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No other passages in Scripture have been more talked about in end time Bible prophecy than those dealing with the mark of the Beast. Revelation 13:18 adds to the horror by posing the Bible’s most mysterious riddle. It states: “Here is wisdom, Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.” In this Magi Report the riddle is decoded and examined phrase by phrase revealing the deep and seemingly hidden truths in Scripture, such as the frightening significance of being “numbered,” the meaning of 666, how the number will be counted and its shocking role. This commentary provides an overview of current technologies, which fit the prophetic forecasts along with showing how they will be implemented geopolitically. Quantum computing, D-Wave, nanotechnology, biotechnology, advances in DNA- genetic engineering, holograms, CERN, FAST, transhumanism, and more are highlighted along with their speculated role during the Tribulation. This report discloses the technologies that match the image and mark of the Beast along with what life will be like under the Antichrist’s police state and the accompanying Biblical references that support technology’s role. As the technologies have advanced they have helped to provide the full meaning of the prophetic forecasts that relate to technological developments. This report provides a detailed analysis of the mark of the Beast and its road to fulfillment along with the Tower of Babel path that technology is taking and the future discoveries that scientists are anticipating. The analysis reveals why taking the mark guarantees eternity in hell, why it is the unforgivable sin of blaspheme against the Holy Spirit, which is a sin Christians have pondered for centuries. Never before have we been so close to the start of the Tribulation that an expose like this could even been penned. The Magi Report name is adopted from the Biblical Magi who were analysts and learned men and women in the knowledge and disciplines of their day. At the time of Christ, Herod consulted the Magi who understood the prophetic predictions of the day when there were no living prophets. The Magi Report delivers careful analysis of Bible Prophecy’s forecasts in light of current events and provides status reports of recently fulfilled predictions, those that remain unfulfilled, geopolitical forecasts and fresh biblical insights.
Of all the books of the Bible, few are as fascinating or as intimidating as Revelation. Four grim horsemen, the Antichrist, the ten-horned beast, the ultimate battle at Armageddon, the "mark of the beast." It's no wonder that these images have griped the imagination of so many--and have been variously interpreted as symbolizing everything from Hitler and Gorbachev to credit cards and the Internet. Is the book of Revelation a blueprint for the future? A book of powerful symbolic imagery with warnings for the church? Is it essentially an imaginative depiction of historical events in the first century? Four Views on the Book of Revelation explores four interpretations of the book of the Apocalypse: Preterist – a historical interpretation, arguing that most of John’s prophecies occurred in the first century, soon after his writing of them. Idealist – a spiritual or symbolic interpretation, arguing that the events in Revelation are not literal, and that apocalyptic literature requires a different approach than the Gospels or Epistles. Classical dispensationalism – a literal interpretation based on a reading of Revelation that pays close attention to the rules of grammar and the separate eras of covenantal history. Progressive dispensationalism – a modification of classical that has its root in the understanding of Christ's reign beginning immediately after the resurrection. The Counterpoints series presents a comparison and critique of scholarly views on topics important to Christians that are both fair-minded and respectful of the biblical text. Each volume is a one-stop reference that allows readers to evaluate the different positions on a specific issue and form their own, educated opinion.
Still one of the most important cities, the Mega City of Babylon, has yet to make her dbut. This city is a global capital, destined to control the entire earth and I can tell you, she is everything to do with the 666 systems. But she still needs to be built, or it is possible right now, she is being rebuilt, getting ready for her ratification as an independent sovereignty. Decoding the Beast, enters you in the the beginning of a journey, the development of the six six six system. Which is growing into governing application through a massive collective of technologies. These will eventually mature to a global authority, as a system controlled by non-sovereign organisations. Could it be possible that the day will come, when one click on an Accept option, could damn your soul forever? Before this day comes, the world has a journey to go through. The political strategies to implement such an all-encompassing network is complicatated and tedious. For right now, the physical computing systems and their applications are still in early day development. Think about it, the world of internet usage is only some twenty years old and already nations are falling, boundaries are changing, opinions and morals reshaping, new enemies growing, new global tactics developing, as everything on planet earth is being rearranged by the e-world. These time periods are speeding up, things are happening very fast, but the journey has still a distance to go. This book brings you a spiritual and scriptural look into the journey of the beast and who its players are.
Getting the mark of the beast will have eternal consequences. Learn what the mark of the beast is, who will get it, and when they will get it. What will happen to you if you get the mark of the beast? What if you refuse it? Revelation 13 contains a Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled very soon. It will affect you and every other person on earth. Satan does not want you to know what the mark of the beast is. Take a few minutes to learn about this important Bible prophecy.
Christians view the mark of the beast as something futuristic. The receiving of the mark of the beast commands the wrath and indignation of God; and the consequences are severe. Many Christians has already accepted the mark of the beast; unbeknownst to them. They do not have a clear vision as to whom or what is the beast. Each denomination has their interpretation of the beast and how and when it will manifest. The word says, And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb. Revelation 14: 9, 10. Many Christian denominations believe the prophecy points to the papacy as the beast. However, in scripture, the Papal system has never been a beast, is not a beast and will never be a beast. To call that system the beast is to take the word of God on a very long stretch. This horn functions both politically and as a Christian Church. It persecuted and killed any Christian who disagrees with its dogmas. The word says the Saints shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time and he would come to his end unto the end. Nowhere in scripture is it indicated that this horn power will regain its dominion to persecute the saints of God as it did for over twelve hundred years. Then who is the beast? This book has the answer. Reviewed by Online Book Club: Official Review: The Mark of the Beast Revelation 13
Yet again, Steve Wohlberg tackles a subject in just a handful of words that is often buried within the pages of a huge book and answers questions of many people at the same time. This time he pointedly defined the two beasts of Revelation 13, particularly the second beast that, as we learn, is representative of the United States. In identifying the first beast, he also draws from Daniel 7 as these two beasts are markedly similar. While these two beasts seem to point to a gloomy future, we have hope in our Lord Jesus Christ who will reign supreme. Satan’s days are “numbered, and when the last battle rages, heaven’s Lamb will win, not the beast.” “‘Repent’ (Luke 13:3) is God’s loving plea. Those who respond to His offer, and who then stand for the right though the heavens fall, have the assurance that someday they will live forever in a land where freedom truly reigns, where there is ‘no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away’ (Revelation 21:4 KJV).”
Waiting to be rediscovered in the British Library is an ancient manuscript of the early Church, copied by an anonymous monk. The manuscript is at least 1,450 years old, possibly dating to the first century. And now, The Lost Gospel provides the first ever translation from Syriac into English of this unique document that tells the inside story of Jesus’ social, family, and political life.The Lost Gospel takes the reader on an unparalleled historical adventure through a paradigm shifting manuscript. What the authors eventually discover is as astounding as it is surprising: the confirmation of Jesus’ marriage to Mary Magdalene; the names of their two children; the towering presence of Mary Magdalene; a previously unknown plot on Jesus’ life (thirteen years prior to the crucifixion); an assassination attempt against Mary Magdalene and their children; Jesus’ connection to political figures at the highest level of the Roman Empire; and a religious movement that antedates that of Paul—the Church of Mary Magdalene.Part historical detective story, part modern adventure, The Lost Gospel reveals secrets that have been hiding in plain sight for millennia.