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The goal of this project is to demonstrate the clinical usefulness of computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) in mammographic detection of breast cancer. Our plan is to develop advanced CAD schemes for detection and characterization of clustered microcalcifications and masses by incorporating artificial neural networks and various image processing techniques. Clinical mammography workstations for automated detection of suspicious lesions in mammograms will be developed by integration of laser digitizer, high-speed computer-and advanced CAD software. The prototype workstations will be used as a "second opinion in interpreting mammograms by reducing observational errors. The outcomes of radiologists' image readings in the detection of breast cancer will be evaluated by examining radiologists' performance when reading films only and when reading film with the computer results. we believe that the outcomes of this demonstration project will lead to large-scale clinical trials and will result in commercial projects for practical routine use in breast imaging.
Architectural distortion is an important and early sign of breast cancer, but because of its subtlety, it is a common cause of false-negative findings on screening mammograms. Screening mammograms obtained prior to the detection of cancer could contain subtle signs of early stages of breast cancer, in particular, architectural distortion. This book presents image processing and pattern recognition techniques to detect architectural distortion in prior mammograms of interval-cancer cases. The methods are based upon Gabor filters, phase portrait analysis, procedures for the analysis of the angular spread of power, fractal analysis, Laws' texture energy measures derived from geometrically transformed regions of interest (ROIs), and Haralick's texture features. With Gabor filters and phase-portrait analysis, 4,224 ROIs were automatically obtained from 106 prior mammograms of 56 interval-cancer cases, including 301 true-positive ROIs related to architectural distortion, and from 52 mammograms of 13 normal cases. For each ROI, the fractal dimension, the entropy of the angular spread of power, 10 Laws' texture energy measures, and Haralick's 14 texture features were computed. The areas under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves obtained using the features selected by stepwise logistic regression and the leave-one-image-out method are 0.77 with the Bayesian classifier, 0.76 with Fisher linear discriminant analysis, and 0.79 with a neural network classifier. Free-response ROC analysis indicated sensitivities of 0.80 and 0.90 at 5.7 and 8.8 false positives (FPs) per image, respectively, with the Bayesian classifier and the leave-one-image-out method. The present study has demonstrated the ability to detect early signs of breast cancer 15 months ahead of the time of clinical diagnosis, on the average, for interval-cancer cases, with a sensitivity of 0.8 at 5.7 FP/image. The presented computer-aided detection techniques, dedicated to accurate detection and localization of architectural distortion, could lead to efficient detection of early and subtle signs of breast cancer at pre-mass-formation stages. Table of Contents: Introduction / Detection of Early Signs of Breast Cancer / Detection and Analysis of Oriented Patterns / Detection of Potential Sites of Architectural Distortion / Experimental Set Up and Datasets / Feature Selection and Pattern Classification / Analysis of Oriented Patterns Related to Architectural Distortion / Detection of Architectural Distortion in Prior Mammograms / Concluding Remarks
This project aims at the implementation of a computer-aided diagnosis system for the detection of microcalcifications on mammograms based on the algorithms developed by the principal investigator and others. In addition, proposed research includes: (1) algorithm improvement for the detection of microcalcifications, (2) mammographic image compression and its impact on computer-aided diagnosis (CADx), and (3) computer-aided classification of benign and malignant masses on mammograms. In the past year, we have developed several algorithms and have studied part of the proposed research: (a) development of filtering techniques with wavelet transform to reduce mammographic structures other than microcalcifications, (b) performance of preliminary study in the detection of microcalcifications, (c) performance of mammographic compression studies using split gray values and full-frame DCT techniques, (d) evaluation of the impact of the compression with respect to various degrees of data compression, and (f) partial implementation of CADx system in a DEC Alpha workstation (user interface and some image functions). Breast cancer, Diagnosis, Computer.
X-ray mammography screening is the current mainstay for early breast cancer detection. It has been proven to detect breast cancer at an earlier stage and to reduce the number of women dying from the disease. However, it has a number of limitations. These current limitations in early breast cancer detection technology are driving a surge of new technological developments, from modifications of x-ray mammography such as computer programs that can indicate suspicious areas, to newer methods of detection such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or biochemical tests on breast fluids. To explore the merits and drawbacks of these new breast cancer detection techniques, the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences convened a committee of experts. During its year of operation, the committee examined the peer-reviewed literature, consulted with other experts in the field, and held two public workshops. In addition to identifying promising new technologies for early detection, the committee explored potential barriers that might prevent the development of new detection methods and their common usage. Such barriers could include lack of funding from agencies that support research and lack of investment in the commercial sector; complicated, inconsistent, or unpredictable federal regulations; inadequate insurance reimbursement; and limited access to or unacceptability of breast cancer detection technology for women and their doctors. Based on the findings of their study, the committee prepared a report entitled Mammography and Beyond: Developing Technology for Early Detection of Breast Cancer, which was published in the spring of 2001. This is a non-technical summary of that report.
