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"The purpose of this study is to outline the difficulties that are involved in locating and neutralizing deeply buried facilities, and suggest alternate methods and technologies, other than nuclear weapons or advanced conventional weapons, for holding these targets at risk. This study describes deeply buried facilities and their typical functions, assesses their vulnerability, and presents ideas for neutralizing these facilities with non-conventional means. The broad objective of this study is to ensure that U.S. national and military objectives can be achieved in contingencies that involve deeply buried facilities."--Page iii
The problem in the early twenty-first century is that deeply buried underground facilities are becoming an increasingly important part of the defense establishments in many states. These facilities allow states to conceal the personnel, equipment, and command and control functions that are essential to the successful prosecution of a war. In general, these facilities can protect a state's most critical governmental and military functions and contribute to victory during war, or at least make it more difficult for the adversary to destroy critical military capabilities. There are numerous historical examples in which states have used underground facilities in warfare, including the use of underground manufacturing facilities by the Germans in World War II to conceal and protect valuable industry from destruction. During the Vietnam War, North Vietnam developed an extensive system of underground tunnel for concealing transportation routes, storage facilities, and temporary troop containment areas Since the beginning of the Cold War, the United States and Soviet Union located their intercontinental ballistic missiles and associated command and control centers in underground sites in order to increase their survivability against nuclear attack. The continuing evolution of underground facilities has provided increasing levels of concealment and protection for a state's critical military components. 1.
Underground facilities are used extensively by many nations to conceal and protect strategic military functions and weapons' stockpiles. Because of their depth and hardened status, however, many of these strategic hard and deeply buried targets could only be put at risk by conventional or nuclear earth penetrating weapons (EPW). Recently, an engineering feasibility study, the robust nuclear earth penetrator program, was started by DOE and DOD to determine if a more effective EPW could be designed using major components of existing nuclear weapons. This activity has created some controversy about, among other things, the level of collateral damage that would ensue if such a weapon were used. To help clarify this issue, the Congress, in P.L. 107-314, directed the Secretary of Defense to request from the NRC a study of the anticipated health and environmental effects of nuclear earth-penetrators and other weapons and the effect of both conventional and nuclear weapons against the storage of biological and chemical weapons. This report provides the results of those analyses. Based on detailed numerical calculations, the report presents a series of findings comparing the effectiveness and expected collateral damage of nuclear EPW and surface nuclear weapons under a variety of conditions.
This study examines the possible roles of nuclear weapons in contemporary U.S. national security policy. The United States has a range of nuclear strategies and postures among which to choose: from abolition of U.S. nuclear weapons, aggressive reductions and "dealerting," "business as usual, only smaller," more aggressive nuclear posture, to nuclear emphasis. The nation should have the operational flexibility to in fact use a modest number of nuclear weapons if the need were overwhelming and other options were inadequate.
"This study focuses on military competitiveness in the age of transparency, and asserts that the U.S. military must consciously prepare itself to fight in an information transparent world created by globalization. The worldwide explosion in the quantity and quality of information and products available to the general public user, the ready accessibility to the information, and the affordability in acquiring any desired data or product is creating a transparent world at an alarming rate. In the future, anyone can affordably keep tabs on the actions of everyone else. Hence, the U.S. military must consciously begin to investigate ways to maintain its military advantage in this rapidly evolving, and increasingly transparent world. It must minimize the impact transparency has on how we will fight wars and conduct contingency actions. We must not be caught by surprise. Maintaining U.S. military competitiveness will require multifaceted solutions ... This study investigates how the U.S. can retain its military advantage in the coming age of transparency. The inevitable economic presure of the "web," or more generall information e-commerce, is advancing the rate of global transparency...
"This study argues that military organizations need to establish operational approached to cyberspace, and that the current approach for organizing air operations provides a useful construct for thinking about this problem ... The purpose of this study is to improve the understanding of the defense establishment of the growing importance on information networks in the U.S. military, with particular emphasis on the role of computer network defense in the U.S. Air Force."--Preface
This Research Handbook provides a broad yet detailed treatment of international arms control law. It takes stock of existing arms control agreements, addresses current challenges and aims to indicate avenues for the future development of this distinct branch of public international law.
The purpose of this study is to examine the concept of prompt space-based global strikes. In order to contribute to the debate about its potential benefits and problems, this study addresses the effects of cultural mindsets and institutional preferences on decisions about future military strategy and forces. It examines how prompt precision strikes through space could provide an important set of options in future crises that are beyond the capabilities of current U, S military forces.
"The introduction of advanced technologies into the military, which is known as the "revolution in military affairs," is producing an opportunity for significant changes in the American military's paradigm for command and control. The future battlespace will require commanders to operate more efficiently and at a higher operations tempo, so that commanders will be able to use the advantages of dominant battlespace awareness to enhance what is known as "command-by-intent." But the more likely outcome is a return tocommand-by-direction. A potential consequence of this change is that significant command functions will be made by machines that act, not as an assistant, but as the decision maker and executor -- which is known as the machine commander. However, the current U.S. military doctrine is inconsistent about the admissibility of such an entity, even though technological developments are on the threshold of delivering the components for constructing the first-generation machine commander. Furthermore, the same infrastructure that assists the traditional human commander creates a framework for using a machine commander. Furthermore, the same infrastructure that assists the tradiitional human commander creates a framework for using a machine commander. While resistance to this technology is expected, this is the proper time to examine the implications of a machine commander for military operations in the future."--Abstract
From the Arctic to the South China Sea, states are vying to secure sovereign rights over vast maritime stretches, undersea continental plates, shifting ice flows, airspace, and the subsoil. Conceiving of sovereign space as volume rather than area, the contributors to Voluminous States explore how such a conception reveals and underscores the three-dimensional nature of modern territorial governance. In case studies ranging from the United States, Europe, and the Himalayas to Hong Kong, Korea, and Bangladesh, the contributors outline how states are using airspace surveillance, maritime patrols, and subterranean monitoring to gain and exercise sovereignty over three-dimensional space. Whether examining how militaries are digging tunnels to create new theaters of operations, the impacts of climate change on borders, or the relation between borders and nonhuman ecologies, they demonstrate that a three-dimensional approach to studying borders is imperative for gaining a fuller understanding of sovereignty. Contributors. Debbora Battaglia, Franck Billé, Wayne Chambliss, Jason Cons, Hilary Cunningham (Scharper), Klaus Dodds, Elizabeth Cullen Dunn, Gastón Gordillo, Sarah Green, Tina Harris, Caroline Humphrey, Marcel LaFlamme, Lisa Sang Mi Min, Aihwa Ong, Clancy Wilmott, Jerry Zee