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Stephen Hawking avrebbe dovuto passare più tempo ad aiutare la scienza medica a risolvere i problemi, compreso il suo, anziché cercare buchi neri nelle profondità della sua "mente brillante", criticando aspramente quella che lo ha creato. Il dramma che lo ha reso disabile avrebbe potuto spingerlo a usare la sua "mente brillante" per aiutare gli altri sulla terra, invece di cercare buchi neri e inseguire l'infinitesimo, lasciando che se ne occupino quelli che non sono in condizioni fisiche come la sua. Avrebbe potuto divertirsi con un telescopio a casa sua, come facevo io quando abitavo a Miami, North Miami Beach, e poi a Oakland Park, mentre lo scorrere del tempo scandiva la mia vita. A quanto ne so, l'orgoglio di essere l'uomo dei buchi neri non lo sta aiutando, perché avrebbe dovuto spiegarci come difenderci da questi mostri anti Dio. Se uno di loro va fuori orbita e ci viene addosso, lui e la sua famiglia diventano cibo per buchi neri, poiché non hanno un Dio che li difende. Questi divoratori della galassia terrorizzano angeli e demoni, e turbano i sogni dei bambini.
This book offers a study of the three evolutions in a circle (cosmos, life, and knowledge) with the aim of discussing human social behavior, a metaphor of the general behavior of nature (from which man derives) within the fluctuating equilibrium between the opposite tendencies to cohesion and shredding; a circularity revealing an indefinite and probably never conclusive run-up of human beings to the knowledge of nature; an analysis that demonstrates any theoretical/practical impossibility to formulate absolute certainties, since it depicts a situation in which man finds himself hovering between a rational way of living and the contradictory modus operandi of mythos. All that, within a society where the powerful communication and transportation technologies give rise to conflicts and fragmentations, where anyone’s will to self-distinguishing is enhanced by highlighting any small difference and obscuring any large similarity. The main difference between this book and existing ones stems from its interdisciplinary nature, particularly because it establishes a close connection between three, apparently so different disciplines—cosmology, life sciences, and sociology—compared with respect to their increasing complexity laws, giving rise to always more chaotic configurations.
In this book, the author, by taking into account also the contribution of the gravitational potential energy to the determination of the gravitational masses of the particles in a gravitational field (contrary to the erroneous common use), finds that for the particles with rest mass greater than zero there is always an escape velocity (less than the velocity of light in vacuum c) from any gravitational field and that the particles with rest mass equal to zero are always free to go away from any gravitational field. Consequently, there is not any event horizon, and therefore there is not any black hole. Moreover, the author also shows that the presence of an event horizon would imply the violation of the principle of conservation of energy. In particular, all this is confirmed also by the symmetry with respect to time of the Einstein’s field equation of the General Theory of Relativity and by the correct solutions of this same equation. Consequently, this book can be useful also for explaining in a linear way the possibility of the Big Bang and the possibility of a cyclic universe. Finally, the experimental results are compatible so far with this book.
This work demonstrates, in a scientifically rigorous way, that all the relativistic temporal paradoxes are completely false. In particular, this treatment, by starting from the relativisticly correct definition of time, demonstrates the falsity of the Twin Paradox by means of proving from every relativistic point of view that in no case is one twin not so old as the other twin. Moreover, this work, by starting from the relativisticly correct definition of time, demonstrates in general the impossibility of the temporal paradoxes, both in the field of application of the Special Theory of Relativity and in the field of application of the General Theory of Relativity, since all the alleged relativistic temporal paradoxes are based only on erroneous definitions of time. On the other hand, this treatment shows that time is completely independent both from any velocity of physical bodies and from any physical forces. Finally, this work demonstrates that also the possibility of using two Lorentzian Theories instead of the two Einsteinian Theories of Relativity entails that all the temporal paradoxes in the field of application of relativistic physics are completely false.
