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Philosophical thought is deciphered and made comprehensible and interesting to almost everyone.
Beknopte introductie tot leven en werk van de Franse filosoof (1596-1650).
This edition includes the quintessential works of Descartes, to whom modern learning is indebted for some of the most potent factors in its advancement. These are: in Mathematics, the invention of the Binomial Theorem and the application of Algebra to Geometry in the Analytical Geometry; in Physics, the suggestion of the evolution of the universe through Vortices and the discovery of the laws of the Refraction of Light; in Physiology, the doctrine of the Animal Spirits and the theory of the Mechanism of the soul's operation in the body; in Philosophy, the finding of the ultimate reality in subjective consciousness and the deducting thence of an argument for, if not a proof of, the Existence of God; in Epistemology, the grounding of scientific Law on the existence of a true God; in Ethics, the tracing of evil to the necessary error arising from judgments based on finite and therefore imperfect knowledge. Inluded are The Discourse on Method The Meditations The Principles of Philosophy
The long chains of simple and easy reasonings by means of which geometers are accustomed to reach the conclusions of their most difficult demonstrations, had led me to imagine that all things, the knowledge of which is competent to man, are mutually connected in the same way, and that there is nothing so far removed from us as to be beyond our reach, or so hidden that we cannot discover it, provided only we abstain from accepting the false for the true, and always preserve in our thoughts the order necessary for the deduction of one truth from another. from Part II Sometimes called the father of modern philosophy, French mathematician, scientist, and writer RENE DESCARTES (15961650) continues to have a deeply profound impact on our modern world. His thinking on how the mind works and what is it capable of has profoundly impacted our understanding of ourselveshe summed up his philosophy with the phrase I think, therefore I am, which still thrills usand his influence extends to our own experiments with modern computing and artificial intelligence. This treatise on the value of doubt and skepticism when studying the natural world laid the foundation for the modern scientific method as we still employ it today, as well as the basis for modern philosophy. It is impossible to overstate how vital this work is to the entirety of human culture as it stands in the 21st century. Written in French and first published in 1637 under the full title Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting the Reason, and Seeking Truth in the Sciences, it is here presented in the 1901 edition of the 1850 English translation by Scottish poet, philosopher, and historian JOHN VEITCH (18291894).
Often called " The founder of modern philosophy" and the "father of modern mathematics," René Descartes is considered one of the most important and influential thinkers in the history of Western thought, having inspired contemporaries and several generations of later philosophers. Experts affirm that, starting from Descartes, the rationalism of the Modern Age was inaugurated. In this valuable eBook, the reader will be able to learn about Descartes' thought through two of his most important works: " Discourse on the Method" and " Meditations on First Philosophy."
· René Descartes is often described as the first modern philosopher, but much of the content of his Meditations on First Philosophy can be found in the medieval period that had already existed for more than a thousand years. Does God exist? If so, what is his nature? Is the human soul immortal? How does it differ from the body? What role do sense experience and pure reason play in knowing? Descartes stands out from his predecessors because of the method he developed to treat these and other fundamental questions. Drawing on his study of mathematics, he searches for a way to establish absolutely certain conclusions based on indubitable premises. His importance in modern philosophy lies in the challenge he offers to every subsequent thinker in philosophy and science.
With the celebrated words 'I think therefore I am', Descartes' compelling argument swept aside ancient and medieval traditions. He deduced that human beings consist of minds and bodies; that these are totally distinct 'substances'; that God exists and that He ensures we can trust the evidence of our senses. Ushering in the 'scientific revolution' of Galileo and Newton, Descartes' ideas have also set the agenda for debate ever since. By calling everything into doubt, Descartes laid the foundations of modern philosophy.
"It is not enough to have a good mind; it is more important to use it well" René Descartes was a central figure in the scientific revolution of the seventeenth century. In his Discourse on Method he outlined the contrast between mathematics and experimental sciences, and the extent to which each one can achieve certainty. Drawing on his own work in geometry, optics, astronomy and physiology, Descartes developed the hypothetical method that characterizes modern science, and this soon came to replace the traditional techniques derived from Aristotle. Many of Descartes’ most radical ideas—such as the disparity between our perceptions and the realities that cause them—have been highly influential in the development of modern philosophy. This edition sets the Discourse on Method in the wider context of Descartes’ work, with the Rules for Guiding One’s Intelligence in Searching for the Truth (1628), extracts from The World (1633) and selected letters from 1636-9. A companion volume, Meditations and Other Metaphysical Writings, is also published in Penguin Classics.