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Over the last two decades, the experiences of colonization and decolonization, once safely relegated to the margins of what occupied students of history and literature, have shifted into the latter's center of attention, in the West as elsewhere. This attention does not restrict itself to the historical dimension of colonization and decolonization, but also focuses upon their impact upon the present, for both colonizers and colonized. The nearly fifty essays here gathered examine how literature, now and in the past, keeps and has kept alive the experiences - both individual and collective - of colonization and decolonization. The contributors to this volume hail from the four corners of the earth, East and West, North and South. The authors discussed range from international luminaries past and present such as Aphra Behn, Racine, Blaise Cendrars, Salman Rushdie, Graham Greene, Derek Walcott, Guimarães Rosa, J.M. Coetzee, André Brink, and Assia Djebar, to less known but certainly not lesser authors like Gioconda Belli, René Depestre, Amadou Koné, Elisa Chimenti, Sapho, Arthur Nortje, Es'kia Mphahlele, Mark Behr, Viktor Paskov, Evelyn Wilwert, and Leïla Houari. Issues addressed include the role of travel writing in forging images of foreign lands for domestic consumption, the reception and translation of Western classics in the East, the impact of contemporary Chinese cinema upon both native and Western audiences, and the use of Western generic novel conventions in modern Egyptian literature.
La technicité et le savoir-faire de l’éleveur constituent les clés essentielles de la réussite d’un atelier de productions animales. La production caprine en est une illustration toute particulière, l’élevage de la chèvre étant destiné à la fourniture de lait, de viande, et plus rarement de fibre textile avec la production de mohair. Le guide de l’éleveur de chèvres dresse un panorama exhaustif et documenté d’une production emblématique française. L’ouvrage fait le point sur tous les aspects fondateurs d’une filière de qualité : • la première partie dresse un état des lieux de la filière caprine et présente son organisation à travers les différents systèmes de production et les organismes de services • la deuxième partie aborde les composantes de la production caprine (sélection, reproduction, élevage des jeunes, alimentation, soins, logement et équipements d’élevage) en s’appuyant sur des bases scientifiques et zootechniques actualisées et rationnelles • la troisième partie traite des aspects technico-économiques, abordant tant les résultats de l’élevage que des éléments de références stabilisés. L’ensemble permet ainsi de porter un diagnostic sur l’atelier déjà existant, ou de réaliser une étude prévisionnelle de son futur atelier de production caprine. Cet ouvrage, richement illustré, s’adresse aux chevriers déjà installés ou en réflexion sur leur projet d’installation, à tous les acteurs de la filière caprine ainsi qu’aux enseignants, formateurs et étudiants en enseignement agricole, sans oublier les personnes qui méconnaissent la multitude de métiers que les éleveurs de chèvres doivent savoir maîtriser c’est-à-dire producteur de lait, et bien souvent aussi fromager et commerçant. De plus, il intéressera les éleveurs amateurs qui sont souvent à la recherche de conseils pratiques et de connaissances plus précises sur les soins à apporter à leur troupeau.
Anyone can learn these simple and fun methods for producing outstanding watercolor landscapes and flowers. One of the reasons that Royland's first book (Fill Your Watercolors with Light & Color - over 65,000 copies sold) has been so popular is that his techniques make watercolor Fun and Successful for a great number of otherwise frustrated artists. Roland has a gift for simplifying the process of painting into a few readily understood steps. In this book, he expands the teaching of his pouring technique and goes into a bit of the underlying structure of a painting. He presents his unique way of teaching composition that (we are told) delights his workshop classes. He then presents his three-step process of painting a landscape - masking to preserve the lights, pouring on the atmosphere and spattering the textures. Next, he shows two great techniques for painting flowers, a subject that does not appear in his first book. Also included is a chapter of fun experimental techniques that readers are sure to enjoy and another chapter that answers some frequently asked questions.
Bourdieu and Literature is a wide-ranging, rigorous and accessible introduction to the relationship between Pierre Bourdieu's work and literary studies. It provides a comprehensive overview and critical assessment of his contributions to literary theory and his thinking about authors and literary works. One of the foremost French intellectuals of the post-war era, Bourdieu has become a standard point of reference in the fields of anthropology, linguistics, art history, cultural studies, politics, and sociology, but his longstanding interest in literature has often been overlooked. This study explores the impact of literature on Bourdieu's intellectual itinerary, and how his literary understanding intersected with his sociological theory and thinking about cultural policy. This is the first full-length study of Bourdieu's work on literature in English, and it provides an invaluable resource for students and scholars of literary studies, cultural theory and sociology.
“A challenging and satisfying thriller . . . [with] many surprising twists.”—The New York Times Jane Whitefield is a Native American guide who leads people out of the wilderness—not the tree-filled variety but the kind created by enemies who want you dead. She is in the one-woman business of helping the desperate disappear. Thanks to her membership in the Wolf Clan of the Seneca tribe, she can fool any pursuer, cover any trail, and then provide her clients with new identities, complete with authentic paperwork. Jane knows all the tricks, ancient and modern; in fact, she has invented several of them herself. So she is only mildly surprised to find an intruder waiting for her when she returns home one day. An ex-cop suspected of embezzling, John Felker wants Jane to do for him what she did for his buddy Harry Kemple: make him vanish. But as Jane opens a door out of the world for Felker, she walks into a trap that will take all her heritage and cunning to escape. . . . Praise for Vanishing Act “Thomas Perry keeps pulling fresh ideas and original characters out of thin air. The strong-willed heroine he introduces in Vanishing Act rates as one of his most singular creations.”—The New York Times Book Review “One thriller that must be read. . . . Perry has created his most complex and compelling protagonist.”—San Francisco Examiner
Dans les sociétés d'ingénierie informatique on fait souvent appel aux pompiers quand tout va mal sur le projet. A côté les chefs de projet oeuvrent au quotidien pour que le projet reste sur ses rails ; le chef de projet analyse ses risques, lance des actions préventives ; mais il n'est pas autant valorisé que le pompier ; de lui on dit, s'il a réussi, qu'il a mené son projet à terme, c'est bien, mais c'est normal, c'est son travail.Destiné principalement aux responsables de développements informatiques, aux chefs de projet, aux managers des entreprises utilisatrices de grosses applications, cet ouvrage est particulier à bien des égards :* Il est consacré exclusivement aux projets informatiques.* Il est consacré exclusivement à la maîtrise des risques,* Il met l'accent sur les aspects humains de la maîtrise des risques,* Il comprend une analyse critique des différentes méthodes pour maîtriser les risques sur les projets,* Il comprend nombre de conseils, recommandations et erreurs à éviter.
An acclaimed multi-volume treatise presents precise and creative exercises for serious painists and teaches technique, pedaling, fingering, and other methods.