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DEMENCIA DIGITAL, Cómo Superarla Herramientas y Técnicas para Reequilibrar la Mente: Retomando el Control. En un mundo donde la tecnología permea cada rincón de nuestra existencia, desde los despertadores que nos despiertan por la mañana hasta las aplicaciones que monitorean nuestro sueño por la noche, nos encontramos en una encrucijada. La digitalización ha traído consigo innumerables beneficios, abriendo puertas a la información, conectando continentes y revolucionando la forma en que vivimos, trabajamos y jugamos. Sin embargo, esta inmersión profunda en el mundo digital también ha traído consigo desafíos inesperados. La "demencia digital", un término coloquial que captura la sensación de estar abrumado y desconectado en un mundo hiperconectado, ha surgido como una preocupación creciente para muchos. Aunque la frase puede evocar imágenes de olvido y confusión, la demencia digital no es una enfermedad en el sentido clínico. Es más bien un síntoma de nuestra relación a veces complicada con la tecnología: una manifestación de cómo, en nuestro esfuerzo por estar siempre conectados, a menudo nos desconectamos de nosotros mismos, de nuestras habilidades innatas y de las personas que nos rodean. Este libro, "DEMENCIA DIGITAL, Cómo superarla", no es un llamado a rechazar la tecnología, sino un manual para navegar por sus aguas turbulentas con equilibrio y conciencia. Al entender cómo hemos llegado a este punto, podremos armarnos con herramientas y estrategias para reequilibrar nuestra mente y retomar el control. No se trata de renunciar a los beneficios de la era digital, sino de aprender a utilizarla de manera que complemente, en lugar de suplantar, nuestras capacidades humanas. En el corazón de este libro se encuentra la sección "Herramientas y Técnicas para Reequilibrar la Mente: Retomando el control". Aquí, desvelaremos prácticas, ejercicios y consejos diseñados para ayudarte a reconectar con tu esencia, fortalecer tus habilidades cognitivas y encontrar un espacio de serenidad en el torbellino digital. Bienvenido a este caminar hacia una relación más sana y enriquecedora con la tecnología, hacia un entendimiento donde la mente humana y la digitalización puedan coexistir en armonía. Juntos, aprenderemos a superar los desafíos de la demencia digital y a abrazar un futuro donde la tecnología es una aliada, no una adversaria.
Demencia digital es un libro de rabiosa actualidad. Un ensayo alarmante pero necesario. A los políticos responsables de la educación les gusta alabar la elevada utilidad didáctica de los medios digitales. Y los grupos de presión de las empresas de software se frotan las manos con las ofertas sensacionales que abrirán a nuestros hijos las puertas de un futuro mejor. Nada funciona hoy en día sin ordenadores, teléfonos inteligentes ni internet. Sin embargo, todo ello entraña unos peligros inmensos, porque su utilización intensa debilita nuestro cerebro. Los niños y los adolescentes pasan más del doble de tiempo con medios digitales que en la escuela. Las consecuencias son trastornos del lenguaje y del aprendizaje, déficit de atención, estrés, depresiones y una disposición creciente a la violencia. A la vista de este preocupante estado de cosas, el doctor Spitzer recuerda sus obligaciones a padres, a profesores y a políticos. Reclama una información objetiva sobre los riegos y exige a los padres que pongan límites al pasatiempo digital de sus hijos para que no se vean arrastrados a la demencia digital y por el bien de su propio futuro.
This is the first in-depth guide to global community psychology research and practice, history and development, theories and innovations, presented in one field-defining volume. This book will serve to promote international collaboration, enhance theory utilization and development, identify biases and barriers in the field, accrue critical mass for a discipline that is often marginalized, and to minimize the pervasive US-centric view of the field.
What constitutes qualitative evidence? This book will break new ground by providing urgently needed standards for qualitative inquiry and tackle the significant issues of what constitutes qualitative evidence. In particular, this book will address the place of qualitative evidence in the planning delivery, and evaluation of health care. The authors first examine the status of qualitative research as evidence versus as "opinion." They then examine such topics as: who decides what counts as evidence, the nature of outcomes, how to evaluate qualitative evidence, constructing evidence within the qualitative project, and research utilization and qualitative research. They conclude with perspectives on the issue of standards for qualitative investigation.
Gnosis means knowledge. But we are not referring to just any knowledge. Gnosis is knowledge which produces a great transformation in those who receive it. Knowledge capable of nothing less than waking up man and helping him to escape from the prison in which he finds himself. That is why Gnosis has been so persecuted throughout the course of history, because it is knowledge considered dangerous for the religious and political authorities who govern mankind from the shadows. Every time this religion, absolutely different from the rest, appears before man, the other religions unite to try to destroy or hide it again. Primordial Gnosis is the original Gnosis, true Gnosis, eternal Gnosis, Gnostic knowledge in its pure form. Due to multiple persecutions, Primordial Gnosis has been fragmented, distorted and hidden.
