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In order to support compliance with historic preservation legislation, Fort Bliss contracted with Lone Mountain Archaeological Services to evaluate 41 prehistorical archaeological sites on the Doña Ana Range for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. The sites selected for evaluation were originally recorded during a series of archaeological survey projects conducted on the Doña Ana Range and adjacent regions. This project's purpose is to determine whether these sites are eligible or ineligible for inclusion in the registry.
This document is a design for future archeological research at Fort Bliss. It reviews previous archeological work in the region, assesses the current body of relevant knowledge, and suggests specific avenues for further inquiry. The scientific research design is intended to be a component in the Cultural Resources Management Plan (CRMP) for Fort Bliss. In conjunction, the research design and the CRMP will facilitate determinations of eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) for those prehistoric archeological resources managed by the Fort. The theoretical perspective of the research design is explicitly materialistic with a rational-functional approach to explaining human behavior. The research framework also adopts a systems theory approach in which human societies are considered to be intricate systems of variables with ever-changing relationships. Applying a cultural ecological framework, the research design attempts to identify the adaptive strategies by which societies survive within the constraints set by their environments. Within this approach, the research presumes economic optimization, such that human societies tend to identify and select those sets of behaviors with the maximum net utility. The research design first develops a series of natural and cultural contexts for future research by examining the natural environment of the Fort Bliss region, the range of cultural adaptations to such environments, and the extant body of relevant archeological information.
The US Department of Energy's Hanford Site encompasses an area of 560 square miles on the Columbia River in southeastern Washington. Since 1943, the Hanford Site has existed as a protected area for activities primarily related to the production of radioactive materials for national defense uses. For cultural resources on the Hanford Site, establishment of the nuclear reservation as a high security area, with public access restricted, has resulted in a well-protected status, although no deliberate resource protection measures were in effect to mitigate effects of facilities construction and associated activities. Thus, the Hanford Site contains an extensive record of aboriginal archaeological sites and Native American cultural properties, along with pre-Hanford Euro-American sites (primarily archaeological in nature with the removal of most pre-1943 structures), and a considerable number of Manhattan Project/Cold War era buildings and structures. The recent mission change from production to clean up and disposal of DOE lands created a critical need for development and implementation of new and different cultural resource management strategies. DOE-RL has undertaken a preservation planning effort for the Hanford Site. The intent of this Plan is to enable DOE-RL to organize data and develop goals, objectives, and priorities for the identification, evaluation, registration, protection, preservation, and enhancement of the Site's historical and cultural properties. Decisions made about the identification, evaluation, registration and treatment of historic properties are most aptly made when relationships between individual properties and other similar properties are considered. The historic context and the multiple property documentation (NTD) process provides DOE-RL the organizational framework for these decisions. Once significant patterns are identified, contexts developed, and expected properties are defined, the NTD process provides the foundation for future decisions concerning the management of significant cultural resources on the Hanford Site.