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The reason why there is so much confusion in the Church today with regard to the operation of the gifts of the spirit is because the five-fold ministry gifts are not fully operational. It is a typical scenario right across the Body of Christ globally that people who are called to be apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers and evangelists are relegated to the side-lines while those who evidently don't have God's call are the ones holding the reigns. For this reason, the church continues to be plundered by forces of darkness as the masses are trapped into a morass of debilitating poverty, sickness and limitation in progress. In this publication, Apostle Frequency Revelator unveils the divine truth that the solution to a myriad of problems facing the masses across the Body of Christ is to focus on God's call and specific function within the five-fold ministry. When the five-fold ministry is in full operation, each member of the church will enter into their special individual ministry and function to the level where powers and principalities are shattered by the Body of Christ as a collective. It is through the fivefold ministries, that the church will reach the full stature of Jesus Christ and be no longer tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine that comes by. It is important to get a biblical understanding of the origin of the five-fold ministry, so that our churches will be healthy and functioning according to the will and plan of God. In this publication, Apostle Frequency Revelator unveils that every Christian has a special ministry bequeathed upon him although not every Christian may be called to the fivefold ministry. It is therefore, the responsibility of every believers to learn to operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit as well as function in a particular ministry that God has called them to. Therefore, if you are called into one of the ministries of the five-fold, this book is a delicate recipe right in your hands. It will cause to understand how to function fully and effectively in the Body of Christ. Using the analogy of a human hand to depict the various functions of the five-fold ministry, Apostle Frequency Revelator practically demonstrates how each of the fold-fold ministries operate and relate to each other. Each of these offices illustrates a different aspect of how the Body of Christ operates as a collective. Therefore, this five-fold hand analogy is meant to reinforce your deeper understanding of the components of church governance so that believers across the Body of Christ globally could easily flow and operate in work of ministry.
This workbook will be help one to understand the teachings from The Power of The Five- Fold Ephesians 4:11-13 "And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some pastors and teachers...; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ: " I pray that the Lord will use this workbook along with The Power of The Five-Fold (Book) to reinforce the truth about 5-Fold Ministry. It is important to know who we are and find purpose in that, as well as the purpose and identity of those who labor within our ministries. To empower and encourage each other, we must be mature. When the children of God are identified, they operate with power and authority. In Ephesians 4:14 the Bible states that Jesus sent Apostles, Prophet, Evangelists. Pastors and Teachers, "That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;" When we understand our identity and the identity of those who are laboring with us there is abundant power! There are gifts that can be used to overcome the plan and schemes of the enemy. Open your heart and your mind to receive the truth that will make you Free! Grace and Peace, Apostle G. Marie Carroll
This book is a must read for those who want to discover the amazing power of God for the full benefits of their earthly existence. Prophet Stanley Kuforiji was lost in the forest of the beasts and evil spirits for five days when he was just 9 months old. The mighty power of God was upon him, and as he grew up into adulthood, he saw a very clear vision concerning his God-given destiny which he pursued vigorously and of which through the abundant grace of God, he was able to fulfil as ordained. Prophet Stanley Kuforiji also saw mighty revelations concerning his ministry and the entire world. Among the mind-boggling things you would find in this great book of revelations are: *The mysteries surrounding these hectic five days in the wilderness of the beasts and of the evil spirits as revealed in this book. *Sojourning in the woods for five days and nights in the intermittent downpour of heavy rain, and amidst the forest beasts and evil spirits. *The demonstration of Gods awesome power to bring him back alive on the fifth day. *How he weathered through the storms of life to arrive at his destiny as ordained by the special grace of God. *Other frightening sharp prophesies and revelations which characterized his life as he grew up into adulthood. *Prophet Stanleys revelations and prophetic utterances about the world and much more!
Do you struggle with how to accomplish what God has called you to be? What if you could have insight into what shaped Andrew's life and ministry? God is no respecter of persons, and if you are willing to receive His grace, there is no limit on how far the Lord can take you. In this eye-opening booklet, learn how the Holy Spirit can impart life-changing revelation knowledge through God’s Word.
The workbook of Dr. Brown's book entitled The Fivefold Ministry Its Members and Its Power
Dr. Retevea (Re-tee-vee-ah) Bain-Walden is a true example of a Proverbs 31 woman. She has traveled both in and out of the country imparting the Word of God, sharing prophetic ministry, and moving in the gifts of the Spirit. She has been and still is a faithful and dedicated servant of the Lord and His church for over twenty-nine years. Moreover, she has been a longtime active member of I Love You Jesus Ministries, Inc., Outreach of Excitement Church, in Miami, FL., for twenty-five years (Full Gospel Affiliated) where the late Dr. Mother Ruth E. Creps-Crockett presided as Sr. Pastor. Under this leadership, Dr. Walden devoted her time, talents, and life to the work of God and His people, and has now become the founding Sr. Pastor/ Teacher, of The King's Bride Outreach Ministries, Inc., where "No Man Is Left Behind." Some of her work in the Lord includes numerous speaking engagements, seminars, Christian counseling, Dept. of Juvenile Justice Head Chaplain (Miami, FL), street evangelism, and missionary ministry. She also has taken part in counseling pregnant teens. Retevea became a mother at seventeen years of age; three months later she graduated high school and continued to further her studies. Her educational achievements include certificates and degrees as an EMT, CNA, L.P.N., R.N., Bachelor of Biblical Studies, Masters of Christian Counseling (Jacksonville Theological Seminary), and a Doctorate of Divinity (Jacksonville Theological Seminary). Retevea and her husband James share eight wonderful children and 15 grandchildren and reside in Miami Gardens, Florida.
"Fivefold Operations Volume One: "SHIFTING Into Fivefold Offices & Ministry " This is the first volume of a serious of fivefold ministry paradigms written to assist leaders and ministries with understanding fivefold ministry, and SHIFTING into the blueprint of fivefold ministry (e.g. ministry, business, organization). Volume one: -Provides insights regarding the differences between a traditional church and fivefold ministry and how both are important and needful in the earth. -Examines the fivefold ministry offices in detail, while exploring their differences from the regular disciple. -Explores the spiritual gifts and how they differ and flow through believers and fivefold offices.-Delves into the governmental kingdom positions, how to operate and mature in that seated office of authority, and the importance of licensing and ordination.