules, which commonly serve as electron acceptors in OSCs. We find transfer rates consistent with experimental measurements of charge mobility, suggesting that this method may provide quantitative predictions of efficiency when used to simulate materials on the device scale. Our approach also offers information that is not captured in the overall transfer rate or mobility: in the simulation data, we observe exactly when and why intermolecular transfer events occur. In addition, we demonstrate that these simulations can shed light on the properties of polarons in OSCs. In conclusion, much remains to be learned about these quasi-particles, and there are no widely accepted methods for calculating properties such as effective mass and friction. Our model offers a promising approach to exploring mass and friction as well as providing insight into the details of polaron transport in OSCs.
Charge injection and transport in organic semiconductors are key factors controlling the device performance, and have been intensively investigated by conductive atomic force microscope (c-AFM) experiments in the space-charge-limited current (SCLC) regime. The simplified SCLC theory, despite being widely used to describe the unipolar SCLC, has limitations in explaining the current-voltage responses of c-AFM measurements due to two major reasons. First, the conventional planar model does not include the effect of current spreading commonly found beneath the conducting tip. Secondly, the theory only considers drift transport, and assumes that charge diffusion can be neglected, causing discrepancies in its predictions of transport behaviors that will be discussed thoroughly here. The focus of this thesis is on developing numerical models for hole-only devices with the full description of drift and diffusion transport mechanisms, which is called the drift-diffusion (DD-) SCLC model. The applications of the models in the analysis of c-AFM experimental data are presented. We generalize the theory which takes both drift and diffusion currents into account, leading to more realistic DD-SCLC models for several applications. We then develop numerical approaches that efficiently simulate the hole-only SCLCs for one-, two-, and three- dimensional systems. In the case of fully 3-D calculations, the DD-SCLC model is able to treat inhomogeneous systems including spatially varying trap distributions, nanoscale morphologies, and the tip-plane (c-AFM) geometry. In the theoretical studies, the device simulations elucidate a number of crucial factors that affect the charge transport in the SCLC regime, including charge diffusion, traps, as well as, nanoscale morphology. We introduce the methodology of characterizing the current-voltage responses from c-AFM measurements, which has been used in elucidating the experiments on semiconductor poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) thin films that develop fibrous morphologies after thermal annealing. We generalize the theory which takes both drift and diffusion currents into account, leading to more realistic DD-SCLC models for several applications. We then develop numerical approaches that efficiently simulate the hole-only SCLCs for one-, two-, and three- dimensional systems. In the case of fully 3-D calculations, the DD-SCLC model is able to treat inhomogeneous systems including spatially varying trap distributions, nanoscale morphologies, and the tip-plane (c-AFM) geometry. In the theoretical studies, the device simulations elucidate a number of crucial factors that affect the charge transport in the SCLC regime, including charge diffusion, traps, as well as, nanoscale morphology. We introduce the methodology of characterizing the current-voltage responses from c-AFM measurements, which has been used in elucidating the experiments on semiconductor poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) thin films that develop fibrous morphologies after thermal annealing.
This book focuses on the microscopic understanding of the function of organic semiconductors. By tracing the link between their morphological structure and electronic properties across multiple scales, it represents an important advance in this direction. Organic semiconductors are materials at the interface between hard and soft matter: they combine structural variability, processibility and mechanical flexibility with the ability to efficiently transport charge and energy. This unique set of properties makes them a promising class of materials for electronic devices, including organic solar cells and light-emitting diodes. Understanding their function at the microscopic scale – the goal of this work – is a prerequisite for the rational design and optimization of the underlying materials. Based on new multiscale simulation protocols, the book studies the complex interplay between molecular architecture, supramolecular organization and electronic structure in order to reveal why some materials perform well – and why others do not. In particular, by examining the long-range effects that interrelate microscopic states and mesoscopic structure in these materials, the book provides qualitative and quantitative insights into e.g. the charge-generation process, which also serve as a basis for new optimization strategies.
• Provides a comprehensive survey of fundamental concepts and methods for optoelectronic device modeling and simulation. • Gives a broad overview of concepts with concise explanations illustrated by real results. • Compares different levels of modeling, from simple analytical models to complex numerical models. • Discusses practical methods of model validation. • Includes an overview of numerical techniques.
