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Este libro es el resultado de la experiencia del congreso Pobreza y desigualdad social: retos para la reconfiguración de la política social, tres jornadas de trabajo intenso, en las que poco más de 400 interesados en casi 60 ponencias. Para reflexionar en torno a los escenarios sociopolíticos que emanan de losdos grandes conceptos aquí reunidos, se privilegiaron voces académicas que trajeran consigo diagnósticos multidisciplinares alrededor del eje de congreso, buscando una posible reconfiguración de estrategias y modelos de intervención yatención sociales que convoquen a quienes se encargan de tomar las decisiones.
This book may seem a simple accumulation of twenty-one public space projects in eight Latin American cities. On closer inspection, the presentation of project descriptions, photographs, and annotated drawings reflects a concern to analytically explain the operative aspects at work. The publication is not intended to serve only as a catalogue, guide, or manual on how to produce public space in spontaneous settlements. Rather, it goes beyond the aims of an index of best practices. It is intended, instead, as an empirical base for a critical and theoretical engagement with the problematic of development, social inclusion, public investment, (in)formal settlement, civil society and the public sphere. The publication achieves its final function at this third level, by providing a compelling argument to expand the agency of architects and urban designers and creatively find ways of justifying, financing, and building public spaces in communities —spaces that have a catalytic effectiveness in achieving significant urban and social transformation. This book was awarded by a Graham Foundation Grant and CAF Development Bank of Latin America. FEATURED CASE STUDIES: CONSERVATION 72 Linear parks along the Estero Salado | Guayaquil, Ecuador 80 National Park Babil.nia and Chap.u Mangueira | R.o de Janeiro, Brasil 88 Urban agriculture along the Rimac River | Lima, Peru WASTE MANAGEMENT 96 Moravia Ecological Park | Medellin, Colombia 104 Plaza La Cruz, La Palomera | Caracas, Venezuela RISKMANAGEMENT 112 El Guasmo Beach, floodable park | Guayaquil, Ecuador 120 Safety plazas in Santa Mar.a El Triunfo | Lima, Peru 128 Recovery of the Juan Bobo Creek | Medellin, Colombia INFRASTRUCTURE 136 Northeast metrocable parks Comuna 1, La Popular | Medell.n, Colombia 144 Barrio Las Independencias escalators and walkways | Medellin, Colombia 152 Funicular in Dona Marta | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 160 Complexo do Alem.o | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 168 Ecotecnia Urbana Miravalle | Mexico City, Mexico PAVEMENT, PATHS AND THE SPACE SURROUNDING BUILDINGS 176 Pavement, paths and stairs Cerro Santo Doming and Cerro Toro |, Chile 184 Cerro Santa Ana urban rehabilitation | Guayaquil, Ecuador 192 Fernando Botero Library | Medellin, Colombia 200 Moravia Cultural Center | Medellin, Colombia 208 Espa.o Crian.a and community programs | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 216 Plaza in Villa Tranquila | Buenos Aires, Argentina ACTIVITY 224 Casa Kolacho Comuna 13 | Medellin, Colombia 232 AfroReggae Cultural Center | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 240 Alto Per. | Lima, Peru 248 El Calvario Puertas Abiertas | Caracas, Venezuela
Esta investigación surge como resultado de la preocupación acerca del efecto que los procesos de cambio social impulsados por el inicio de la Gran Recesión que llegó a España en el año 2008 han tenido en el aumento y transformación de las desigualdades sociales en general, y del sinhogarismo en particular. La realidad “sin hogar” es una de las formas más extremas que la exclusión social adquiere y, al igual que la crisis actual, hunde sus raíces en procesos sociohistóricos que se remonta, principalmente, a las transformaciones que tuvieron lugar en los países de las democracias capitalistas avanzadas a partir de los años 70 del pasado siglo. En este sentido, el presente trabajo profundiza en los procesos de cambio social impulsados desde aquel momento –y con mayor importancia desde 2008– para analizar su efecto en la transformación de las trayectorias biográficas que dirigen al sinhogarismo en la ciudad de Madrid. Por ello, se lleva a cabo un análisis de las transformaciones sociales, laborales, económicas y políticas y legislativas y su impacto en la realidad “sin hogar”. De esta manera, los factores socioestructurales se sitúan como elementos explicativos fundamentales para comprender este fenómeno, los cambios que en el mismo están teniendo lugar, y las dinámicas que se conjugan en esta compleja realidad social. Por su relevancia en el análisis de las desigualdades sociales, estos factores son los vinculados a las transformaciones del mercado de trabajo, del Estado de bienestar y del mercado y políticas de vivienda...
Lavapiés - diverse, multicultural, and one of Madrid’s most iconic neighbourhoods - has emerged as a locus of resistance movements and of cultural flourishing. Poised at the intersection of theatre studies and cultural geography, this innovative study sketches its physical and imaginary contours. In From the Theater to the Plaza Matthew Feinberg guides readers on a journey through the development of the theatre, as both art and space, in Lavapiés. Offering a detailed analysis of dramatic texts and productions, performance spaces, urban planning documents, and the cultural activities of squatters, Feinberg sheds new light on the lead-up to Spain’s economic crisis and the emergence in 2011 of the 15-M anti-austerity protest movement. The result is a multidisciplinary account of how the spectacle of the contemporary city connects local, municipal, and global geographies. By linking the neighbourhood’s unique role as both a site and a subject of Madrid’s theatre tradition with its contemporary struggles over gentrification, From the Theater to the Plaza offers new approaches for understanding how culture and capital produce the twenty-first-century city.
The growing literature on comparative European housing policy has played a major part in developing our understanding of the way housing in provided in different countries, and in the way the interaction between the stat, market and civil society is conceptualized. However, much of this analysis is rooted without question in the welfare states of northern Europe – there has been almost no research published in English on the provision of housing in southern Europe. Such research as exists deals with specific feature of housing policy, invariably in a single country. There is probably a better understanding of the housing systems of the former communist countries than those of southern Europe.