Pages 330. 58 illustrations. The book is divided into three parts. In the first part (The intuitions) the author deals with the most relevant hypotheses on the illusory reality of the perceptible world. The existence of a level of consciousness that transcends matter has been envisaged by the great thinkers. We find this idea in Plato's Myth of the Cave, in Berkeley's Immaterialistic Theory, in the Psychology of Form. The most authoritative source lies in the works on the collective unconscious and on the theory of synchronicity by Carl Jung. In the second part (Confirmations) the author describes in an elementary but detailed way the path of quantum physics, from Thomas Young's double slit experiment to the phenomena of the superposition of states and quantum correlation. Through these privileged keys it is possible to understand quantum entanglement. In the third part (Perspectives) the author describes the theories developed by David Bohm on the "quantum potential" on the "implicated universe". and on the holographic vision of the cosmos. Everything is explained with absolute simplicity, without the use of mathematical formulas and with the help of many illustrations. Humanity, from its very beginnings, wanted to investigate the origin and composition of things, to discover their functioning and their intimate purpose. The universally used method is to break down objects into smaller and smaller parts, then analyzing them with every possible technique, from visual investigation to chemical reactions. This still happens today. For example, if a scientist wants to discover the chemical and physical structure of a cube of granite, he will break it into smaller and smaller pieces until it is divided into individual atoms. However, if the scientist himself wants to investigate the individual particles that make up the atom, he receives an incredible surprise. The granite cube behaves like an ice cube would. The scientist sees the matter that becomes fog, evaporates, disappears between his fingers. Solid matter becomes energy that vibrates. The single particles are transformed into fluctuating waves without any solid corporeality. At the subatomic level, matter is no longer solid matter, it becomes something different. Elementary particles deceive us. They look like solid specks if someone observes them, but they behave like vibrating waves when they are not observed. Atoms practically only contain vacuum. On the surface, we believe we can touch, weigh, manipulate and measure matter. But, in its most intimate composition, matter becomes a ripple of emptiness, energy, information, wave or vibration. What seems to us solid material, in its most intimate essence is no longer solid material. At this point, it is clear that we can no longer speak of a single reality. Depending on the levels of observation, from the extremely small to the infinitely large, there are many realities, all different but all absolutely true. Or, perhaps, there are many aspects of a higher reality, still unknown. All philosophies and religions have always hypothesized a "zone of the spirit" transcending matter; no one, however, has ever been able to provide proof of its existence. Today quantum physics is opening a huge window on horizons that, until the last century, we could not have imagined. The confirmations come from the experiments carried out successfully, especially those relating to the phenomenon of quantum entanglement.
This collection brings to the public the fruits of the groundlaying work on the philosophy/phenomenology of life presented in some 30 volumes of the Analecta Husserliana, and inaugurates a new phase in philosophy/phenomenology - a truly radical turn. As Tymieniecka in her introduction puts it, the time is ripe to abandon the prejudices against empiria and set aside in a `second position' the epistemological/constitutive criterion of validity and truth - without, however, abandoning it. To the contrary: recognising with our present culture the overwhelmingly superior validity of the pragmaticity test, which science indubitably applies in its `verification' of technology, philosophy/phenomenology at last reaches the full significance of reality: the fullness of the vital fact of life, which comprises not only the works and enjoyment of the mind and the spirit, but those of the bios and the cosmos too. The full-fledged dialogue with the hard-core sciences opens up; philosophy of life and the human creative condition draws together all the radiations of life into its field of inquiry. Tymieniecka thus proposes a new mathesis universalis - the dream of Leibniz and Husserl - which can at least be fulfilled.
“Eusebism” is a new moral philosophy based on respect, whose purpose is to change paradigms and perspectives that prevent human beings from being free and aware. Eusebism’s unifying element is absolute and unconditional respect for everything that exists. From a material and transcendental perspective, it represents the only security on which to base relationships between all people and animals, to search for the best improvement possible and maximize overall well-being. Eusebism is not based on faith, but on observation and interpretation without subjectivism, even based upon species, sex, age, origin, propensity, habit, social status, technological level, and historical epoch. Humanism, animal rights, and environmentalism represent philosophical currents that, even if useful and innovative, remain confined within objective limitations since all consider just one element and automatically prevent referentiality to the other doctrines. The theory incorporates all those perspectives, assimilating inside a comprehensive general theory that rejects discrimination based on them. Eusebism’s perspective inversion is explained by the question: “Why should I deny respect?”