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The present study deals with a number of chronological markers which contribute to the fine-tuning of Iron Age IIB-chronology of ancient Israel and Judah. The selected markers derive primarily from a corpus of late 'Assyrian-style' and/or Assyrianising objects, indicative of the international impact of the Neo-Assyrian Empire on the Southern Levant during the 8th and 7th centuries B.C. While the manufacture of 'Assyrian-style' objects in the Southern Levant reached its cultural zenith during the heyday of the Assyrian empire (the so-called Pax Assyriaca), this volume lists several items which in the traditional framework largely predate the Assyrian hegemony over the region, sometimes by several decades. These include: seals (in particular the famous Shema seal found at Megiddo) and bullae, pottery imports and imitations, bronze vessels, lmlk jars and other Judaean storage jars partly stamped with Assyrian-period royal insignia. The arguments that have been presented in this volume may therefore indicate where chronological studies of late Iron Age Israel and Jordan may lead us in the years ahead, if these chronologies are no longer dictated by 'tentative' historical fix-points.
The area of the Judean Foothills – the biblical Shephelah – has in recent years become one of the most intensively excavated regions in the world. Numerous projects, at sites of different types and utilizing various methodological approaches, are actively excavating in this region. Of particular importance are the discoveries dating to the Iron Age, a period when this region was a transition zone between various cultures—Philistine, Canaanite, Judahite, and Israelite. The current volume includes reports from eight of the excavations currently being conducted in the region (Azekah, Beth Shemesh, Gezer, Khirbet Qeiyafa, Tel Burna, Tel Halif, Tell es-Safi/Gath, and Tel Zayit), as well as a general study of the region by Ido Koch. The importance of this volume lies not only in the fact that it collects up-to-date reports on most of the current excavations in the region but also demonstrates the lively, at times even boisterous, scholarly discussions taking place on various issues relating to the archaeology and history of the Iron Age Shephelah and its immediate environs. This volume serves as an excellent introduction to current research on the Iron Age in this crucial zone and also serves as a reflection of current trends, methodologies, and approaches in the archaeology of the Southern Levant.
Excavations at Beth-Shemesh are actually a story within a story. On the one hand, they are the story of the archaeology of the Land of Israel in a nutshell: from the pioneering days of the Palestine Exploration Fund, through the “Golden Age” of American biblical archaeology, to current Israeli and international archaeology. On the other hand, they are the fascinating story of a border site that was constantly changing its face due to its geopolitical location in the Sorek Valley in the Shephelah—a juncture of Canaanite, Philistine, and Israelite entities and cultures. It is no wonder that two celebrated biblical border epics—Samson’s encounters with the Philistines and the Ark narrative—took real or imagined place around Beth-Shemesh. In this report, summarizing the first ten years (1990–2000) of archaeological work in the ongoing project of the renewed excavations at Tel Beth-Shemesh, the authors have strived to tell anew the story of the Iron Age people of Beth-Shemesh as exposed and interpreted. Using the best theoretical and methodological tools that modern archaeology has made available, every effort has been made to keep in view archaeology’s fundamental duty—to read the ancient people behind the decayed walls and shattered pottery vessels and bring alive their lost world. Furthermore, the story of ancient Beth-Shemesh has been written in a way that will enable scholars, students, and other interested people to learn and understand the life of the communities living at Beth-Shemesh. As a result, the book is organized in a manner different from usual archaeological site reports. The two volumes will be essential for anyone who wishes the best and latest information on this important site.
