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The Defence White Paper (Cm 6041-I,II, ISBN 0101604122) published in December 2003 discussed the implications of international security issues (such as the threat of international terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction) for strategic defence priorities, and detailed a revised set of 18 military tasks to underpin future policy planning for the UKs armed forces. Following on from this document, this White Paper sets out the Governments five-year plan for force structure and organisational changes to deliver the revised capability requirements, with an emphasis on using technology to secure maximum military effect from the forces available. This is in order to continue the process of modernisation to provide flexible and adaptable armed forces and to achieve efficiency savings of £2.8 billion by 2007-08, as identified in the Governments 2004 Spending Review. Measures include phased reductions of 1,500 in navy and 7,500 in air force manpower, with an expected army manpower level of 102,000 by 2008; with investment in several major technology systems to support the Network Enabled Capability (NEC) programme.
The Foreign Affairs Committee concludes that the UK has an extremely close and valuable relationship with the US in specific areas of co-operation, for instance in the fields of intelligence and security; that the historic, trading and cultural links between the two countries are profound; and that the two countries share common values in their commitment to freedom, democracy and the rule of law. However, the use of the phrase 'the special relationship' in its historical sense, to describe the totality of the ever-evolving UK-US relationship, is potentially misleading, and its use should be avoided. The report examines key areas of co-operation: military and defence; intelligence; security; nuclear. Other sections cover: the FCO's US network (under unacceptable financial pressure); the British political approach to UK-US relations; the future of the relationship. The Committee believe the UK must continue to position itself closely alongside the US in the future, recognising the many mutual benefits which flow from close co-operation in particular areas. But the UK needs to be less deferential and more willing to say no to the US on those issues where the two countries' interests and values diverge.
A new fusillade of provocative thinking from the author of the bestselling Heat. With Heat, George Monbiot confirmed his standing as one of the most important voices in the war against global warming. But as Bring on the Apocalypse makes clear, Monbiot is far from being a one-issue thinker. In this collection of his journalism, none of which has been published in Canada before, he tackles a wide range of issues drawn from recent headlines, and does so with his familiar fierce intelligence and superb skills as a writer. Grouped by theme into “Arguments with” science, political power, war, religion, economics, and culture, these pieces crackle with intellectual energy and frequently give off sparks of fury. Always, though, their power is rooted in profound knowledge, a solid set of principles, and palpable sincerity. The Globe and Mail said of Heat that it “contains more intellectual challenges by the page than the Canadian media does in a year.” For Bring on the Apocalypse, with its concise, intense broadsides against everything from climate change deniers, to the fundamentalist “Christian Taliban,” to the evils of teen magazines, and what continued interest in the Loch Ness monster says about our attitude to real ones, make that “by the paragraph.”
Providing Peacekeepers analyzes the factors which encourage (or discourage) states from contributing their soldiers to serve in United Nations peacekeeping operations. It focuses on the UN's experiences during the twenty-first century and does so through four thematic and sixteen case study chapters.
This important new study provides a critical analysis of the foreign policies conducted during the first two terms of Tony Blair's government. It focuses upon the government's key foreign policy commitments; three of its most important international relationships (with the US, the European Union, and Africa); and how Blair's government dealt with five fundamental policy issues (political economy, defence, international development, intervention, and Iraq). It argues that throughout this period Labour's foreign policies attempted to paper over some important contradictions.
Ministry of Defence : The Governments expenditure plans 2005-06 To 2007-08
The Government white paper (Cm 6994, ISBN 9780101699426) recommended the renewal of the Trident system, and wanted a decision made in 2007 as delay would imperil the UK's security. This report analyses the white paper's findings and conclusions, and explores the key issues and questions which should be addressed in the debate on the future of the deterrent. The Committee reports some disagreement with the Government's timetable for procurement of new submarines. The reduction in the total number of warheads is welcomed, but as the number deployed on submarines is not to change the Committee is uncertain of the operational significance of this measure. The Committee would also like clarification of the nature and geographical scope of what the Government considers the UK's "vital interests" for which the nuclear deterrent exists. There appears to be no legal consensus that the proposals are consistent with all of the UK's international obligations, in particular the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty, so political considerations will govern the renewal decision. Detailed estimates of the costs are vital to inform the debate. The Committee acknowledges the Government's efforts at openness on this matter.