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The moss genus Hennediella is taxonomically revised. A key, descriptions, illustrations, distribution data, LM and SEM photographs of the 15 species recognized are provided. A morphometric study of 226 specimens is carried out to test the most significant characters and a multivariate analysis is made for the Hennediella heimii group to distinguish patterns of morphological differentiation. Thirty-seven names are lectotypified and two epitypes designated. Hennediella serrulata and H. angustifolia are transferred to the genus Syntrichia. Desmatodon spelaeus, Hennediella oedipodioides, Pottia chubutensis and Syntrichia astoma are synonymyzed with H. heimii, and Pottia fusco-mucronata and Hennediella acutidentata with H. antarctica. Hennediella acletoi and T. leiostomoides are synonymyzed respectively with H. denticulata and H. longirostris. The sporophyte of Hennediella bellii is described for the first time. New records for various countries of the study area are reported.
The first modern comprehensive listing of the mosses that occur in tropical America, LATMOSS catalogs over 4000 records of species and infraspecies, with selected synonymy.
Zeitschrift für Krypotgamenkunde.
La diversidad muscinal en los países andinotropicales (Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú y Bolivia) se estima en 76 familias, 362 géneros y 2089 táxones a nivel específico e infraespecífico. Este catálogo, basado fundamentalmente en el estudio de especímenes de herbario, incluye para cada especie aceptada su distribución altitudinal en los países tratados y su distribución mundial. Se hacen dos combinaciones nuevas: Acroporium esmeraldicum (Müll. Hal.) W.R. Buck y Pseudocrossidium granulosum (Thér.) S.P. Churchill. Las siguientes especies son nuevos sinónimos de las incluidas entre corchetes: Coscinodon pseudocribrosus Hastings [=Coscinodon bolivianus Broth.], Daltonia fenestrellata D.G. Griffin [=Daltonia brevinervis E.B. Bartram], Lepidopilidium synoicum Herzog [=Lepidopilidium divaricatum (Dozy & Molk.) Broth.], Leucodon peruvianus Broth. [=Leucodon curvirostris Hampe], Neckera trabeculata Herzog [=Neckera scabridens Müll. Hal.], Papillaria pseudofunalis Müll. Hal. [=Papillaria imponderosa (Taylor) Broth.], Papillaria pseudosinuata Müll. Hal. [=Meteorium sinuatum (Müll. Hal.) Müll. Hal.], Papillaria subsquamatula Müll. Hal. [=Papillaria penicillata (Dozy & Molk.) Broth.], Rhapidostegium turgidulum Herzog [=Sematophyllum subpinnatum (Brid.) E. Britton] y Triquetrella spiculosa Thér. [=Zygodon pichinchensis (Taylor) Mitt.].
Vol. 18 (1938) "Seventy-five years; a history of the Buffalo society of natural sciences, 1861-1936" (3 p. 1., 5-204 p.).