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The scientific and economic importance of the high-temperature reactions of hydrocarbons in both the presence and absence of oxygen cannot be overemphasized. A vast chemical industry exists based on feedstocks produced by the controlled pyrolysis of hydrocarbons, while uncontrolled combustion in air is still among the most important sources of heat and mechanical energy. The detonation and explosion of hydrocarbon-oxidant mixtures can however, be a highly dangerous phenomenon which destroys lives and equipment. In order that control can be exerted over combustion processes, a complete description of hydrocarbon oxidation and pyrolysis is required. A major contribution to this is an understanding of the unstable intermediates involved and their reactions. The aim of this book is to review our knowledge of the chemistry of hydrocarbon combustion and to consider the data which are available for relevant reactions. Chapter 1 describes early studies in which the apparent complexity of the chemistry was established and the type of information required for a better understanding was defined. Experimental studies of the overall process which were carried out with the aim of establishing the sequence of stable chemical intermediates and some of the unstable species are described in Chapter 2. The limited nature of the information thus obtained showed that independent studies of individual reactions involving the unstable species were required. In Chapter 3 investigations specifically aimed at the determination of the kinetics of elementary reactions are discussed.
In general, combustion is a spatially three-dimensional, highly complex physi co-chemical process oftransient nature. Models are therefore needed that sim to such a degree that it becomes amenable plify a given combustion problem to theoretical or numerical analysis but that are not so restrictive as to distort the underlying physics or chemistry. In particular, in view of worldwide efforts to conserve energy and to control pollutant formation, models of combustion chemistry are needed that are sufficiently accurate to allow confident predic tions of flame structures. Reduced kinetic mechanisms, which are the topic of the present book, represent such combustion-chemistry models. Historically combustion chemistry was first described as a global one-step reaction in which fuel and oxidizer react to form a single product. Even when detailed mechanisms ofelementary reactions became available, empirical one step kinetic approximations were needed in order to make problems amenable to theoretical analysis. This situation began to change inthe early 1970s when computing facilities became more powerful and more widely available, thereby facilitating numerical analysis of relatively simple combustion problems, typi cally steady one-dimensional flames, with moderately detailed mechanisms of elementary reactions. However, even on the fastest and most powerful com puters available today, numerical simulations of, say, laminar, steady, three dimensional reacting flows with reasonably detailed and hence realistic ki netic mechanisms of elementary reactions are not possible.
This overview compiles the on-going research in Europe to enlarge and deepen the understanding of the reaction mechanisms and pathways associated with the combustion of an increased range of fuels. Focus is given to the formation of a large number of hazardous minor pollutants and the inability of current combustion models to predict the formation of minor products such as alkenes, dienes, aromatics, aldehydes and soot nano-particles which have a deleterious impact on both the environment and on human health. Cleaner Combustion describes, at a fundamental level, the reactive chemistry of minor pollutants within extensively validated detailed mechanisms for traditional fuels, but also innovative surrogates, describing the complex chemistry of new environmentally important bio-fuels. Divided into five sections, a broad yet detailed coverage of related research is provided. Beginning with the development of detailed kinetic mechanisms, chapters go on to explore techniques to obtain reliable experimental data, soot and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, mechanism reduction and uncertainty analysis, and elementary reactions. This comprehensive coverage of current research provides a solid foundation for researchers, managers, policy makers and industry operators working in or developing this innovative and globally relevant field.
Using CARM (Computer Aided Reduction Method), a computer program that automates the mechanism reduction process, a variety of different reduced chemical kinetic mechanisms for ethylene and n-heptane have been generated. The reduced mechanisms have been compared to detailed chemistry calculations in simple homogeneous reactors and experiments. Reduced mechanisms for combustion of ethylene having as few as 10 species were found to give reasonable agreement with detailed chemistry over a range of stoichiometries and showed significant improvement over currently used global mechanisms. The performance of reduced mechanisms derived from a large detailed mechanism for n-heptane was compared to results from a reduced mechanism derived from a smaller semi-empirical mechanism. The semi-empirical mechanism was advantageous as a starting point for reduction for ignition delay, but not for PSR calculations. Reduced mechanisms with as few as 12 species gave excellent results for n-heptane/air PSR calculations but 16-25 or more species are needed to simulate n-heptane ignition delay.
Work supported by the Office of Standard Reference Data, National Bureau of Standards, Naval Sea Systems Command, Department of the Navy, and Division of Conservation, Research and Technology, Energy Research and Development Administration.
Combustion has played a central role in the development of our civilization which it maintains today as its predominant source of energy. The aim of this book is to provide an understanding of both fundamental and applied aspects of low-temperature combustion chemistry and autoignition. The topic is rooted in classical observational science and has grown, through an increasing understanding of the linkage of the phenomenology to coupled chemical reactions, to quite profound advances in the chemical kinetics of both complex and elementary reactions. The driving force has been both the intrinsic interest of an old and intriguing phenomenon and the centrality of its applications to our economic prosperity. The volume provides a coherent view of the subject while, at the same time, each chapter is self-contained.
Using CARM (Computer Aided Reduction Method), a computer program that automates the mechanism reduction process, a variety of different reduced chemical kinetic mechanisms for ethylene and n-heptane have been generated. The reduced mechanisms have been compared to detailed chemistry calculations in simple homogeneous reactors and experiments. Reduced mechanisms for combustion of ethylene having as few as 10 species were found to give reasonable agreement with detailed chemistry over a range of stoichiometries and showed significant improvement over currently used global mechanisms. The performance of reduced mechanisms derived from a large detailed mechanism for n-heptane was compared to results from a reduced mechanism derived from a smaller semi-empirical mechanism. The semi-empirical mechanism was advantageous as a starting point for reduction for ignition delay but not for PSR calculations. Reduced mechanisms with as few as 12 species gave excellent results for n-heptane/air PSR calculations but 16-25 or more species are needed to simulate n-heptane ignition delay.
Mathematical Modelling of Gas-Phase Complex Reaction Systems: Pyrolysis and Combustion, Volume 45, gives an overview of the different steps involved in the development and application of detailed kinetic mechanisms, mainly relating to pyrolysis and combustion processes. The book is divided into two parts that cover the chemistry and kinetic models and then the numerical and statistical methods. It offers a comprehensive coverage of the theory and tools needed, along with the steps necessary for practical and industrial applications. Details thermochemical properties and "ab initio" calculations of elementary reaction rates Details kinetic mechanisms of pyrolysis and combustion processes Explains experimental data for improving reaction models and for kinetic mechanisms assessment Describes surrogate fuels and molecular reconstruction of hydrocarbon liquid mixtures Describes pollutant formation in combustion systems Solves and validates the kinetic mechanisms using numerical and statistical methods Outlines optimal design of industrial burners and optimization and dynamic control of pyrolysis furnaces Outlines large eddy simulation of turbulent reacting flows