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A guide to using the power of design flexibility to improve the performance of complex technological projects, for designers, managers, users, and analysts. Project teams can improve results by recognizing that the future is inevitably uncertain and that by creating flexible designs they can adapt to eventualities. This approach enables them to take advantage of new opportunities and avoid harmful losses. Designers of complex, long-lasting projects—such as communication networks, power plants, or hospitals—must learn to abandon fixed specifications and narrow forecasts. They need to avoid the “flaw of averages,” the conceptual pitfall that traps so many designs in underperformance. Failure to allow for changing circumstances risks leaving significant value untapped. This book is a guide for creating and implementing value-enhancing flexibility in design. It will be an essential resource for all participants in the development and operation of technological systems: designers, managers, financial analysts, investors, regulators, and academics. The book provides a high-level overview of why flexibility in design is needed to deliver significantly increased value. It describes in detail methods to identify, select, and implement useful flexibility. The book is unique in that it explicitly recognizes that future outcomes are uncertain. It thus presents forecasting, analysis, and evaluation tools especially suited to this reality. Appendixes provide expanded explanations of concepts and analytic tools.
Flexible Work: Designing Our Healthier Future Lives examines flexible working through the lens of social science, in particular using psychological perspective to address not only what forms of flexible working there are and how they are evolving but also their prospect in the future of work. Bringing together views from thought-leaders and underpinned by research evidence, this book addresses two of the most fundamental business challenges for large and medium organisations – mental health and productivity – calling for the bridging of science and policy to design flexible working for our future healthier lives. Growing from these foundations, this book explains the latest landscape in flexible working, looking at employee psychological health and productivity, including showing up for work sick. Perspectives are provided from around the world on leadership, line management, ‘over attachment’ with technology, commuting, skill-based inequality and control over working time. Readers are offered insights into the relevance of flexible working for a diverse workforce – invisible disabilities, disabilities, older workers and blended families. Throughout, the book offers suggestions for shaping future policy, practice and research. Each chapter concludes with recommendations, making this essential reading for students, academics, human resource practitioners, policy-influencers, policymakers and professionals interested in flexible work.
Strategies for building large systems that can be easily adapted for new situations with only minor programming modifications. Time pressures encourage programmers to write code that works well for a narrow purpose, with no room to grow. But the best systems are evolvable; they can be adapted for new situations by adding code, rather than changing the existing code. The authors describe techniques they have found effective--over their combined 100-plus years of programming experience--that will help programmers avoid programming themselves into corners. The authors explore ways to enhance flexibility by: Organizing systems using combinators to compose mix-and-match parts, ranging from small functions to whole arithmetics, with standardized interfaces Augmenting data with independent annotation layers, such as units of measurement or provenance Combining independent pieces of partial information using unification or propagation Separating control structure from problem domain with domain models, rule systems and pattern matching, propagation, and dependency-directed backtracking Extending the programming language, using dynamically extensible evaluators
Design for flexibility requires anticipation, preparation, creativity and experience. Future highly digital sociotechnical systems should contrast with those stemming from technology-centered engineering that produces objects and machines with the immensely codified and rigid practices we know today. Most of the time, current technologies are designed and developed for normal situations, leaving users to manage abnormal and emergency situations themselves, sometimes under unforeseen, extreme and/or dangerous conditions. Putting humans at the center of the design of flexible sociotechnical systems means visualizing possible futures, modeling them, simulating them and leading them down the right paths. This book is for the engineering designers, who seek to better understand the roles of humans and organizations developing complex life-critical systems. It is also for those who train future designers who will have to take into account the well-being, safety, sustainability and efficiency of the actors of future sociotechnical systems. It is about an emergent discipline, human systems integration (HSI). The aim of the flexibility challenge is to put the artificial at the service of the natural, and not the other way around. The author, an aerospace engineering designer, has worked for 40 years in the field of human-centered design (HCD) of complex systems, discovering repeatedly that automation leads to rigidity, especially when things go wrong. It is urgent we had a new paradigm where flexibility is a major asset in human systems integration. HCD is seen here as the combination of practices and technologies to come.
Design Methodology for Future Products – Data Driven, Agile and Flexible provides an overview of the recent research in the field of design methodology from the point of view of the members of the scientific society for product development (WiGeP - Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Produktenwicklung e.V.). This book aims to contribute to design methods and their implementation for innovative future products. The main focus is the crucial data-driven, agile, and flexible way of working. Four topics are covered in corresponding chapters, Methods for Product Development and Management, Methods for Specific Products and Systems, Facing the Challenges in Product Development and Model-Based Engineering in Product Development. This publication starts with the agile strategic foresight of sustainable mechatronic and cyber-physical systems, moves on to the topics of system generation engineering in development processes, followed by the technical inheritance in data-driven product development. Product improvements are shown via agile experiential learning based on reverse engineering and via combination of usability and emotions. Furthermore, the development of future-oriented products in the field of biomechatronic systems, sustainable mobility systems and in situ sensor integration is shown. The overcoming of challenges in product development is demonstrated through context-adapted methods by focusing on efficiency and effectiveness, as well as designer-centered methods to tackle cognitive bias. Flow design for target-oriented availability of data and information in product development is addressed. Topics of model-based systems engineering are applied to the function-driven product development by linking model elements at all stages and phases of the product. The potential of model-based systems engineering for modular product families and engineering of multidisciplinary complex systems is shown.
"The world of typography is more exciting than ever. While the legacies of classical typographers will always be respected and revered, recent developments have paved the way for the new generation of digitally-savvy creatives to explore and experiment with an eye-opening range of variable possibilities. Curated, written, and designed by renowned design agency TwoPoints.Net, On the Road to Variable showcases an inspiring array of projects and interviews with those who fearlessly push the boundaries and embrace the new frontier in design: the flexible future of typography."--back cover.
Human–Systems Integration: From Virtual to Tangible Subject Guide: Ergonomics and Human Factors This book is an attempt to better formalize a systemic approach to human–systems integration (HSI). Good HSI is a matter of maturity... it takes time to mature. It takes time for a human being to become autonomous, and then mature! HSI is a matter of human–machine teaming, where human–machine cooperation and coordination are crucial. We cannot think engineering design without considering people and organizations that go with it. We also cannot think new technology, new organizations, and new jobs without considering change management. More specifically, this book is a follow-up of previous contributions in human-centered design and practice in the development of virtual prototypes that requires progressive operational tangibility toward HSI. The book discusses flexibility in design and operations, tangibility of software-intensive systems, virtual human-centered design, increasingly autonomous complex systems, human factors and ergonomics of sociotechnical systems, systems integration, and changed management in digital organizations. The book will be of interest to industry, academia, those involved with systems engineering, human factors, and the broader public.