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THIS BOOK INCLUDES: Spanish For Beginners: Spanish for Beginners: Learn the Basics of the Spanish Language in 7 Days with practical and powerful exercises Spanish Short Stories: 20 exciting short novels for beginners and intermediate Spanish language learners Spanish For Beginners Ready to embark into the Spanish Language? Learning Spanish is a lot of fun, especially if the student has a great interest in it. This language is becoming more and more widely spoken on a global basis. Think how cool it is being able to speak some Spanish especially if you are looking for job opportunities, making friends or experiences etc etc in countries like Spain, Mexico, South America! This book includes: - Letters & Numbers - Days of the Week, Months, Seasons & Temporal Expression - Useful Vocabulary - Most Common Expressions - How to Ask Questions in Spanish? - Sentence Structure - Nouns & Possessive Pronouns - Adjectives - Conjugating Verbs Spanish Short Stories Improve your Spanish today with 20 exciting short stories! Have you always wanted to learn Spanish but struggled with anything beyond simple grammar and vocabulary? Are you of the opinion that learning a language requires a lot more than just simple exercises and practice sentences? Are you a true believer in the notion that one can master a language more through reading than language apps? Then this is just the book for you! Learning languages can be one of the most entertaining experiences of your life. And Spanish is not very different. But what happens when you realize that you’re stuck at a certain point and can’t move forward? Well, that’s where reading comes in! With the right stories showcasing the right vocabulary at the levels you need, reading can make all the difference. With this book you will: - Find 20 great stories you can enjoy! - Receive a summary of each story (in Spanish) to really help you get a feel of what you’re about to read - Learn a bunch of new words that are guaranteed to make your learning experience fruitful - Race through simple questions that will give you an idea of how well you’ve understood what you’ve read. With this book in your arsenal, you are guaranteed to grow as a Spanish learner, and have fun at it, too! So what are you waiting for?
A family remembers the biblical account of the birth of Jesus while they decorate their home for Christmas. As the Christmas tree is adorned with balls, candy canes, tinsel, bells, ornaments, and angels, the meaning of each decoration is told.
Vestir de forma perfecta marca la diferencia entre tener éxito o no. Por eso este reputado sastre, obsesionado con sacar el mejor partido a los hombres, se ha puesto manos a la obra y ha compuesto, como si fuera un traje a medida, una guía imprescindible con la que acertar de pleno en cualquier circunstancia. ±El objetivo de este libro es cambiar tu vida. Puede parecer pretenciosa esta aspiración, pero si logro no aburrirte con su lectura y llegas hasta el final, en cada página iré dejando en tu mente determinadas semillas que tendrán un impacto directo en tu forma de pensar cada vez que te vistas frente al espejo. Ya no volverás a verte con la misma imagen que cuando comenzaste a leerlo?, explica Bere Casillas. Sin embargo, este no es un manual de motivación psicológica que te incite a realizar esfuerzos tremendos para cambiar tu forma de pensar. Todo lo contrario. Es un libro motivador plagado de herramientas sencillas que provocarán cambios en la percepción que los demás tendrán de ti. Lograrás un incremento relevante de tu estima personal y por lo tanto un grado importante de seguridad en ti mismo. ¿Empezamos?
Sherezada ha atravesado los vientos... habla a través de un humo verde; transmutada en musa y danzarina. Con experimentación poética en lirismo metafísico, en poemas cortos y muy cortos y en algo de desamor mas que de amor y otras mezclas... la transhumancia se devela en alas de mariposas arcoíris multi-universales. He aquí, la recopilación humeante de los primeros versos del autor.
Many poems in this book of poetry and a short story were motivated by past and present dreams that the author has transposed into words and two languages (English and Spanish). The author turned those dreams into poems and managed to introduce her culture, people from her old neighborhood, relationships, memories of loved ones, and love at its highest and lowest. It's a poetic journey giving the reader a taste of life with its twists and turns. The short (and only) story in the book, "Lila Archmon" is filled with descriptive words that takes the reader onto a dream-like passage of fantasy transporting them into the garden with Lila and her precious friends. The poem "Salsa" introduces the reader to a dance that has withstood the passage of time - it is certainly a "feast" for all. "Soy Boricua" expresses the pride of being Boricua and gives a history as to the roots of the Puerto Rican. The two poems (and title of the book) "Daughter of the Sun I and II" can be interpreted by the readers, as they desire. When various people were asked to give their meanings of the poems, the multitude and variety of renditions were astounding.