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Singing Schumann is likely to become the standard introduction to some of the best-loved songs in the singer's repertoire. Written by a distinguished performer and internationally known teacher, the book offers astute, practical advice for bringing Robert Schumann's Lieder to life in performance. Richard Miller guides the reader through the interpretation of all of Schumann's solo and duet songs, drawing thoroughly on Schumann's compositional style and its historical background. In addition to covering the "familiar forty"--the much-performed songs Schumann composed in and around 1840 while trying to win the hand of Clara Wieck--Miller takes an in-depth look at the lesser known early and later songs. In particular, he focuses on the rich and varied repertoire of Schumann's later years, challenging the conventional view that these works reflect a decline in the composer's creative powers. Singing Schumann begins with an overview of Schumann as a song composer and then proceeds to survey the entire repertoire, song by song. It features the well-known cycles, including the Eichendorff Liederkreis, Frauenliebe und -leben, and Dichterliebe, as well as the Liederalbum für die Jugend and settings of texts by Goethe, Burns, Rückert, and Kulmann. Using numerous musical examples, Miller uncovers Schumann's characteristic compositional devices and describes his novel and experimental approaches to the interpretation of texts, often achieved through exceptionally colorful keyboard accompaniments. Musically sensitive and eminently readable, Singing Schumann is an invaluable guide for teachers, coaches, pianists, and singers.
This book shows how recent work in cognitive science, especially that developed by cognitive linguists and cognitive psychologists, can be used to explain how we understand music. The book focuses on three cognitive processes--categorization, cross-domain mapping, and the use of conceptual models--and explores the part these play in theories of musical organization. The first part of the book provides a detailed overview of the relevant work in cognitive science, framed around specific musical examples. The second part brings this perspective to bear on a number of issues with which music scholarship has often been occupied, including the emergence of musical syntax and its relationship to musical semiosis, the problem of musical ontology, the relationship between words and music in songs, and conceptions of musical form and musical hierarchy. The book will be of interest to music theorists, musicologists, and ethnomusicologists, as well as those with a professional or avocational interest in the application of work in cognitive science to humanistic principles.
"Die soziale Welt und die Theorie der sozialen Handlung," das aus gleich zu erkHirenden Griinden hinzugefiigt wurde, obwohl es yom Autor nieht aufgefiihrt worden war. AIle vorliegenden Abhandlungen sind, wie der Titel dieses Bandes anzeigt, Studien zur soziologischen Theorie. Sie gruppieren sieh nach den allge meinen Kategorien der reinen und angewandten Theorie, wobei die erste Gruppe die erst en zwei Abhandlungen dieses Buches um faBt. Die Reihenfolge, in der sieh das Material innerhalb der zwei Hauptteile prasentiert, ist im groBen und ganzen die chronolo gische Folge der Erstveroffentlichung. Zunachst ein paar Bemerkungen iiber den Band als ganzen. Der Titel "Angewandte Theorie" kann vielleieht miBverstand lich erscheinen, wenn. man den Schliissel-Satz von Teil2 in dem Sinne liest, als wiirde er Einsiehten in die Struktur praktischer Ziele beinhalten. Diese Studien besch1i. ftigen sieh Dieht mit "So zial-Technik" (social engineering) oder "Wie lost man soziale Probleme?" Sie beschaftigen sieh, wie der Autor in seinem ganzen Lebenswerk, mit der Anwendung der Theorie auf ein besseres Verstandnis der sozialen Realitat. Ihr Akzent liegt mehr auf dem Verstehen als auf der Anwendung. Und dennoch fiihren die hier entwiekelten Interpretationen des tieferen Sinnes von mensch lichem Verhalten naher zu einem sinnvollen Zugang zu dessen Problemen als es Abhandlung iiber "Techniken und Methoden des Losens von Problemen" je konnten. Der Mann, der mit einem Hauch von Selbstreflektion Aufsatze schrieb iiber "Gleiehheit" und iiber "Den Fremden" und iiber "Den Heimkehrel," ist in allen menschliehen Dingen ein Weiser und nieht minder ein Forscher und Gelehrter.
The various phases of life and their manifestations in theory and social reality constitute a well-established area of research in the fields of western medieval studies and ancient history. In this respect the Byzantine East has been widely neglected. This volume will focus on the Byzantine experience of adolescence, which may be defined as the biological transition from childhood to adulthood as well as the social and psychological experience of leaving the care of parents, guardians and family groups and the gradual integration into adult society. The contributions gathered therein treat seven subtopics that correspond to crucial questions in the current research on adolescence: the legal status of adolescents; the mechanisms of transition from childhood to adolescence; the socialisation and gradual integration into adult society; adolescents in Byzantine art; psychological aspects of adolescence from medieval to modern times; illnesses of adolescents; adolescents in the western medieval world.The focus is on the Middle and Late Byzantine Period, where historical, hagiographical,legal and medical sources offer rich material for an investigation of these aspects. The book contributes to a better understanding of all these questions and to show future trajectories for research.