Referring to several important introductory books written about the archaeology of the land of Israel, William Dever once stated: “However adequate these may be as introductions to the basic data, none makes any attempt to organize the data in terms of social structure. . . . This is a serious deficiency in Syro-Palestinian and biblical archaeology, when one considers that the general field of archaeology has been moving toward social archaeology for 20 years or more. (Dever, “Social Structure in Palestine in the Iron Age II Period on the Eve of Destruction,” in The Archaeology of Society in the Holy Land [ed. T. E. Levy, London, 1995, p. 416]). Lack of discussion of social questions has characterized the archaeology of the land of Israel for some time, even though around the world these questions constitute an important component of archaeological research (see, for instance, the work of Renfrew, Flannery, Gibbon, Blanton, Dark, Bahn, Hodder, Trigger, and many others). The Archaeology of Israelite Society in Iron Age II fills this gap and analyzes the structure of society in the ancient kingdoms of Israel and Judah from an archaeological viewpoint. It also applies models and theories from the field of social and cognitive archaeology, using the tools of various social-science disciplines (anthropology, sociology, economics, geography, and so on). Due to his ability to use what is probably the largest archaeological data set in the world—hundreds of planned excavations, thousands of salvage excavations, and extensive surveys, all from the small region that was ancient Israel—Avi Faust contributes not only to the study of ancient Israelite society but to the most fundamental questions about ancient societies. These questions include the identification of socioeconomic stratification in the archaeological record, the study of family and community organization, the significance of pottery, small finds and architecture as indicators of wealth, and more. This groundbreaking monograph is one of the first attempts at a large-scale study of Israelite society based primarily on the archaeological evidence. The following acknowledgments were inadvertently omitted from the front matter of the volume: Amihai Mazar: figure 31 Amnon Ben-Tor: figures 40, 41 Israel Antiquities Authority: figures 21, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30., 32, 33, 36, and Photo 5 Israel Exploration Society: figures 11, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 27, 42 Israel Finkelstein: figure 28 Izhak Beit Arieh: figures 34, 35 Shimon Dar: figures 22, 23 The Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University: figures 7, 8 The Institute of Archaeology, the Hebrew University: figures 40, 41 Zeev Herzog: figures 6, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20
This English translation of the second edition of Christian Frevel’s essential textbook Geschichte Israels (Kohlhammer, 2018) covers the history of Israel from its beginnings until the Bar Kokhba revolt (132–135 CE). Frevel draws on archaeological evidence, inscriptions and monuments, as well as the Bible to sketch a picture of the history of ancient Israel within the context of the southern Levant that is sometimes familiar but often fresh and unexpected. Frevel has updated the second German edition with the most recent research of archaeologists and biblical scholars, including those based in Europe. Tables of rulers, a glossary, a timeline of the ancient Near East, and resources arranged by subject make this book an accessible, essential textbook for students and scholars alike.
Thirteen essays on the Iron Age in Israel and Jordan, covering settlement patterns, iconography, cult, palaeography and the archaeology of certain key sites. This volume offers an exceptionally informed update in a fast-moving area of discovery and interpretation. The first section deals with spatial archaeology and settlement patterns, all the papers based on the fieldwork by A. Zertal in Samaria, A. Ofer in Judah, G. Lehmann in the Akko Plain, and S. Gibson in various areas in the hill country of Israel. The second section covers religion and iconography. The two single Iron Age temples known today in Israel, at Dan and Arad, are discussed by A. Biran and Z. Herzog. R. Kletter and K. Prag discuss clay figurines and other cult objects; T. Ornan identifies Ishtar on a number of seals and on a silver pendant; and N. Franklin examines the iconography and meaning of the wall relief in Room V at Sargon's palace in Khorsabad. The last section includes three studies related to specific sites. M. Steiner considers urban development in Jerusalem during Iron Age II; A. Mazar presents data from Iron Age II Beth Shean, and P. Bienkowski and L. Sedman discuss finds from Buseirah, the capital of Edom.
In Dinner at Dan, Jonathan S. Greer provides biblical and archaeological evidence for sacred feasting at the Levantine site of Tel Dan from the late 10th century - mid-8th century BCE. Biblical texts are argued to reflect a Yahwistic and traditional religious context for these feasts and a fresh analysis of previously unpublished animal bone, ceramic, and material remains from the temple complex at Tel Dan sheds light on sacrificial prescriptions, cultic realia, and movements within this sacred space. Greer concludes that feasts at Dan were utilized by the kings of Northern Israel initially to unify tribal factions and later to reinforce distinct social structures as a society strove to incorporate its tribal past within a monarchic framework.