This definitive edition of Columbus's account of the voyage presents the most accurate printed version of his journal available to date. Unfortunately both Columbus's original manuscript, presented to Ferdinand and Isabella along with other evidence of his discoveries, and a single complete copy have been lost for centuries. The primary surviving record of the voyage-part quotation, part summary of the complete copy-is a transcription made by Bartolome de las Casas in the 1530s. This new edition of the Las Casas manuscript presents its entire contents-including notes, insertions, and canceled text-more accurately, completely, and graphically than any other Spanish text published so far. In addition, the new translation, which strives for readability and accuracy, appears on pages facing the Spanish, encouraging on-the- spot comparisons of the translation with the original. Study of the work is further facilitated by extensive notes, documenting differences between the editors' transcription and translation and those of other transcribers and translators and summarizing current research and debates on unanswered current research and debates on unanswered questions concerning the voyage. In addition to being the only edition in which Spanish and English are presented side by side, this edition includes the only concordance ever prepared for the Diario. Awaited by scholars, this new edition will help reduce the guesswork that has long plagued the study of Columbus's voyage. It may shed light on a number of issues related to Columbus's navigational methods and the identity of his landing places, issues whose resolution depend, at least in part, on an accurate transcription of the Diario. Containing day-by-day accounts of the voyage and the first sighting of land, of the first encounters with the native populations and the first appraisals of his islands explored, and of a suspenseful return voyage to Spain, the Diario provides a fascinating and useful account to historians, geographers, anthropologists, sailors, students, and anyone else interested in the discovery-or in a very good sea story. Oliver Dunn received the PH.D. degree from Cornell University. He is Professor Emeritus in Purdue University and a longtime student of Spanish and early history of Spanish America. James E. Kelley, Jr., received the M.A. degree from American University. A mathematician and computer and management consultant by vocation, for the past twenty years he has studied the history of European cartography and navigation in late-medieval times. Both are members of the Society for the History of Discoveries and have written extensively on the history of navigation and on Columbus's first voyage, Although they remain unconvinced of its conclusions, both were consultants to the National geographic Society's 1986 effort to establish Samana Cay as the site of Columbus's first landing.
This book is a collection of writings on how society has stigmatized mentally ill persons, their families, and their caregivers. First-hand accounts poignantly portray what it is like to be the victim of stigma and mental illness. Stigma and Mental Illness also presents historical, societal, and institutional viewpoints that underscore the devastating effects of stigma.
ñI tell you, God could care less about the poor. Tell me, why must we live here like this? What have we done to deserve this? YouÍre so good and yet you suffer so much,î a young boy tells his mother in Tomàs RiveraÍs classic novel about the migrant worker experience. Outside the chicken coop that is their home, his father wails in pain from the unbearable cramps brought on by sunstroke after working in the hot fields. The young boy canÍt understand his parentsÍ faith in a god that would impose such horrible suffering, poverty and injustice on innocent people. Adapted into the award-winning film ƒand the earth did not swallow him and recipient of the first award for Chicano literature, the Premio Quinto Sol, in 1970, RiveraÍs masterpiece recounts the experiences of a Mexican-American community through the eyes of a young boy. Forced to leave their home in search of work, the migrants are exploited by farmers, shopkeepers, even other Mexican Americans, and the boy must forge his identity in the face of exploitation, death and disease, constant moving and conflicts with school officials. In this new edition of a powerful novel comprised of short vignettes, Rivera writes hauntingly about alienation, love and betrayal, man and nature, death and resurrection and the search for community.
Today’s best companies get it. From Costco® to Commerce Bank, Wegmans to Whole Foods®: they’re becoming the ultimate value creators. They’re generating every form of value that matters: emotional, experiential, social, and financial. And they’re doing it for all their stakeholders. Not because it’s “politically correct”: because it’s the only path to long-term competitive advantage. These are the Firms of Endearment. Companies people love doing business with. Love partnering with. Love working for. Love investing in. Companies for whom “loyalty” isn’t just real: it’s palpable, and driving unbeatable advantages in everything from marketing to recruitment. You need to become one of those companies. This book will show you how. You’ll find specific, practical guidance on transforming every relationship you have: with customers, associates, partners, investors, and society. If you want to be great—truly great—this is your blueprint. We’re entering an Age of Transcendence, as people increasingly search for higher meaning in their lives, not just more possessions. This is transforming the marketplace, the workplace, the very soul of capitalism. Increasingly, today’s most successful companies are bringing love, joy, authenticity, empathy, and soulfulness into their businesses: they are delivering emotional, experiential, and social value–not just profits. Firms of Endearment illuminates this, the most fundamental transformation in capitalism since Adam Smith. It’s not about “corporate social responsibility”: it’s about building companies that can sustain success in a radically new era. It’s about great companies like IDEO and IKEA®, Commerce Bank and Costco®, Wegmans and Whole Foods®: how they earn the powerful loyalty and affection that enables truly breathtaking performance. This book is about gaining “share of heart,” not just share of wallet. It’s about aligning stakeholders’ interests, not just juggling them. It’s about building companies that leave the world a better place. Most of all, it’s about why you must do all this, or risk being left in the dust... and how to get there from wherever you are now.