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Este libro es el resultado de un trabajo de investigación sobre la relación entre la religión, el poder y la represión sexual. Nace la idea de un interrogante: ¿por qué todos los regímenes autoritarios e incluso los códigos penales en las democracias, a pesar de que la declaración de derechos de éstas proclaman la libertad de conciencia y la libertad moral, reprimen la libertad sexual? ¿En esta investigación se llega a una conclusión fundamental: que la moral religiosa es la conciencia de clase de la clase dominante. Una moral que se presenta como interclasista y que está al servicio de la lógica de la dominación. Una moral que, fundamentada en la exaltación del sacrificio como purificación, es sadomasoquista y que utiliza la represión del placer sexual para controlar la vida privada y pública de cada individuo, desde su nacimiento hasta su muerte. Porque todo individuo reprimido es un individuo dominado.
Mediterranean states are often thought to have 'democratised' only in the post-war era, as authoritarian regimes were successively overthrown. On its eastern and southern shores, the process is still contested. Re-imagining Democracy looks back to an earlier era, the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, and argues it was this era when some modern version of 'democracy' in the region first began. By the 1860s, representative regimes had been established throughout southern Europe, and representation was also the subject of experiment and debate in Ottoman territories. Talk of democracy, its merits and limitations, accompanied much of this experimentation - though there was no agreement as to whether or how it could be given stable political form. Re-imagining Democracy assembles experts in the history of the Mediterranean, who have been exploring these themes collaboratively, to compare and contrast experiences in this region, so that they can be set alongside better-known debates and experiments in North Atlantic states. States in the region all experienced some form of subordination to northern 'great powers'. In this context, their inhabitants had to grapple with broader changes in ideas about state and society while struggling to achieve and maintain meaningful self-rule at the level of the polity, and self-respect at the level of culture. Innes and Philip highlight new research and ideas about a region whose experiences during the 'age of revolutions' are at best patchily known and understood, as well as to expand understanding of the complex and variegated history of democracy as an idea and set of practices.
"This book aims to provide academics, policymakers, NGOs and the media in Cuba, Latin America and North America, with a better understanding of the changes in Cuban civil society since the collapse of the Soviet Union and their implications in the areas of research, academic and literary production, and public policy. It presents and assesses critically the changes that have taken place in Cuban society, economy, politics, and culture as Cuba emerges from the crisis of the 1990s. This volume also aspires to contribute in a meaningful way to the political debate in the United States and to the dialogue between the United States and Cuba. It brings together contrasting perspectives marked by occasionally opposing views from both within and outside the island. It is the result of a seminar held in the Dominican Republic in December 2003 under the auspices of the Latin American Program of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and the Facultad Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales, with the generous contribution of The Ford Foundation."--Publisher's website.
Las entrevistas que el profesor de la Universidad de California en Berkeley, James J. Wilkie, y su esposa Edna Monzón Wilkie le hicieron a don Daniel en el año de 1964 no sólo constituyen un espléndido ejercicio de historia oral, a medio camino de la autobiografía y de las memorias tanto como del oficio de historiar, sino un material de lectura e investigación ineludible para quien aspire a estudiar con mayor hondura y alcance el periodo histórico en cuestión, al personaje protagonista, y a su trasfondo y paisaje. La entrevista aquí presentada, en edición y notas de Rafael Rodríguez Castañeda, Adolfo Castañón y Diego Flores Magón, formó parte en su origen de una obra de más amplia envergadura, editada hace más de quince años en 1995, en cuatro volúmenes e incluía a otros dieciséis protagonistas de aquella etapa constructiva de la Revolución Mexicana. En el curso a la par simpático y acucioso de este ensayo impecable de historia oral, pautado por las preguntas hechas por los investigadores, va reconstruyéndose el itinerario, los años de formación y de aprendizaje, las ideas rectoras y la génesis de este eminente historiador, investigador, escritor, maestro y creador de instituciones, "caudillo y empresario cultural" (para aludir a las expresiones acuñadas por su biógrafo Enrique Krauze), que fue don Daniel Cosío Villegas.
This volume examines the lives of more than thirty-five key personalities in Latin American law with a focus on how their Christian faith was a factor in molding the evolution of law in their countries and the region. The book is a significant contribution to our ability to understand the work and perspectives of jurists and their effect on legal development in Latin America. The individuals selected for study exhibit wide-ranging areas of expertise from private law and codification, through national public law and constitutional law, to international developments that left their mark on the region and the world. The chapters discuss the jurists within their historical, intellectual, and political context. The editors selected jurists after extensive consultation with legal historians in various countries of the region looking at the jurist’s particular merits, contributions to law in general, religious perspective, and importance within the specific country and period under consideration. Giving the work a diversity of international and methodological perspectives, the chapters have been written by distinguished legal scholars and historians from Latin America and around the world. The collection will appeal to scholars, lawyers, and students interested in the interplay between law and religion. Political, social, legal, and religious historians among other readers will find, for the first time in English, authoritative treatments of the region’s essential legal thinkers and authors. Students and other who may not read Spanish will appreciate these clear, accessible, and engaging English studies of the region’s great jurists.
A sweeping history of Latin American republicanism in the nineteenth century By the 1820s, after three centuries under imperial rule, the former Spanish territories of Latin America had shaken off their colonial bonds and founded independent republics. In committing themselves to republicanism, they embarked on a political experiment of an unprecedented scale outside the newly formed United States. In this book, Hilda Sabato provides a sweeping history of republicanism in nineteenth-century Latin America, one that spans the entire region and places the Spanish American experience within a broader global perspective. Challenging the conventional view of Latin America as a case of failed modernization, Sabato shows how republican experiments differed across the region yet were all based on the radical notion of popular sovereignty--the idea that legitimate authority lies with the people. As in other parts of the world, the transition from colonies to independent states was complex, uncertain, and rife with conflict. Yet the republican order in Spanish America endured, crossing borders and traversing distinct geographies and cultures. Sabato shifts the focus from rulers and elites to ordinary citizens and traces the emergence of new institutions and practices that shaped a vigorous and inclusive political life. Panoramic in scope and certain to provoke debate, this book situates these fledgling republics in the context of a transatlantic shift in how government was conceived and practiced, and puts Latin America at the center of a revolutionary age that gave birth to new ideas of citizenship.