Organic photovoltaics (OPVs) is a promising low-cost and environmental-friendly technology currently achieving 12-14% power conversion efficiency. Despite the extensive focus of the research community over the last years, critical mechanisms defining the performance of OPVs are still topics of debate. While energetic disorder is known to be characteristic of organic semiconductors in general, its potential role in OPV has received surprisingly little attention. In this thesis we investigate some aspects of the relation between energetic disorder and several optoelectronic properties of OPV. Charge carrier mobility is a key parameter in characterizing the performance of organic semiconductors. Analyzing the temperature dependence of the mobility is also an oftenused method to obtain (estimates for) the energetic disorder in the HOMO and LUMO levels of an organic semiconductor material. Different formalisms to extract and analyze mobilities from space charge limited conductivity (SCLC) experiments are reviewed. Surprisingly, the Murgatroyd-Gill analytical model in combination with the Gaussian disorder model in the Boltzmann limit yields similar mobilities and energetic disorders as a more elaborate drift-diffusion model with parametrized mobility functionals. Common analysis and measurement errors are discussed. All the models are incorporated in an automated analysis freeware tool. The open circuit voltage (Voc) has attracted considerable interest as the large difference between Voc and the bandgap is the main loss mechanism in bulk heterojunction OPVs. Surprisingly, in ternary devices composed of two donors and one acceptor, the Voc is not pinned to the shallowest HOMO but demonstrates a continuous tunability between the binary extremities. We show that this phenomenon can be explained with an equilibrium model where Voc is defined as the splitting of the quasi-Fermi levels of the photo-created holes and electrons in a common density of states accounting for the stoichiometry, i.e. the ratio of the donor materials and the broadening by Gaussian disorder. Evaluating the PCE, it is found that ternary devices do not offer advantages over binary unless the fill factor (FF) is increased at intermediate compositions, as a result of improved transport/recombination upon material blending. Stressing the importance of material intermixing to improve the performance, we found that the presence of an acceptor may drastically alter the mobility and energetic disorder of the donor and vice versa. The effect of different acceptors was studied in a ternary onedonor- two-acceptors system, where the unpredictable variability with composition of the energetic disorder in the HOMO and the LUMO explained the almost linear tunability of Voc. Designing binary OPVs based on the design rule that the energetic disorder can be reduced upon material blending, as we observed, can yield a relative PCE improvement of at least 20%. CT states currently play a key role in evaluating the performance of OPVs and CTelectroluminescence (CT-EL) is assumed to stem from the recombination of thermalized electron-hole pairs. The varying width of the CT-EL peak for different material combinations is intuitively expected to reflect the energetic disorder of the effective HOMO and LUMO. We employ kinetic Monte Carlo (kMC) CT-EL simulations, using independently measured disorder parameters as input, to calculate the ground-to-ground state (0-0) transition spectrum. Including the vibronic broadening according to the Franck Condon principle, we reproduce the width and current dependence of the measured CT-EL peak for a large number of donor-acceptor combinations. The fitted dominant phonon modes compare well with the values measured using the spectral line narrowing technique. Importantly, the calculations show that CT-EL originates from a narrow, non-thermalized subset of all available CT states, which can be understood by considering the kinetic microscopic process with which electron-hole pairs meet and recombine. Despite electron-hole pairs being strongly bound in organic materials, the charge separation process following photo-excitation is found to be extremely efficient and independent of the excitation energy. However, at low photon energies where the charges are excited deep in the tail of the DOS, it is intuitively expected for the extraction yield to be quenched. Internal Quantum Efficiency (IQE) experiments for different material systems show both inefficient and efficient charge dissociation for excitation close to the CT energy. This finding is explained by kinetic Monte Carlo simulations accounting for a varying degree of e-h delocalization, where strongly bound localized CT pairs (< 2nm distance) are doomed to recombine at low excitation energies while extended delocalization over 3-5nm yields an increased and energy-independent IQE. Using a single material parameter set, the experimental CT electroluminescence and absorption spectra are reproduced by the same kMC model by accounting for the vibronic progression of the calculated 0-0 transition. In contrast to CT-EL, CT-absorption probes the complete