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An exciting frontier in quantum information science is the creation and manipulation of bottom-up quantum systems that are built and controlled one by one. For the past 30 years, we have witnessed signi cant progresses in harnessing strong atom- eld interactions for critical applications in quantum computation, communication, simulation, and metrology. By extension, we can envisage a quantum network consisting of material nodes coupled together with in nite-dimensional bosonic quantum channels. In this context, there has been active research worldwide to achieve quantum optical circuits, for which single atoms are wired by freely-propagating single photons through the circuit elements. For all these systems, the system-size expansion with atoms and photons results in a fundamental pathologic scaling that linearizes the very atom- eld interaction, and signi cantly limits the degree of non-classicality and entanglement in analog atom- eld quantum systems for atom number N 1. The long-term motivation of this MSc thesis is (i) to discover new physical mechanisms that extend the inherent scaling behavior of atom- eld interactions and (ii) to develop quantum optics toolkits that design dynamical gauge structures for the realization of lattice-gauge-theoretic quantum network and the synthesis of novel quantum optically gauged materials. The basic premise is to achieve the strong coupling regime for a quantum many-body material system interacting with the quantized elds of an optical cavity. Our laboratory e ort can be described as the march towards \many-body QED," where optical elds acquire some properties of the material interactions that constrain their dynamical processes, as with quantum eld theories. While such an e ort currently do not exist elsewhere, we are convicted that our work will become an essential endeavor to enable cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) in the bona- de regime of quantum many-body physics in this entanglement frontier. In this context, I describe an example in Chapter 2 that utilizes strong RydbergRydberg interactions to design dynamical gauge structures for the quantum square ice models. Quantum uctuations driven by cavity-mediated in nite-range interaction stabilize the quantum-gauged system into a long-range entangled quantum spin liquid that may be detected through the time-ordered photoelectric statistics for photons leaking out of the cavity. Fractionalized \spinon" and \vison" excitations can be manipulated for topological quantum computation, and the emergent photons of arti cial QED in our lattice gauge theoretic system can be directly measured and studied. The laboratory challenge towards strongly coupled cavity Rydberg polaritons encompasses three daunting research milestones that push the technological boundaries beyond of the state-of-the-arts. In Chapter 3, I discuss our extreme-high-vacuum chamber (XHV) cluster system that allows the world's lowest operating vacuum environment P ' 10 Torr for an ultracold AMO experiment with long background-limited trap lifetimes. In Chapter 4, I discuss our ultrastable laser systems stabilized to the ultra-low-expansion optical cavities. Coupled with a scalable eld-programmable-gate-array (FPGA) digitalanalog control system, we can manipulate arbitrarily the phase-amplitude relationship of several dozens of laser elds across 300 nm to 1550 nm at mHz precision. In Chapter 5, we discuss the quantum trajectory simulations for manipulating the external degrees of freedom of ultracold atoms with external laser elds. Electrically tunable liquid crystal lens creates a dynamically tunable optical trap to move the ultracold atomic gases over long distance within the ultra-high-vacuum (UHV) chamber system. In Chapter 6, I discuss our collaborative development of two science cavity platforms { the \Rydberg" quantum dot and the many-body QED platforms. An important development was the research into new high-index IBS materials, where we have utilized our low-loss optical mirrors for extending the world's highest cavity nesse F 500k! We discuss the unique challenges of implementing optical cavity QED for Rydberg atoms, which required tremendous degrees of electromagnetic shielding and eld control. Single-crystal Sapphire structure, along with Angstrom-level diamond-turned Ti blade electrodes, is utilized for the eld compensation and extinction by > 60 dB. Single-crystal PZTs on silica V-grooves are utilized for the stabilization of the optical cavity with length uncertainty less than 1=100 of a single nucleon, along with extreme level of vibration isolation in a XHV environment. The capability to perform in-situ RF plasma cleaning allows the regeneration of optical mirrors when coated with a few Cs atoms. Lastly but not the least, we combine single-atom resolution quantum gas microscopy technique with superpixel holographic algorithm to project arbitrary real-time recon gurable di raction-limited optical potential landscapes for the preparation of low-entropy atom arrays.
This collection of articles provides authoritative and up-to-date reviews on the Hubbard Model. It will be useful to graduate students and researchers in the field.
This thesis explores the physics of non-equilibrium quantum dynamics in homogeneous two-dimensional (2D) quantum gases. Ultracold quantum gases driven out of equilibrium have been prominent platforms for studying quantum many-body physics. However, probing non-equilibrium dynamics in conventionally trapped, inhomogeneous atomic quantum gases has been a challenging task because coexisting mass transport and spreading of quantum correlations often complicate experimental analyses. In this work, the author solves this technical hurdle by producing ultracold cesium atoms in a quasi-2D optical box potential. The exquisite optical trap allows one to remove density inhomogeneity in a degenerate quantum gas and control its dimensionality. The author also details the development of a high-resolution, in situ imaging technique to monitor the evolution of collective excitations and quantum transport down to atomic shot-noise, and at the length scale of elementary collective excitations. Meanwhile, tunable Feshbach resonances in ultracold cesium atoms permit precise and dynamical control of interactions with high temporal and even spatial resolutions. By employing these state-of-the-art techniques, the author performed interaction quenches to control the generation and evolution of quasiparticles in quantum gases, presenting the first direct measurement of quantum entanglement between interaction quench generated quasiparticle pairs in an atomic superfluid. Quenching to attractive interactions, this work shows stimulated emission of quasiparticles, leading to amplified density waves and fragmentation, forming 2D matter-wave Townes solitons that were previously considered impossible to form in equilibrium due to their instability. This thesis unveils a set of scale-invariant and universal quench dynamics and provides unprecedented tools to explore quantum entanglement transport in a homogenous quantum gas.
