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La pandemia a causa del covid19 ha tenido un inmenso impacto en las personas, no sólo en los hábitos diarios y el estilo de vida, sino también en lo social y en lo laboral. -- La transición post confinamiento nos permite apreciar sus efectos en diversos ámbitos, como el aumento del comercio electrónico, el mayor desarrollo de la inteligencia artificial, la utilización de medios de pago online en detrimento del dinero físico, el uso indispensable de tecnologías digitales, la necesidad de recurrir a la telemedicina como vía de acceso a la atención sanitaria, o la conversión a la energía limpia. -- Al mismo tiempo, la gestión del talento dentro de las empresas y la forma de establecer nuevas relaciones de trabajo ha dado lugar a que evolucionen más rápido ciertas tendencias que ya se venían implementando en el mundo laboral. El mayor uso de diversas plataformas para la conexión a través de videoconferencias ha sido adoptado masivamente, y el teletrabajo ha ido ganando cada vez más terreno dentro de las empresas. -- En esta obra se hace alusión a un gran abanico de cuestiones que invitan a reflexionar y a tomar conciencia crítica acerca de los retos y oportunidades que tienen las empresas en la era post-covid.
Industrial policy has long been regarded as a strategy to encourage sector-, industry-, or economy-wide development by the state. It has been central to competitiveness, catching up, and structural change in both advanced and developing countries. It has also been one of the most contested perspectives, reflecting ideologically inflected debates and shifts in prevailing ideas. There has lately been a renewed interest in industrial policy in academic circles and international policy dialogues, prompted by the weak outcomes of policies pursued by many developing countries under the direction of the Washington Consensus (and its descendants), the slow economic recovery of many advanced economies after the 2008 global financial crisis, and mounting anxieties about the national consequences of globalization. The Oxford Handbook of Industrial Policy presents a comprehensive review of and a novel approach to the conceptual and theoretical foundations of industrial policy. The Handbook also presents analytical perspectives on how industrial policy connects to broader issues of development strategy, macro-economic policies, infrastructure development, human capital, and political economy. By combining historical and theoretical perspectives, and integrating conceptual issues with empirical evidence drawn from advanced, emerging, and developing countries, The Handbook offers valuable lessons and policy insights to policymakers, practitioners and researchers on developing productive transformation, technological capabilities, and international competitiveness. It addresses pressing issues including climate change, the gendered dimensions of industrial policy, global governance, and technical change. Written by leading international thinkers on the subject, the volume pulls together different perspectives and schools of thought from neo-classical to structuralist development economists to discuss and highlight the adaptation of industrial policy in an ever-changing socio-economic and political landscape.
El libro que aquí se presenta Educación 4.0 en la época de Pandemia y Pospandemia: retos y oportunidades representa un esfuerzo consistente y pertinente que expone lecciones, aprendizajes y áreas de oportunidad que tienen las organizaciones de educación superior a partir del uso generalizado de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (tic), durante y posterior a la pandemia por COVID-19. Esta obra está dirigida a los docentes y actores involucrados en los procesos educativos, pues no es conveniente dar vuelta a la hoja y retomar las antiguas prácticas presenciales y tradicionales después de todo el aprendizaje acumulado que se gestó durante esta etapa de contingencia, sino que estas experiencias nos conduzcan hacia escenarios de la Educación 4.0, indispensable para la conformación de ciudadanos del México del siglo XXI. DOI:
Christine Schmalenbach examines the use and potential of cooperation among students at high-risk schools in El Salvador with the objective of facilitating a culture- and context-sensitive use of cooperative learning in this setting and in similar ones in other countries. At the core is an ethnography of a marginalized neighborhood in the metropolitan area of San Salvador. The author collected data throughout a school year, mostly through participant observation and interviews with teachers, students, parents, and co-workers of a local NGO. To provide context, she conducted a literature review on the history of cooperation among students in El Salvador and implemented an exploratory survey among teachers in the same municipality.
This Handbook presents a comprehensive overview of the interaction between migration and development from a range of critical and counter-hegemonic perspectives. Exploring the strengths and weaknesses of existing practices connected with the migration and development nexus, contributing authors provide a clear understanding of their complex dynamics.