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Traditional apologetics is either focused on obscure, quasi-Thomist philosophical arguments for God's existence or on 18th-century-style answers to alleged biblical contradictions. But a new approach has recently entered the picture: the juridical defence of historic Christian faith, with its particular concern for demonstrating Jesus's deity and saving work for humankind. The undisputed leader of this movement is John Warwick Montgomery, emeritus professor of law and humanities, University of Bedfordshire, England, and director, International Academy of Apologetics, Evangelism and Human Rights, Strasbourg, France. His latest book (of more than sixty published during his career) shows the strength of legal apologetics: its arguments, drawn from secular legal reasoning, can be rejected only at the cost of jettisoning the legal system itself, on which every civilised society depends for its very existence. The present work also includes theological essays on vital topics of the day, characterised by the author's well-known humour and skill for lucid communication.
This series is designed to help the lay Christian confidently proclaim and defend the faith. Too many Christians know"what" they believe, but not necessarily"why" they believe it. The information in this series will help the listener to"...always be ready to make a defense to every one who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you." (I Peter 3:15)
From the author’s Introduction: As this book’s subtitle has it, it’s a “potpourri.” That expression can be defined as “a mixture of dried petals and spices placed in a bowl to perfume a room.” But, having just published—at New Reformation Press—a little culinary masterpiece (A Gastronomic Vade-Mecum), I am thinking in terms of the secondary definition: “an unusual or interesting mixture of ingredients.” Either way, you will surely enjoy this collection of essays. They are unusual and interesting—and they will perfume your thinking as to ultimate issues. A sampling of essays in the present collection: • Resurrection and Legal Evidence • Did Jesus Physically Rise from the Dead? • Chronological Contradictions in the Gospels? • A More Consistent Application of Literary “Higher Criticism” • A Short and Easie Method with Postmodernists • Law & Morality: Friends or Foes? • Demon Possession: A Brief Commentary • Transhumanism? • Muslims As Two-Faced • The Stereotypic Clergyman • On Innovative Theologians • Racism in American Lutheranism • Do Christian Children lose Contact with Reality? • Those Who Have Not Heard the Gospel: A Construct • Terrorism and Revolution: Are They Ever Justified? Professor Montgomery, who is an American, British, and French citizen and who resides in Strasbourg, France, is a polymath, the author of more than 60 books in 5 languages, and a world-renowned defender of classic Christian faith. His credentials include: • Ph.D. (U. Chicago), D.Théol. (U. Strasbourg, France), LL.D. (Cardiff U., Wales), plus 8 other academic degrees. • Professor Emeritus of Law and Humanities, University of Bedfordshire (U.K.); Distinguished Professor-at-Large, 1517: The Legacy Project (California, U.S.A.); Director, International Academy of Apologetics, Evangelism and Human Rights (Strasbourg, France). • Barrister-at-Law (England and Wales); Avocat à la Cour (Paris); Member of the California, District of Columbia, Virginia, and Washington State bars, and the bar of the Supreme Court of the United States; Certified Fraud Examiner. • Honorary Chairman, Academic Board, International Institute for Religious Freedom, World Evangelical Fellowship. Websites:,,,
For many of today’s Christians their go-to style of proclaiming the faith is to share their own experiences. While this may be a stepping stone to the conversation, we should not remain on our subjective and unprovable experiences. Rather, Christians should use the pattern set forth in the New Testament by the apostles and evangelists: the gospel of Jesus who died, was buried, and rose to life on the third day according to the Scriptures. In this book the sermons of the apostles and evangelists will be looked into to see how they both proclaimed and defended the Christian faith, giving all Christians the pattern to follow in their own opportunities to share the one true faith.
How evangelical activism in England contributes to the secularizing forces it seeks to challenge Over the past two decades, a growing number of Christians in England have gone to court to enforce their right to religious liberty. Funded by conservative lobby groups and influenced by the legal strategies of their American peers, these claimants—registrars who conscientiously object to performing the marriages of same-sex couples, say, or employees asking for exceptions to uniform policies that forbid visible crucifixes—highlight the uneasy truce between law and religion in a country that maintains an established Church but is wary of public displays of religious conviction. Representing God charts the changing place of public Christianity in England through the rise of Christian political activism and litigation. Based on two years of fieldwork split between a conservative Christian lobby group and a conservative evangelical church, Méadhbh McIvor explores the ideas and contested reception of this ostensibly American-inspired legal rhetoric. She argues that legal challenges aimed at protecting “Christian values” ultimately jeopardize those values, as moralities woven into the fabric of English national life are filtered from their quotidian context and rebranded as the niche interests of a cultural minority. By framing certain moral practices as specifically Christian, these activists present their religious convictions as something increasingly set apart from broader English culture, thereby hastening the secularization they seek to counter. Representing God offers a unique look at how Christian politico-legal activism in England simultaneously responds to and constitutes the religious life of a nation.
