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Operations may be described in general terms as including disassembly of reactor subassemblies and their constituent fuel elements, fuel purification, refabrication of fuel elements, and reassembly of the reactor core subassemblies for reloading into the reactor.
Koch, former manager of the Experimental Breeder Reactor-II (EBR-II), offers a first-hand account of the development, design, construction, and initial operation of this facility, which has contributed to the foundation of knowledge for all fast reactors. He explains why certain design choices were made while others were rejected. He also outlines how he thinks that future sodium cooled fast reactors should be designed, based on the experience gained with EBR-II. An appendix traces the lineage of EBR-II, including original memos and meeting notes, beginning with Enrico Fermi and Walter Zinn and progressing to the formation of the EBR-II project. B&w photos and illustrations are included. The book is of interest to designers of future fast reactors. There is no subject index.
In this comprehensive volume, Stevenson recounts the history of the Experimental Breeder Reactor-II (EBR-II), the Fuel Cycle Facility (FCF), and the process requirements of this unique technology. The author also explains the reasons behind the remarkable success of both the EBR-II and the FCF. These data, presented as a useful information source, should be of considerable significance to the continuing development of nuclear power.
The initial "Hazard Summary Report - Experimental Breeder Reactor-II (EBR-II)" was published as ANL-5719 in May, 1957. At the time of preparation of ANL-5719 (early 1957), the design of the EBR-II Facility was in progress - construction had not started. This Addendum is limited, for the most part, to changes which have been made in the EBR-II Facility, and to supporting experimental data developed, since the publication of ANL-5719.
Consistent with the intent of this International Atomic Energy Agency technical meeting, decommissioning operating experience and contributions to the preparation for the Coordinated Research Project from Experimental Breeder Reactor-II activities will be discussed. This paper will review aspects of the decommissioning activities of the Experimental Breeder Reactor-II, make recommendations for future decommissioning activities and reactor system designs and discuss relevant areas of potential research and development. The Experimental Breeder Reactor-II (EBR-II) was designed as a 62.5 MWt, metal fueled, pool reactor with a conventional 19 MWe power plant. The productive life of the EBR-II began with first operations in 1964. Demonstration of the fast reactor fuel cycle, serving as an irradiation facility, demonstration of fast reactor passive safety and lastly, was well on its way to close the fast breeder fuel cycle for the second time when the Integral Fast Reactor program was prematurely ended in October 1994 with the shutdown of the EBR-II. The shutdown of the EBR-II was dictated without an associated planning phase that would have provided a smooth transition to shutdown. Argonne National Laboratory and the U.S. Department of Energy arrived at a logical plan and sequence for closure activities. The decommissioning activities as described herein fall into in three distinct phases.
Experimental Breeder Reactor No. II (EBR-II), initially designed, built, and operated as a demonstration fast-neutron power reactor with an integral fuel cycle facility, has been operated as an LMFBR irradiation test facility for approximately the past fourteen years. The initial core loading and subsequent fuel has been fabricated by Argonne National Laboratory and two commercial vendors. Fuel-fabrication techniques, equipment, and procedures currently in use were originally developed for the recycle of irradiated EBR-II fuel in the remotely operated ANL Fuel Cycle Facility. Fuel-element design has undergone several changes to obtain better performance and extended burnup. Correspondingly, fuel-fabrication techniques have been modified and refined, and the process has been placed in conformance with new administrative, safety, quality-assurance, and safeguards requirements.
An investigation has been made of criticality problems which might be encountered in EBR-II Fuel Cycle Facility. The purpose of the investigation was to determine quantity and configuration limits of the investigation was to determine quantity and configuration limits for EBR-II fuel of the first core composition during storage, handling and processing of this fuel material in the EBR-II Fuel Cycle Facility. Brief consideration in processing future EBR-II cores which are expected to contain plutonium as a fissionable matrial.