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This collection of ideas and results on topics of curve and surface design is intended for research in the academic environment as well as for practical use in industrial applications. Main emphasis is on minimal energy splines and geometric spline curves, and on techniques beyond tensor product surfaces.
The purpose of this book is to reveal the foundations and major features of several basic methods for curve and surface fitting that are currently in use.
Der Band enthalt Manuskripte zu Vortragen, die auf einer von den Herausgebern geleiteten Tagung tiber "Numerische Methoden der Approximationstheorie" am Mathematischen Forschungsinstitut Ober wolfach in der Zeit vom 18.-24. Januar 1981 gehalten wurden. Das Spektrum der Vortrage reichte von der klassischen Approximations theorie tiber mehrdimensionale Approximationsverfahren bis hin zu praxisbezogenen Fragestellungen. Zu den zuerst genannten Gebieten gehorten z. B. die Verfeinerung von Fehlerabschatzungen bei der Polynominterpolation, Fragen zur Eindeutigkeit, Charakterisierung optimaler Interpolationsprozesse und Algorithmen zur rationalen Interpolation. Bei den weiteren genannten Gebieten spiegel ten zahlreiche Vortrage das steigende Interesse an der mehrdimensio nalen Interpolation, insbesondere mit verschiedenen Arten von Splines wider. Hier standen u. a. Probleme der Parameterschatzung in der Medizin und Flugtechnik, Fragen der Approximationstheorie bei der Konstruktion von Plottern und stabile Algorithmen beim Arbeiten mit mehrdimensionalen B-Splines im Mittelpunkt des Interesses. Die Tagung lieferte einen reprasentativen Ueberblick tiber die aktuellen Trends in der Approximationstheorie. Zum guten Erfolg der Tagung trug wie immer die hervorragende Be treuung durch die Mitarbeiter und Angestellten des Instituts so-' wie das verstandnisvolle Entgegenkommen des Institutsdirektors, Herrn Professor Dr. Barner, bei. Un serer besonderer Dank gilt dem Birkhauser Verlag ftir die wie stets sehr gute Ausstattung. Helmut Werner Lothar Collatz Gtinther Meinardus Hamburg Mannheim Bonn 7 INDEX Blatt, H.-P. Strenge Eindeutigkeitskonstanten und Fehlerabschatzungen bei linearer Tschebyscheff-Approximation 9 Bohmer, K. Polynom- und Spline-Interpolation (Ein Farbfilm) 26 Brannigan, M.A Multivariate Adaptive Data Fitting Algorithm 30 Brass, H. Zur numerischen Berechnung konjugierter Funktionen 43 Bultheel, A
Topics in Multivariate Approximation contains the proceedings of an international workshop on multivariate approximation held at the University of Chile in Santiago, Chile, on December 15-19, 1986. Leading researchers in the field discussed several problem areas related to multivariate approximation and tackled topics ranging from multivariate splines and fitting of scattered data to tensor approximation methods and multivariate polynomial approximation. Numerical grid generation and finite element methods were also explored, along with constrained interpolation and smoothing. Comprised of 22 chapters, this book first describes the application of Boolean methods of approximation in combination with the theory of right invertible operators to bivariate Fourier expansions. The reader is then introduced to ill-posed problems in multivariate approximation; interpolation of scattered data by radial functions; and shape-preserving surface interpolation. Subsequent chapters focus on approximation by harmonic functions; numerical generation of nested series of general triangular grids; triangulation methods; and inequalities arising from best local approximations in rectangles. A bibliography of multivariate approximation concludes the book. This monograph will be of interest to mathematicians.
The purpose of this book is to give a comprehensive introduction to the theory of spline functions, together with some applications to various fields, emphasizing the significance of the relationship between the general theory and its applications. At the same time, the goal of the book is also to provide new ma terial on spline function theory, as well as a fresh look at old results, being written for people interested in research, as well as for those who are interested in applications. The theory of spline functions and their applications is a relatively recent field of applied mathematics. In the last 50 years, spline function theory has undergone a won derful development with many new directions appearing during this time. This book has its origins in the wish to adequately describe this development from the notion of 'spline' introduced by 1. J. Schoenberg (1901-1990) in 1946, to the newest recent theories of 'spline wavelets' or 'spline fractals'. Isolated facts about the functions now called 'splines' can be found in the papers of L. Euler, A. Lebesgue, G. Birkhoff, J.
Looking at modern industrial products, one can recognize a variety of different complex shapes. All these products are not only designed, they are styled. Everybody knows about the importance of styling, if the product is a car, but today even "simple" consumer appliances do not only have to fulfil their function, they must also look nice. In addition, even purely technical products like turbines or valves are designed with very complex shapes to make them work more efficiently. Thus, optimising the shape of products is one of the key factors in the process chain of development. Today, there are various CAx-systems, which have evolved to be the basic tools for design, calculation, simulation and manufacturing in almost all kinds of industrial environments, but the improvement of the product's shape is -in most cases -done manu ally on the physical model. This break in the CAD information flow can be overcome with REVERSE ENGINEERING techniques reconstructing the shape-describing CAD surfaces (Bezier-, NURBS-surfaces or others) from the modified physical model. nd Therefore the 2 Workshop on current CAx-problems was dedicated to REVERSE ENGINEERING. During the workshop were presented • the newest research results of surface reconstruction for a given set of points • the methods and tools for Reverse Engineering of some of the most important CAD vendors (Holometric Technology, IBM/Dassault, ICEM, Imageware, Matra Data vision, Tebis). Additionally, structural aspects in Reverse Engineering, possible future developments and new research directions were discussed.