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It’s a painful thing being a stranger in a strange land filled with false accusations. It's part of the path because you're growing and they're not: a time of misperception/feeling left out for it’s a severe eruption as homeostasis is maintained son. The worse their portrayal of you then the more miraculous your recovery now friend. When the appetite [desire] rules we make huge mistakes: this is the rule for the saints. Cover design by Karen Kellock, inside art by Blaze Goldburst
Chad McKenna wants to live a quiet life of playing games and watching YouTube. But when a private video of himself ‘enjoying some alone time’ goes viral, he is suddenly thrust into the media spotlight. Chad quickly becomes a reluctant internet celebrity. As the video begins to spread across the internet, it becomes clear that this isn’t your ordinary meme. It’s a virus, and one that will do anything to survive – including murder. If there’s anything worse than a video of yourself masturbating going viral, it’s a rogue robotic army of soldiers that all look like a naked version of yourself, who are willing to go to war with the entire world. And Chad is the only one with the power to stop it.
Scapegoat Systems. Without gossip and lying they can't spread their hate-filled agenda of ostracizing you forever. Triangulation is about a bitter, hateful and manipulative narcissist trying to control all of us. Victims are relieved knowing it’s a major demonic stronghold: the scapegoat. Common treachery: If you're tangled up with a narc and his flying monkey get ready for abuse by proxy. Super Covert: while appearing innocent he stirs the pot then sit backs to watch chaos as a family rots. One ends toxic generational abuse by walking away from other members too. It takes courage to do this or it’s a dark cloud in a hell pit. Cover design by Karen Kellock, inner art by Fox Design and Blaze Goldburst
The superior man bows to no one but the weak bow down to their every need no matter how ridiculous: that's the people pleasing sickness. It keeps us mentally unstable: entrenched from early development it's hard to get rid of it. How about your mental health, your safety, your boundaries? They’re gone if you people please: something in the future you’ll look back on and will not believe. Cover design by Karen Kellock, inside art by Fox Design and Blaze Goldburst
Looking for a leadership development model for the millennial generation designed to build them into leaders and professionals ready to address 21st century challenges? It’s in your hands! Through the Johnson White Leadership Model (JWLM) this book combines leadership development AND professional development AND shares the secrets to executive level leadership all with a focus on social conscience driven by faith, ethics, and diversity. Articulated as “FOCUS + ACTION = Great Leadership,” the JWLM concisely outlines the intrapersonal, interpersonal, and leadership skills that result in the betterment of individuals, groups, organizations, and society as a whole. The JWLM is inspired by the work of Morehouse College sixth president, Dr. Benjamin E. Mays, mentor to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. Mays said, “...we are all called by God to human betterment and enrichment. If we fail on those scores, we disappoint God, break his heart, and make Him cry.”
"Guts" - Jetzt erscheint der Bestseller in der aktualisierten und überarbeiteten 2. Auflage. Er enthält 8 goldene Geschäftsregeln von einem der innovativsten Unternehmenschefs unserer Zeit. Lesen Sie hier alles über die Geschäftsphilosophie von Robert Lutz, mit der er nicht nur Chrysler, sondern ein Großteil der Automobilindustrie revolutioniert hat. Lutz ist keine gewöhnliche Führungskraft. Er ist das Produktentwicklungsgenie, das im Alleingang dem 1990 fast vor dem wirtschaftlichen Aus stehenden Chryslerkonzern wieder auf die Füße und 1996 zu Rekordgewinnen verhalf. In diesem Buch enthüllt Lutz sein einzigartiges Markenzeichen: kreatives Management. Hier vermittelt er seine Überzeugungen, die ihn so erfolgreich machten, seine Vorliebe dafür, die bestehende Ordnung in Frage zu stellen sowie eine Reihe nützlicher Lektionen. Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg in jedem Unternehmen liegt für Lutz einerseits in der Aufrechterhaltung einer positiven Spannung zwischen den kreativen Köpfen und den stets zugeknöpften Finanzleuten im Unternehmen, und andererseits darin, wie man diese beiden Parteien motiviert und strategisch geschickt im Unternehmen einsetzt. Mit einer neuen Einleitung sowie einem Nachwort, in dem Lutz eine 8. Geschäftsregel erläutert, die modernen Geschäftsführern dabei hilft, seine berühmten "Seven Immutable Laws of Business" besser zu verstehen. Unterhaltsam und humorvoll geschrieben.