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This edited collection showcases the contribution of women to the development of political ideas during the Enlightenment, and presents an alternative to the male-authored canon of philosophy and political thought. Over the course of the eighteenth century increasing numbers of women went into print, and they exploited both new and traditional forms to convey their political ideas: from plays, poems, and novels to essays, journalism, annotated translations, and household manuals, as well as dedicated political tracts. Recently, considerable scholarly attention has been paid to women’s literary writing and their role in salon society, but their participation in political debates is less well studied. This volume offers new perspectives on some better known authors such as Mary Wollstonecraft, Catharine Macaulay, and Anna Laetitia Barbauld, as well as neglected figures from the British Isles and continental Europe. The collection advances discussion of how best to understand women’s political contributions during the period, the place of salon sociability in the political development of Europe, and the interaction between discourses on slavery and those on women’s rights. It will interest scholars and researchers working in women’s intellectual history and Enlightenment thought and serve as a useful adjunct to courses in political theory, women’s studies, the history of feminism, and European history.
Ce contenu est une compilation d'articles de l'encyclopedie libre Wikipedia. Pages: 83. Chapitres: Sexisme, Defense des droits de la femme, Code du statut personnel, Droit de vote des femmes, Chronologie du statut de la femme, Controle des naissances au Tibet, Lucy Stone, Susan B. Anthony, Journee internationale des droits de la femme, Lesbophobie, Inegalites homme-femme, Chronologie du statut de la femme en Belgique, Droit musulman des successions, Droit a naitre des filles, Inegalites de revenus entre hommes et femmes, NARAL Pro-Choice America, Mariage force, Suffragette, Loi sur la capacite juridique de la femme mariee, Malalai Kakar, Suffrage feminin en Suisse, Fondation PPR, Quatrieme conference mondiale sur les femmes, XIXe amendement de la Constitution des Etats-Unis, Journee internationale pour l'elimination de la violence a l'egard des femmes, Sitara Achakzai, Convention sur l'elimination de toutes les formes de discrimination a l'egard des femmes, Safia Amajan, Douairiere, Raicho Hiratsuka, Marie-Josephe Zane-Fe Touam-Bona, Fusae Ichikawa, Ida Husted Harper, Nojoud Ali, Matilda Joslyn Gage, Nom de jeune fille, Oyoune Nissaiya, Cat and Mouse Act, Conge de maternite, Droits des femmes, Paul Dussaussoy, Chef de famille en France, Allocation de maternite, Adelaide Johnson, National Woman Suffrage Association, Equal Pay Day, Droit juif des successions, Un million de signatures, Abby Kelley, Conseil du statut de la femme du Quebec, Association des femmes autochtones du Canada, National Women's Rights Convention, Contagious Diseases Acts, Association democratique des femmes du Maroc, Josephine Brawley Hughes, Trafic de femmes. Extrait: A Vindication of the Rights of Woman: with Strictures on Political and Moral Subjects traduit en francais par Defense des droits de la femme ou Defense des droits des femmes, suivie de quelques considerations sur des sujets politiques et moraux, publie en 1792 par l'ecrivain...