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Reflexionar sobre las relaciones entre elderecho y la cultura, es de gran relevancia teórica y práctica. Teórica, porque esconveniente elaborar un marco teórico, que nos permita entender que es cultura,su importancia, sus relaciones con el derecho, sus manifestaciones, susconsecuencias, marco teórico, que nos permita entender y predecir estosfenómenos sociales; porque, el entender las interrelaciones, ayuda a "darnoscuenta, a tomar conciencia," de las diferentes situaciones y desarrollarestrategias adecuadas y oportunas, de mejora. Es importante desde el punto devista práctico, porque, reflexionar sobre la determinación de la cultura sobre elderecho y sus reciprocidades, puede orientarnos a implementar reformaslegislativas y programas de desarrollo cultural jurídico, acordes con la concepcióndemocrática
Je tiens egalement a remercier l'editeur KLUWER que nous a garanti une pu blication aisee et attrayante. Ce n'est pas sans fierte que j'ai l'honneur d'introduire la presente edition des actes du congres. PREFACE In the text mentioned above, it has been stated that the texts of the General Rap porteurs were published in their original language and the texts of the opening and closing speeches, although they were made in the five Congress languages (Dutch, French, English, German and Spanish), were published in English, as the Belgian organisers deemed this to be the most rational solution, even though the Con gress took place in a country where three different languages (Dutch, French and German) are spoken there. As regards the publication of this book, I would like to thank Mrs. CAS MAN, who made the texts ready for printing, Profe~sor R. DE CORTE, who saw to the distribution of the texts during the Congress, and the KLUWER publishing com pany for their excellent and faultless publication. I cannot stifle a distinct feeling of pride at being privileged enough to introduce this publication of the Reports. VORWORT Im vorstehenden Text is erortert worden aus welchen GrUnden die Gesamt berichte in ihren originellen Sprachen veroffentlicht wurden, und die Texte der feierlichen Eroffnungssitzung und der Schluss-sitzung im Englischen, obwohl diese verfasst wurden in den fiinf Kongressprachen (Deutsch, Englisch, Fran zosisch, NiederHindisch und Spanisch) und obgleich der Kongress veranstaltet wurde in einem Land wo es drei Sprachen (Niederliindisch, Franzosich und Deutsch) gibt.
In 2007, the United Nations adopted the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People, a landmark political recognition of indigenous rights. A decade later, this book looks at the status of those rights internationally. Written jointly by indigenous and non-indigenous scholars, the chapters feature case studies from four continents that explore the issues faced by Indigenous Peoples through three themes: land, spirituality, and self-determination.