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Relaxed conversations with friendly neighbors interrupted by senseless violence Patrolling the silent night streets-then suddenly, the thrill of the chase Boredom, instantly interrupted by massive adrenalin dumps Needing to remind yourself that most people are good while you interact daily with criminals and people of questionable character in dire and surreal situations "...He knew why I was there and admitted that things got a little out of hand. When I asked him why his shirt had blood on it, his answer astonished me. His ex-my complainant-had stabbed him in the chest with a buck knife!" She conveniently left out that 'incriminating fact' when she told me what happened. When people find out that you were a cop, they want to hear some good stories. These are some of mine. A hard-working veteran Dallas street cop vividly recounts 100 actual events he experienced during his career: 1990-2016. He had no idea what he was getting into.
DALLAS COP Volume II More Than 400 True Short Stories is a compilation of real and actual exciting true police, true crime stories as experienced by the street cop/beat cop author Ray Dethloff, a 26 year veteran with Dallas PD who served Dallas from 1990-2016. Go on a thrilling ride-along and see the multitude of situations that police on patrol in Dallas, in Texas, and those in law enforcement in Anywhere, USA can experience on any given work day. Anything can happen as the highly-motivated officer responds to 911 calls and initiates contact with suspects, motorists and pedestrians. Be they aggravated robberies, burglaries, forgeries, thefts, injuries to children, sexual assaults, terrible accidents, animal cruelty, indecent exposure, kidnappings, swindles, unlawfully carrying a weapon, fugitives from justice, murders, suicide, DWI, drugs, probation and parole violations, etc., you can be assured that there are many enthusiastic and diligent police officers and other law enforcement personnel out there like the author who are true dedicated professionals and committed to excellence and to the public whom they serve and protect.
DALLAS COP VOLUME III 300 TRUE SHORT STORIES is the final volume of DALLAS COP book stories, bringing the total summation of three books to nearly 800 true stories for True Crime readers. The author committed himself to a goal of publishing hundreds of actual police stories while he was still in training as a young Police Officer on the streets of Dallas, Texas in 1990, and retired 26 years later. These captivating varied stories represent a true amalgam of his experiences on the streets. The book has no chapters, with hundreds of pages of stories presented randomly with page after page of actual true events. These short stories can be consumed by continuous reading of course, but are ideal for busy people on the go who can devote only valuable minutes for their reading enjoyment one interesting short story at a time.
The deputy sheriff or sheriff of a county often is perceived as the lone officer protecting the citizens of a small town. Country Cop is the riveting story of one such deputy sheriff, Barry Goodson, and his experiences with the Parker County Sheriff’s office in the 1990s and early 2000s in North Texas. Goodson was required to answer any call for service within an area roughly the size of Rhode Island (just under 1000 square miles), where a backup officer could be many miles away, and so he often patrolled and handled calls alone in a county renowned for being a haven for drug manufacturers and dealers. Goodson puts the reader in his patrol car to vicariously share what it is like to be in county law enforcement. He reveals his officer’s skills, which include the ability to identify an offender immediately, to assess that offender’s immediate intent (apparent or not), and to decide on proper action before the offender can unleash his or her attack on that deputy or against the originally intended victim. More often than not, he employed “verbal judo” to de-escalate a situation instead of drawing his gun. Calls from dispatch ranged from a simple need to clear livestock from the highways to shots fired or a 150 mph high-speed auto chase of drug dealers. More often, drug dealer attacks erupted during a perceived normal traffic stop with the offender suddenly producing a weapon, forcing Goodson to use force to subdue the individual. During one domestic violence call Goodson and another officer forced entry to stop a violent father from extreme violence against his wife and two teenage sons, but then Goodson had to intercept the wife as she lunged forward with a pair of long scissors in an attempt to stab the other officer in the back. Country Cop gives the inside story of county law enforcement and will prove a valuable resource for those in criminal justice, those who aspire to a career in law enforcement, and to all who enjoy a good police story.
Paperback version of police memoir by David Leonard
THE OATH WE TAKE is the last of a three-book series about police work featuring the first-person accounts of former officers with the Los Angeles Police Department, following THE STREETS ARE BLUE and MORE THAN HEROIC. An author can tell a story or let the story be told. Gary Farmer chose to let those who were there tell their stories.
In 1869, the police force in Los Angeles went from a voluntary to a paid city police force. Since then, thousands upon thousands of men and women have served on the Los Angeles Police Department. In this book, thirty-four former officers share stories of their experiences in police work in their own words. Of the thirty-four, the first officer came on in 1941 and the last officer retired in 2009, a range of time just short of seventy years. The experiences recounted in this book cover a wide range of assignments and speak to just about any situation a police officer can encounter. The officers were frank, truthful, and open about an occupation met with everything from monotony to split-second life and death decisions. They recounted their thoughts of purpose, duty, and in many instances, valor. Whether rescuing an abused child, confronting armed individuals, managing civil disorder, or losing one of their own, the officers in this book reveal the human element present in all those who serve in law enforcement.
Captain Black takes you inside his world as a small town police officer in the City of Kaufman, Texas. The stories he tells of his 20+ year career in the same small police department are sometimes hilarious, sometimes heartbreaking, but always real. From murder to a mad senior citizen with a sledgehammer, you will understand what it takes to be a small town cop.
When I retired out of law enforcement, it took a long time to get my life to the point where I could just enjoy it and my family. I had been at the tip of the spear, fighting crime and taking out the trash for so long it was hard to slow down and make that adjustment. I had years of experience with nothing but time on my hands to just sit and think. The struggle was long and hard, but I was a cop at heart and was not used to giving up the fight. One day I decided to write a book on all that I had seen and witnessed. The problem was that I just kept putting it off because writing the book was like reliving it all on every attempt. Now, I decided to just sit down and start writing. This book contains exciting short stories of some of the more unforgettable people I worked with and strange cases I worked on. I hope you truly enjoy it.
Are you a cop or an aspiring police officer in the making? Do you love inspirational true stories about the true heroes of our society? Then this book is for you. While the daily work of an ordinary police officer is often slow and monotonous, every police officer serving must be prepared at a moment's notice to demonstrate bravery and determination when an unexpected situation suddenly arises. The Most Incredible Law Enforcement Stories Ever Told details stories of police officers who demonstrate the highest ideals of what a law enforcement officer should be. The police officers in these stories exhibit the right balance between courage and decisiveness to ensure that members of the general public were kept safe. You'll read about the inspiring acts of heroes such as: - David Muniz, a cop from Cleveland who demonstrated incredible restraint to talk down a violent and armed alcoholic...even after being shot in the chest by him. - Mario Gutierrez, a Miami officer who sustained multiple stab wounds to stop a mass killer from setting fire to a gas station. - Terrance Yeakey, who saved the lives of multiple children from the rubble of the aftermath of the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995. - Liang Xiao, who stopped a suicidal man from falling to his death by using his own body as a cushion. - Clare Chalmers, a Scottish Constable who stopped a male knife-wielding assailant from murdering an innocent woman. While the extraordinary circumstances that each of the police officers faced in this book differ drastically from one another, they are all united in that each officer acted with the utmost courage to ensure the protection and survival of those who were caught in danger. Are you ready to be inspired and learn more about these brave men and women? Get The Most Incredible Law Enforcement Stories Ever Told right now!