In Josh 8:30–35, Israel constructs an altar on Mt. Ebal in fulfillment of the command of Deut 27:1–8. This structure had very important social, political, and religious implications for Israel, for it was the first structure to be built after the people entered the land of Canaan. Once the altar was completed, sacrifices were to be offered on it, and a renewal of the covenant was to be carried out (patterned after the ritual of Deut 31:9–13). This covenant renewal was necessary to integrate the people into the covenant who had not been a part of the Sinai experience. The event was significant enough to establish nearby Shechem as the tribal league shrine, and it was the first political and religious ceremony that the Israelites undertook following their entry into the land. As a covenant ratification, it could be described as their ratification as a nation. The altar on Mt. Ebal and its concomitant ceremony were, therefore, according to the claims of the Hebrew Bible, of supreme importance in the life of ancient Israel. In 1980, during the survey of the territory of Manasseh, Israeli archaeologist Adam Zertal discovered a site on Mt. Ebal dating to the period of Iron I, during which the Israelites began to sedentarize in the central hill country of Canaan. The site was excavated over eight seasons, from 1982 to 1989, under the auspices of the University of Haifa and the Israel Exploration Society. In 1985, Zertal published an article in which he suggested that the structure on Ebal may have been the altar of Josh 8:30–35. In The Iron Age I Structure on Mt. Ebal, Ralph Hawkins reviews the excavation on Mt. Ebal and its results, including the scarabs, seals, and animal bones found there. He examines the architecture of the site in relation to Mesopotamian watchtowers, altars, and the descriptions of altars in mishnaic materials, Ezekiel, and Deuteronomic passages. This fascinating book examines the Mt. Ebal site using a comparative method for both the physical data and the textual data. The site and its artifacts are analyzed and then compared with alternative proposals and literary traditions. The site is placed in its broader regional context in order to determine how it might relate to the larger settlement picture of Iron Age I. The primary purpose is to examine the data with a view to determining the nature and function of the site and its possible relation to Josh 8:30–35. A compelling read for biblical and archaeological students and scholars, who will better be able to envision sites of past events.
In der Reihe Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft (BZAW) erscheinen Arbeiten zu sämtlichen Gebieten der alttestamentlichen Wissenschaft. Im Zentrum steht die Hebräische Bibel, ihr Vor- und Nachleben im antiken Judentum sowie ihre vielfache Verzweigung in die benachbarten Kulturen der altorientalischen und hellenistisch-römischen Welt. Die BZAW akzeptiert Manuskriptvorschläge, die einen innovativen und signifikanten Beitrag zu Erforschung des Alten Testaments und seiner Umwelt leisten, sich intensiv mit der bestehenden Forschungsliteratur auseinandersetzen, stringent aufgebaut und flüssig geschrieben sind.
Despite the large number of well-preserved domestic contexts in Bronze and Iron Age sites, household archaeology has not been a common approach to studying the material culture of Ancient Israel. Until recently, the dictates of “Biblical Archaeology” led to a narrow set of questions that ignored issues such as gender, status and production within the household. The present volume, which grew out of a session at the 2008 Annual Meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research, attempts to redress this issue. The seventeen papers herein reflect innovative viewpoints on the theory and praxis of household archaeology in this region. The next step in household research is presented here, with the use of tailor-made data collection strategies designed to answer specific questions posed by household archaeology. "The neglect of households and the archaeology of the activities of its members are ambitiously attended to in this volume. Its exceptional breadth of various modes of inquiry coupled with the application thereof justifies the household as a topic of discussion. I would highly recommend this book for institutions, libraries, scholars, and students interested in any aspect of daily life in the southern Levant, and I very much look forward to the future research projects it will inspire." Cynthia Shafer-Elliot, William Jessup University " a whole the work is impressive, and most contributions are commendable for their sophistication in engaging interdisciplinary research in order to understand the nature and function of households in ancient Israel and surrounding areas." Carol Meyers, Duke University