Based on the '240' Conference held at the University of Chicago in September of 2012, this special volume of The Advances in Chemical Physics series celebrates scientific research contributions and careers of R. Stephen Berry, Stuart A. Rice and Joshua Jortner. In addition to continuing the chemical physics field with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in the discipline, Volume 157 explores the following topics: The Emergence and Breakdown of Complexity Dynamics at Extremes Grand Questions Regarding Biomolecular Homochirality in the Origin and Evolution of Life The book: celebrates the scientific research contributions and careers of R. Stephen Berry, Stuart A. Rice and Joshua Jortner contributes to the only series available that presents the cutting edge of research in chemical physics includes contributions from experts in this field of research structured with an editorial framework that makes the book an excellent supplement to an advanced graduate class in physical chemistry or chemical physics
Quantum phenomena of many-particle systems are fascinating in their complexity and are consequently not fully understood and largely untapped in terms of practical applications. Ultracold gases provide a unique platform to build up model systems of quantum many-body physics with highly controlled microscopic constituents. In this way, many-body quantum phenomena can be investigated with an unprecedented level of precision, and control and models that cannot be solved with present day computers may be studied using ultracold gases as a quantum simulator.This book addresses the need for a comprehensive description of the most important advanced experimental methods and techniques that have been developed along with the theoretical framework in a clear and applicable format. The focus is on methods that are especially crucial in probing and understanding the many-body nature of the quantum phenomena in ultracold gases and most topics are covered both from a theoretical and experimental viewpoint, with interrelated chapters written by experts from both sides of research.Graduate students and post-doctoral researches working on ultracold gases will benefit from this book, as well as researchers from other fields who wish to gain an overview of the recent fascinating developments in this very dynamically evolving field. Sufficient level of both detailed high level research and a pedagogical approach is maintained throughout the book so as to be of value to those entering the field as well as advanced researchers. Furthermore, both experimentalists and theorists will benefit from the book; close collaboration between the two are continuously driving the field to a very high level and will be strengthened to continue the important progress yet to be made in the field.
This volume provides a broad overview of the principal theoretical techniques applied to non-equilibrium and finite temperature quantum gases. Covering Bose-Einstein condensates, degenerate Fermi gases, and the more recently realised exciton-polariton condensates, it fills a gap by linking between different methods with origins in condensed matter physics, quantum field theory, quantum optics, atomic physics, and statistical mechanics.
The field of atomic, molecular, and optical (AMO) science underpins many technologies and continues to progress at an exciting pace for both scientific discoveries and technological innovations. AMO physics studies the fundamental building blocks of functioning matter to help advance the understanding of the universe. It is a foundational discipline within the physical sciences, relating to atoms and their constituents, to molecules, and to light at the quantum level. AMO physics combines fundamental research with practical application, coupling fundamental scientific discovery to rapidly evolving technological advances, innovation and commercialization. Due to the wide-reaching intellectual, societal, and economical impact of AMO, it is important to review recent advances and future opportunities in AMO physics. Manipulating Quantum Systems: An Assessment of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics in the United States assesses opportunities in AMO science and technology over the coming decade. Key topics in this report include tools made of light; emerging phenomena from few- to many-body systems; the foundations of quantum information science and technologies; quantum dynamics in the time and frequency domains; precision and the nature of the universe, and the broader impact of AMO science.
Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Volume 71 provides a comprehensive compilation of recent developments in a field that is in a state of rapid growth as new experimental and theoretical techniques are used on many problems, both old and new. Topics covered include related applied areas, such as atmospheric science, astrophysics, surface physics, and laser physics, with timely articles written by distinguished experts. Sample content covered in this release includes Attosecond generation and application from X-ray Free Electron Lasers. Presents the work of international experts in the field Contains comprehensive articles that compile recent developments in a field that is experiencing rapid growth, with new experimental and theoretical techniques emerging Ideal for users interested in optics, excitons, plasmas and thermodynamics Covers atmospheric science, astrophysics, and surface and laser physics, amongst other topics
Recent experimental and theoretical progress has elucidated the tunable crossover, in ultracold Fermi gases, from BCS-type superconductors to BEC-type superfluids. The BCS-BEC Crossover and the Unitary Fermi Gas is a collaborative effort by leading international experts to provide an up-to-date introduction and a comprehensive overview of current research in this fast-moving field. It is now understood that the unitary regime that lies right in the middle of the crossover has remarkable universal properties, arising from scale invariance, and has connections with fields as diverse as nuclear physics and string theory. This volume will serve as a first point of reference for active researchers in the field, and will benefit the many non-specialists and graduate students who require a self-contained, approachable exposition of the subject matter.