The identification and interpretation of the signs of breast cancer in mammographic images from screening programs can be very difficult due to the subtle and diversified appearance of breast disease. This book presents new image processing and pattern recognition techniques for computer-aided detection and diagnosis of breast cancer in its various forms. The main goals are: (1) the identification of bilateral asymmetry as an early sign of breast disease which is not detectable by other existing approaches; and (2) the detection and classification of masses and regions of architectural distortion, as benign lesions or malignant tumors, in a unified framework that does not require accurate extraction of the contours of the lesions. The innovative aspects of the work include the design and validation of landmarking algorithms, automatic Tabár masking procedures, and various feature descriptors for quantification of similarity and for contour independent classification of mammographic lesions. Characterization of breast tissue patterns is achieved by means of multidirectional Gabor filters. For the classification tasks, pattern recognition strategies, including Fisher linear discriminant analysis, Bayesian classifiers, support vector machines, and neural networks are applied using automatic selection of features and cross-validation techniques. Computer-aided detection of bilateral asymmetry resulted in accuracy up to 0.94, with sensitivity and specificity of 1 and 0.88, respectively. Computer-aided diagnosis of automatically detected lesions provided sensitivity of detection of malignant tumors in the range of [0.70, 0.81] at a range of falsely detected tumors of [0.82, 3.47] per image. The techniques presented in this work are effective in detecting and characterizing various mammographic signs of breast disease.
The performance of a CAD system for subtle lesions is generally much lower than their performance for less subtle lesions. The goal of this project is to develop a CAD system using advanced computer vision techniques aiming at improved detection of retrospectively seen cancers on prior mammograms and incorporate the developed CAD system into our current CAD system. During the project years, we have performed the following tasks: (1) collect the data sets of digitized film mammograms for training and testing our CAD system, (2) develop a series of single-view computer vision techniques for mass detection and classification in prior mammograms, (3) reduce FPs by correlation of image information from multiple view mammograms of the same patient, (4) develop a information fusion scheme to combine the new CAD system with the existing CAD system for mass detection, and (5) evaluate the effects of the newly developed CAD scheme with a large data set. We have found that our new computer-vision techniques can significantly improve the performance of the CAD system for mass detection by JAFROC analysis. The significance of this project is that the newly developed CAD system may be able to aid radiologists in detecting breast cancers at an early stage. Since early detection and treatment can reduce breast cancer mortality rate and health care costs, the proposed CAD system will improve the efficacy of mammography for breast cancer screening.
In November 1999, the Institute of Medicine, in consultation with the Commission on Life Sciences, the Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Applications, and the Board on Science, Technology and Economic Policy launched a one year study on technologies for early detection of breast cancer. The committee was asked to examine technologies under development for early breast cancer detection, and to scrutinize the process of medical technology development, adoption, and dissemination. The committee is gathering information on these topics for its report in a number of ways, including two public workshops that bring in outside expertise. The first workshop on "Developing Technologies for Early Breast Cancer Detection" was held in Washington DC in February 2000. The content of the presentations at the workshop is summarized here. A second workshop, which will focus on the process of technology development and adoption, will be held in Washington, DC on June 19-20. A formal report on these topics, including conclusions and recommendations, will be prepared by the committee upon completion of the one-year study.
The long-term goal of our research is to develop computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) techniques for improving the detection and diagnosis of breast cancer. The hypothesis to be tested in the present project is that radiologists' ability to differentiate malignant from benign breast lesions can be improved by integrating radiologists' perceptual expertise in the interpretation of mammograms with the advantages of automated computer classification. This project has 3 objectives: To combine radiologist-extracted Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) features with image features extracted by a computer to classify malignant and benign clustered microcalcifications in mammograms. To optimally combine radiologists' diagnosis with the result of computer classification. To optimize computer classification for full-field digital mammograms.
The goal of this project is to develop a computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) system for automatic interval change analysis of microcalcification clusters on mammograms. Based on our regional registration method and a search program cluster candidates were detected within the local area on the prior. The cluster on the current image is then paired with the candi-dates to form true (TP-TP) or false (TP-FP) pairs and a correspondence classifier is designed to reduce the (TP-FP). A temporal classifier (TC) based on current and prior information is used if a cluster is detected in the prior, and a current classifier (CurC) based on current information alone is used if no prior cluster is detected. For the TC an LDA, SVM and NN were used. 175 temporal pairs of mammograms were used for evaluation. The registration stage identified 85% (1491175) of the TP-TP pairs with 15 false matches within the 164 image pairs that had detected clusters. The TC based on LDA, SVM and NN achieved a test Az of 0.83, 0.82, 0.84, respectively, for the 164 pairs for classifying the clusters as malignant or benign. For the II clusters without detection on the prior, the test Az by the CurC was 0.72. Four radiologists participated in pilot observer study using our CAD. The average Az in estimating the likelihood of malignancy was 0.70 without CAD and improved to 0.77 with CAD(p=O.04).