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Entre los días 25 y 27 de febrero de 2020, en la Universidad Católica de Colombia, se celebraron las VI Jornadas Hispánicas de Derecho Natural, sobre el tema general de «Derecho natural y economía». El programa, diseñado orgánicamente, ha sido ejecutado con rigor, como prueba este volumen que recoge sus actas. Considera la actividad económica a la luz de los principios de la ley natural y de la doctrina social de la Iglesia, tanto en su despliegue en el tiempo como en sus principios permanentes e instituciones fundamentales. Para, a partir de los mismos, afrontar los problemas económicos actuales y sugerir un remedio para las crisis que nos aquejan. Dirigido, coordinado y editado por Miguel Ayuso, profesor de la Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid, han colaborado en el mismo los profesores e investigadores Danilo Castellano (Udine), José Luis Widow (Viña del Mar), Matías Petersen (Santiago de Chile), Juan Fernando Segovia (Mendoza), Julio Alvear (Santiago de Chile), José Antonio Ullate (Pamplona), Adrien Peneranda (Toulouse), Ricardo Dip (São Paulo) y Pedro José Izquierdo (Quito).
At eighty-five, Jacques Maritain, the most distinguished Catholic philosopher of the twentieth century, has written what he offers as his last book, and it turns out to be a shocker. The peasant, as Maritain calls himself in the title, is a man who calls a spade a spade; and a storm of controversy descended immediately on the book's publication in France, as both Right and Left reeled from the force of Maritain's criticism.The Peasant of the Garonne is a sharp attack on the new philosophy, hoping to cool off the fever for change that Maritain believes is imperiling the church's traditional spirituality and even the substance of doctrine. There is sardonic humor in his treatment of Teilhardians, phenomenologists, existentialists, new-style biblical critics, and clerical Freudians, but Maritain is deeply serious in warning that their capitulation to fashioniable trends represents a kind of kneeling before the world.
The university reforms that took place in Europe throughout the 18th century were an important moment of change in the history of these institutions. In the Iberian Peninsula, this wave of reforms left its mark in Coimbra and Salamanca (later reaching the other Spanish universities). Portugal and Spain were no strangers to the motivations and even to the general lines of this wave of reforms. Inseparable from the ideas of the Enlightenment, and with a clear will to combat the backwardness and decadence of these institutions, rather ambitious projects emerged, albeit in different degrees. Coimbra faced a rather disruptive initial situation while in Salamanca later plans (1807, for example) proved to be quite ambitious as well. All having a mandatory nature, it would not be correct to say that these Universities did not participate in these processes of reform. Individually or on behalf of collective bodies, several initiatives and proposals emerged during this period in both Universities. In addition, the participation of professors in the statutes and plans that were launched since 1771 is recurrent. Beyond this aspect, it will not be forced to state that the curricular aspect was the most significant mark of these reforms. Thus, we chose to study in a comparative way subjects that sought to explain the concept of nature and its products. With the clear objective of preparing a body of technicians capable of providing a rational and effective exploitation of the various natural products, the faculties of mathematics and philosophy emerged. In the case of medicine, natural products were essential to produce medicines and in this sense the reform of this knowledge brought, among other changes, matters linked to pharmaceutical studies. In the area of law, a relevant introduction was natural law. The perception of natural law was not similar in both countries, and an evident consequence was the greater instability of this chair in Salamanca. Inseparable from the curricular aspects was the adoption of foreign compendia and the encouragement given to the teachers to write their own textbooks. The adoption of textbooks was quite similar, and clearly shows us the lines that reformers sought to follow to modernize these university institutions.
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