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Developing a Ministry of Excellence was written to help guide you to the next level of ministry, where you are not only blessed but also be a blessing as well. As you develop a ministry of excellence to the glory of God, you can expect to see positive results. You will have a deeper understanding of how to learn God's will and way for your life, you will be motivated to do your part as a believer, and you will be equipped to handle challenges and develop a hunger for a deeper relationship with God. God wants to blow your mind, but he is waiting on you to line up with his will.
Why settle for adequate when you can be first-rate?There is no shortage of ministers who desire to achieve excellence. But only a few dare to demand it of themselves. In this clear call for action, Kenneth Copeland shows how to turn that inner desire into a firm decision to be all that God has called you to be. No matter what area of...
Resurrecting Excellence aims to rekindle and encourage among Christian leaders an unselfish ambition for the gospel that shuns both competition and mediocrity and rightly focuses on the beauty, power, and excellence of living as faithful disciples of the crucified and risen Christ. Drawing on ancient traditions and on contemporary voices, L. Gregory Jones offer both a theology of excellence and portraits of pastors, lay leaders, and congregations that embody "a more excellent way."--Publisher's description.
Do you sense God's call on your life to the ministry? If so, why settle for anything less than the prize of your high calling of God in Christ Jesus (Phil. 3:14)? In this book, Robb Thompson gives you invaluable principles from the Word to help you answer God's call to the ministry with excellence. But as Robb stresses...
This book is about building Christian character and the development of ones personal ministries, which includes integrity, commitment, dedication, and devotion. It assures believers that God will never take them any place in their ministries where they are forced to retreat. Bishop Newman Ministry is one of the most important assignments our Savior has commissioned to the church. Each member has an assigned purpose or call for the cause of Christ. How seriously you take that calling will determine your level of maturity as a believer. My father and I have devoted this text to helping believers achieve spiritual maturity. Timothy Keller, in his book Ever Good Endeavor, says, A story begins when something knocks life off balance. Then the progresses, of the plot thickens, as the protagonists struggle to restore that balance and peace while antagonistic forces block and resist them. Finally, the story ends as the struggle results in either the restoration of balance or the failure to recover it. Thats a good story! As baptized believers, our lives have been knocked off balance by the wiles of the devil, and by grace, we are seeking restoration through the blood of Jesus, who was wounded for our transgression and bruised for our iniquities. Our strategy for restoration and development toward Christian maturity and Christlikeness must be based on our commitment, dedication, and devotion to the Will of God. Pastor Israel E. Newman
How can well-meaning but sometimes ill-prepared laypeople guide the path of a church body? A leadership expert provides the secret, which lies in offering effective, practical training.
The key to effective leadership in the vast majority of today's churches lies as much with their governing boards as it does with their pastor. But many churches are lead by those who volunteer to chair committees because there is a need, yet they have no leadership training to speak of. How can well-meaning but sometimes ill-prepared lay people guide the path of a church body? The secret lies in offering effective, practical training. Leadership expert Aubrey Malphurs provides this in Leading Leaders. Filling a gaping hole in leadership literature, Malphurs offers workable strategies to train laypeople to successfully lead their churches.
"Excellence in Ministry" is a captivating and transformative guidebook that offers a fresh perspective on the essential principles of ministry and unveils the path to achieving excellence in every aspect of service. Authored by the esteemed Dr. O.J. Shabazz, a renowned minister and mentor to church leaders, this book serves as a comprehensive roadmap for pastors, church leaders, and ministry workers seeking to elevate their ministries to new heights. With profound insights, practical wisdom, and a deep understanding of the dynamics of ministry, Dr. Shabazz explores the significance of protocols and etiquettes that are often overlooked but are crucial for fostering healthy church environments and impactful leadership. Drawing from his rich experience and biblical foundations, he skillfully navigates through topics such as meticulous preparation, integrity and ethics, nurturing relationships, inspiring vision, servant leadership, team collaboration, resource stewardship, and yielding to God's Spirit. Through engaging storytelling, thought-provoking teachings, and real-life examples, Dr. Shabazz challenges readers to embrace excellence in their ministries. He emphasizes the importance of aligning one's actions and attitudes with the teachings of Jesus Christ, recognizing that true excellence comes from a heart fully surrendered to God's will. Each chapter offers practical insights and actionable steps that empower readers to implement excellence in their own ministry contexts, bringing about positive change and transformation. What sets "Excellence in Ministry" apart is Dr. Shabazz's ability to blend biblical principles with contemporary relevance. He skillfully connects timeless truths to the challenges and complexities faced by today's church leaders, making the book both inspiring and practical. This remarkable work not only equips pastors and church leaders but also serves as a guide for every Christian seeking to live a life of purpose and impact. Whether you are a seasoned minister, a church leader, or simply a believer desiring to make a difference, "Excellence in Ministry" will inspire, challenge, and equip you to reach new levels of effectiveness and influence. Prepare to embark on a transformative journey as Dr. Shabazz unveils the keys to operating in excellence and empowers you to impact lives, shape communities, and bring glory to God through your ministry.
QUOTES FROM THE CHAPTER, "LET'S BE REAL" Do we have any understanding of the un-churched culture in which we live and the way these people view the church? Do we spend intentional time cultivating relationships with non-Christian people, or is our attitude one of "they know where we are, and they'll come if they want to?" If the church is truly to experience a revival, we must seek to understand the needs and thinking of "unchurched Harry and Mary." We need to stop playing our pious, religious games and realize that the church is to be a haven for broken, hurting people who feel they don't have their lives all together. And if we look at the teachings of Jesus, He consistently taught that it was those people who felt "they had it all together" who in fact were farthest from God! In no way am I diminishing the importance of sound doctrine, but I have often laughingly said that "we will be surprised when we get to Heaven at some of the people living in our neighborhood!" We must acknowledge our own struggles with complex issues and, at times, admit that we don't have God in a neat box and therefore don't have all the answers. Although sound theology is important, my Bible says first and foremost that they will know we are Christians by our love! Christ said that He had come, not to "comfort the already comfortable", but to "preach good news to the proclaim recovery of sight to the release the oppressed...and to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor." Is that our message as well? If not, then it's time for us to be real!
Pastors of smaller membership churches have a huge calling. They are responsible for changing the world! Rather than look at the small number of members in their congregations as a limitation, pastors should view their congregations as an elite force, able to impact their communities for the Kingdom of God. Small Church, Excellent Ministry is a handbook designed for pastors serving in smaller membership churches. This book will help you to conduct your ministry with excellence. Written by practitioners and professors, the information provided in this book is on the vanguard of pastoral ministry and is useful for training pastors to be leaders of their churches.