CT manifold. Charge transport in organic solar cells is currently modelled as either an equilibrium or a non-equilibrium process. The former is described by drift-diffusion (DD) equations, which can be calculated quickly but assume local thermal equilibrium of the charge carriers with the lattice. The latter is described by kMC models, that are time-consuming but treat the charge carriers individually and can probe all relevant time and energy scales. A hybrid model that makes use of the multiple trap and release (MTR) concept in combination with the DD equations is shown to describe both steady-state space charge limited conductivity experiments and non-equilibrium time-resolved transport experiments using a single parameter set. For the investigated simulations, the DD-MTR model is in good agreement with kMC and ~10 times faster. Steady-state mobilities from DD equations have been argued to be exclusively relevant for operating OPVs while charge carrier thermalization and non-equilibrium time-dependent mobilities (although acknowledged) can be disregarded. This conclusion, based on transient photocurrent experiments with ?s time resolution, is not complete. We show that non-equilibrium kMC simulations can describe the extraction of charge carriers from subps to 100 ?s timescales with a single parameter set. The majority of the fast charge carriers, mostly non-thermalized electrons, are extracted at time scales below the resolution of the experiment. In other words, the experiment resolves only the slower fraction of the charges, predominantly holes.
The performance of organic semiconductor devices is heavily dependent on the precise molecular-level arrangement and overall morphology of the functional layers. In organic photovoltaic applications, exciton mobility, fission/fusion or dissociation, as well as charge transport and separation are some of the morphology-dependent processes that are of interest for efficient device design. In this work a combination of experimental and computational techniques are used to elucidate the behaviour of excitons in conjugated polymer and small-molecule semiconductor systems. While there is an emphasis on photovoltaic applications, many concepts are generally applicable to other organic electronic applications such organic light emitting diodes and photodetectors. In Chapter 3, a pump-push-probe transient absorption technique is used to observe high-energy "hot" excitons formed by photoexcitation of the conjugated polymer poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT). The work demonstrates the ability to clearly isolate the transient signal of the hot exciton decay processes from the thermalised exciton population, where picosecond and sub-picosecond relaxation of hot excitons through torsional motion in the disordered polymer chain is observed. In addition, the push-induced dissociation of high-energy excitons into free charge carriers is able to be quantified and an upper bound on the exciton binding energy determined. Spectroscopic experiments on P3HT are accompanied by a hybrid quantum-classical exciton hopping model in Chapter 4. Coarse-grained molecular dynamics are used to obtain realistic structures of P3HT free chains and nanofibre aggregates, to which a Frenkel-Holstein exciton model and Monte Carlo hopping simulation is applied. This novel approach captures exciton transport properties of polymer systems with a monomer-level of detail unachievable with continuum or lattice style models, but at a large scale infeasible with fully quantum calculations. Reasonable quantitative agreement with experimental observables is obtained, offering insight into the morphology-dependence of exciton transport in conjugated polymers. In particular, the observed tendency for exciton migration to the core of the polymer aggregate can explain the relatively poor performance of highly crystalline or nanofibre-based polymer solar cells, as well as the unusually high fluorescence yield of aqueous P3HT nanoparticles. The effect of disorder in small molecule semiconductor films is investigated in Chapter 5 in the context of singlet exciton fission and triplet fusion under the influence of applied magnetic fields. A model is presented that extends the historical theory of molecular spin interactions in crystalline materials and corrects the current understanding in the literature regarding such disordered solid-phase systems. The possibility of using the fluorescence response to magnetic fields to probe the morphology and degree disorder in the films is demonstrated. Extending the model to solution-phase behaviour is then discussed in Chapter 6, where the potential of improving the light-harvesting ability of solar cells through a molecular triplet-triplet annihilation upconversion process is considered. Molecular dynamics simulations are used to obtain physical parameters and collision geometry of the emitter molecules in solution. The complications of applying a static model of triplet fusion to the dynamic solution-phase behaviour are elucidated and the potential of synthesising an ideal upconversion emitter molecule is discussed.