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El 85% de la superficie de España es rural, y sobre esta amplia diversidad de paisajes, culturas y sistemas económicos, reside una quinta parte del conjunto de la población española. Los habitantes, instituciones y empresas del medio rural son expertos desde hace décadas en lidiar con crisis de diferentes calados; emigración, envejecimiento, declive económico del sector agrario, pérdida de servicios públicos€pero también en encontrar respuestas creativas a las limitaciones que enfrentan. En esta última faceta, una política pública europea destinada a revitalizar zonas rurales (iniciativa y metodología LEADER), ha jugado un papel esencial a la hora de promover innovaciones sociales, económicas y ambientales protagonizadas por quienes habitan y emprenden en estos territorios. Unas 300 comarcas españolas han aplicado este enfoque basado en la participación local, la planificación y el apoyo a iniciativas novedosas, en un modelo que ahora la Unión Europea quiere hacer extensivo a zonas urbanas. Este libro hace un repaso sobre la evolución de los procesos desarrollo rural en España y la aplicación de LEADER, pero lejos de caer en el elogio, propone recuperar y actualizar las esencias de esta metodología, a través del Enfoque de Desarrollo Humano. Además de la revisión de conceptos, se ofrecen pautas concretas sobre cómo aplicar este enfoque en los procesos de diagnóstico y planificación de las estrategias de desarrollo local que deben elaborar las comarcas rurales con el horizonte puesto en el año 2020.
La crisis en el mundo rural se da prácticamente desde que se habla de la oposición rural-urbano. Las transformaciones demográficas y territoriales acontecidas en España en los últimos dos siglos han desembocado en un fuerte desplazamiento de la población, desde el campo hacia las ciudades, y en una fuerte desagrarización de las comunidades. La agricultura hoy tan sólo ocupa a un escaso 4% de la población total española, y la población rural se ha reducido al 25%. El modelo de agricultura industrial, promovida a lo largo del siglo XX por todo tipo de organizaciones y administraciones públicas, ha generado un abandono masivo de la actividad, dejando un poso de desempleo, desestructuración social y dependencia del medio rural hacia los núcleos urbanos; y acarreando importantes problemáticas ecológicas. Las nuevas dinámicas poblacionales se entrecruzan con un proceso de desagrarización aún no finalizado, dibujando un panorama social altamente complejo y en constante evolución. La agricultura ha perdido peso tanto político y económico como social en el desarrollo del medio rural. En el presente número de Documentación Social recogemos algunos trabajos que en los últimos años articulan dos elementos, metodologías participativas y visiones agroecológicas del Desarrollo Rural, como formas de encarar esta secular crisis del medio rural español, desde el análisis a las propuestas de acción. Son trabajos innovadores que, de alguna forma y mediante las metodologías participativas aplicadas, tratan de hacer “ciencia con la gente”, para articular propuestas alternativas de desarrollo, o alternativas al desarrollo.
Very often the process of globalization is referred the word economy evolution. Often we measure and study globalization in the economic relevance. The economy is possibly the most recognized dimension of globalization. That is why we see many new phenomena and processes on economic macro levels and economic sectoral horizons as well as on specific "geography of globalization". The book The Economic Geography of Globalization consists of 13 chapters divided into two sections: Globalization and Macro Process and Globalization and Sectoral Process. The Authors of respective chapters represent the great diversity of disciplines and methodological approaches as well as a variety of academic culture. This book is a valuable contribution and it will certainly be appreciated by a global community of scholars.
This book is one of the main outcomes of the projects “Development Programmes and Rural Change in the European Union: governance, results and lessons to share”and “Successes and failures in the practice of neoendogenous rural development in the European Union (1991-2013)”, funded both of them by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. This publication aims, on one side, to clarify and deepen the knowledge of the social, economic and territorial effects of the LEADER approach, and, on the other, to analyze the importante of the participation of several stakeholders (young people and women) as well as some traditional activities –agriculture- or modern ones (tourism) linked all of them to the rich cultural and natural heritage of these areas. It also provides an in-depth study of the causes that lead to the generation of successful projects in the practice of neoendogenous rural development and also explores the reasons that cause certain projects to fail in the path towards LEADER support so that they are finally not implemented. In addition, it is shown the problems, results and best practices that cause the neoendogenous rural development in different areas inside of the European Union: Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and United Kingdom. Thereby it helps to improve the decision-making in rural development, both on a local and regional scale. The multidisciplinary and international character of the authors, as well as the specificity of the research trajectory of each of them, in the analysis of rural development, enriches the publication and facilitates the different and critical reflections on the contributions, errors and meaning of the neoendogenous local development. Researchers in this discipline and technicians working in the practice of rural development along the European Union are the main audience of the book.
The beginning of the twenty first century has been characterized by the expansion of economics, politics and institutional relations. this book illustrates the local answer to the challenge of increasing competition.
This book provides an overview of the progress in Spanish tourism geography, particularly after the overlay of financial, pandemic and climate crisis, by the scrutiny of the different geographical areas and variables of analysis. It shows the diversity of geographical environments and their varied relationship with tourism, from the emptied inland regions to urban heritage in historic centres to coastal resorts. The book also introduces the analysis of the most important variables when studying the implications of Spanish tourist specialization. How are the beaches with intensive tourist use managed? What socio-spatial processes do leisure-rooted migrations involve? What are the labour conditions in the Spanish tourism industry? How does saving water boost tourism growth? The book offers answers through a methodological specificity of Spanish geography, which is highly oriented towards the analysis of public policies and even the proposal of new planning and methodology formulas that go beyond diagnostic studies. The domestic perspective, or that of insiders, of these scientists residing in Spain bestows them with special codes for conducting interpretations and analyses based on their everyday proximity to a territory characterised by its intense touristification. The tourism and real estate specialisation that Spanish society, together with its territory and institutions, have forged since the beginning of “developmentalism” permeates this scientific analysis. By providing a strong conceptual and empirical portrait, this book is a great resource for students and scholars in geography of tourism, as well as for social scientists and policy makers.
The expansion of married women's property rights was a main achievement of the first wave of feminism in Latin America. As Carmen Diana Deeere and Magdalena Leon reveal, however, the disjuncture between rights and actual ownership remains vast. This is particularly true in rural areas, where the distribution of land between men and women is highly unequal. In their pioneering, twelve-country comparative study, the authors argue that property ownership is directly related to womenÆs bargaining power within the household and community, point out changes resulting from recent gender-progressive legislation, and identify additional areas for future reform, including inheritance rights of wives.