JOHN W. MAUCK provides an exciting new way of understanding the Book of Acts. With great skill and powerful arguments, the author contends that Acts was written primarily to defend Paul for his forthcoming trial in Rome. After reading Mauck's volume, the read we will not only gain a fuller understanding of Acts, but also obtain rock-solid arguments for defending Christianity and understanding its Jewish roots. What's Inside: A fresh study of Acts as a legal "brief" Insights gained from understanding of Roman law Numerous Charts that outline Luke's "argument" Recorded speeches viewed as "witness testimony" A section-by-section review of all of Acts A powerful apologetic defending the claims of Christianity Endorsements: "The book is a terrific addition to any lawyer's library. It makes the Book of Acts come alive with new and useful insights." -- Samuel B. Casey, Executive Director, Christian Legal Society "It makes a constructive, fresh, and fascinating contribution to the understanding of Acts." -- Dr. Donald Hagner, Author of Matthew in WBC, Fuller Theological Seminary
ECPA Christian Book Award 2021 Finalist: Biography & Memoir Explore Apologetics through the Lives of History's Great Apologists The History of Apologetics follows the great apologists in the history of the church to understand how they approached the task of apologetics in their own cultural and theological context. Each chapter looks at the life of a well-known apologist from history, unpacks their methodology, and details how they approached the task of defending the faith. By better understanding how apologetics has been done, readers will be better able to grasp the contextualized nature of apologetics and apply those insights to today's context. The History of Apologetics covers forty-four apologists including: Part One: Patristic Apologists Part Two: Medieval Apologists Part Three: Early Modern Apologists Part Four: 19th C. Apologists Part Five: 20th C. American Apologists Part Six: 20th C. European Apologists Part Seven: Contemporary Apologists
John Warwick Montgomery is considered to be one of the foremost living apologists for classical, biblical Christianity. A renaissance scholar with a flair for controversy, he lives in France, England and the United States. His international activities have brought him into personal contact with some of the most exciting events of our time: not only was he in China In June 1989, but he was In Fiji during its 1987 bloodless revolution, was involved in assisting East Germans to escape during the time of the Berlin Wall, and was in Paris during the revolutionary “days of May” 1968. He has had personal contact with world leaders such as President Anwar Sadat of Egypt and English Prime Minister Tony Blair. He has been centrally involved in evangelical and Lutheran church affairs such as the Wenham conference on the authority of Scripture and the inerrancy controversies in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. His public debates with atheist Madalyn Murray O’Hair, Bishop James Pike, death-of-God advocate Thomas Altizer, and situation-ethicist Joseph Fletcher are historic. His wife is the internationally-celebrated orchestral harpist Lanalee de Kant. Dr. Montgomery is the author or editor of more than fifty books in five languages. He holds ten earned degrees, Including a Master of Philosophy in Law from the University of Essex, England, a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago, a Doctorate of the University in Protestant Theology from the University of Strasbourg, France, and the higher doctorate in law (LL.D.) from the University of Cardiff, Wales. He is an ordained Lutheran clergyman, an English barrister, an avocat au Barreau de Paris, France, and is admitted to practise as a lawyer before the Supreme Court of the United States. He obtained acquittals for the “Athens 3” missionaries on charges of proselytism at the Greek Court of Appeals in 1986 and won the leading religious liberty cases of Larissis v. Greece and Bessarabian Orthodox Church v. Moldova before the European Court of Human Rights. Professor Montgomery’s autobiography offers an opportunity for the reader to meet one of the most fascinating figures in the contemporary church—to understand how he attained his influence in so many diverse areas of modern life—and to comprehend the Christ-centered philosophy of life that has motivated all of his activities. This autobiography manifests the author’s willingness to speak frankly about those with whom he has agreed and disagreed and is lightened with his well-known sense of humour Readers have a remarkable—and unique—treat in store for them.
The purpose of this book is to explain that the art of advocacy and persuasion, when tied to the “ many convincing proofs” (Acts 1:3) of the factual resurrection of Jesus Christ, is deeply Biblical and is best seen as “ logic supplemented” and not “ logic supplanted.” With examples, both good and bad, from our profession, the reader will learn how to “ think like a lawyer” when engaged in “ giving a reason for the hope that is within” them.We have all heard it said of someone: “ He thinks like a lawyer.” In spite of the generally negative public image of lawyers in our day, this characterization is usually a high compliment: It suggests clarity and precision of thought, coupled with a particular persuasive ability not shared by those outside the legal profession. In this book, we shall examine the reasoning process in general, together with those special styles of reasoning and presentation that lawyers and judges employ professionally to get to the truth in the best of cases. This book combines the “ is” and the “ ought” : we wish to offer a clear description of legal reasoning and also provide some normative guidelines to assist in the improvement of your reasoning faculties.
R. C. Sproul surveys the history and fundamentals of apologetics to show that reason and scientific inquiry can be strong allies in defending the existence of God and the authority of the Bible.