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All readers, both novice and longtime practitioners, will encounter in this book new answers, and new questions, to the what, why and how of Zen practice. We've all had moments in our lives when we've thought, "Something is missing. There must be more to life than this." It is this sense that often brings people to the practice of Zen. By turning to Zen, they acknowledge that this "something" lies not in externals, but rather in seeking to transcend desire and attachment. The journey toward that transcendence begins with questioning, and questions will be part of the path until awakening is attained. In What More do You Want? a fascinating new book by renowned Zen master Albert Low, he addresses some of the questions students have posed about the practice of Zen: Why do we practice? Why should we seek to understand our reasons for practicing? How can we distinguish between true and false practice? What is awakening? In addition, Low shares with his readers four teishos--talks that comment on a text or koan in order to enhance meditation practice--on zazen or seated meditation, on pain and suffering, and on the very nature of practice itself. Finally, Low shares with readers an experience of satori, a glimpse into Buddha nature.
AMIGO lector es para mí un placer compartir este mi primer libro contigo y dejarte saber como el amor angelical cambio mi vida de una triste y derrotada a una llena de luz y como aprendí a perdonar, cuando los ángeles esos maravillosos seres de luz entraron a mi vida cambiando toda mi vieja estructura mental/espiritual, en el te encontraras paso a paso con relatos verídicos, mensajes, oraciones nombres de ángeles y arcángeles unas cartas de afirmación que te serán de gran ayuda.
Zen is essentially a practice and not a dogma; no amount of theory or discussion will ever take the place of a few minutes of practice. Among the many books about Zen, there are few that explain simply, to the interested beginner, how to do Zen—how to just sit down and begin to work toward fulfillment of the promises offered by Zen. Zen Meditation Plain and Simple answers this need with concise, easily understood instructions on how to incorporate Zen into your daily life. Albert Low makes no glib claims or promises. He admits that the way of Zen is not an easy one to follow. But, for those willing to stop talking about Zen, stop thinking about Zen, and start working to be and do in the manner of Zen, Zen Meditation Plain and Simple offers just the right tool to get the job done.
¿Qué es el budismo zen? El zen no propone ni dios ni revelación, ni dogma, ni promete ningún paraíso. Pone el acento en la dimensión existencial invitando a cada un o a desdramatizar sus sufrimientos y a liberarse de ellos. Su éxito no puede explicarse por una seducción fácil, pues su práctica es rigurosa y sus maestros tienen reputación de severos. El zen es una práctica abierta a todos, en la que la experiencia del despertar está al alcance de todos sin distinción de ninguna clase. Esta vía se transmite en el marco de una relación particular, de maestro a discípulo, de espíritu a espíritu, de corazón a corazón.
In Zen and Creative Management, Albert Low, Zen teacher and former business executive, combines Eastern and Western thought to provide mangers with a blueprint for better understanding, improved decision making, and increased awareness of society as a whole.
Invites seekers to open themselves to the authentic experience of meditation, revealing ways to ask spiritually powerful questions and determine the real answers.
La meditación zen --o zazen-- puede considerarse una "depuración de la mente" porque la purifica y libera de las ideas inútiles y fugaces que nos atascan y limitan. Una vez que logremos la concentración e interiorización que requiriere su práctica, despertaremos nuestro espíritu y tendremos una vida creativa, armoniosa y plena. Sin importar que nuestros conocimientos sobre budismo sean pocos, este libro nos da la oportunidad de iniciarnos en nuestra búsqueda espiritual.
Albert Low, teacher and director of the Montreal Zen Centre and dharma heir of Roshi Philip Kapleau, here provides an engaging collection of talks, stories, and articles on Zen. Though the entries range from dharma talks on koans to discussions on Buddhism and Christianity, they all address concrete concerns of our lives and reveal the author's profound insights.