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CUENTOS VERDADEROS es, ante todo, una recopilación de sentimientos. A través de amenos relatos, cuya lectura es fácil y entretenida, Jorge Biggs –en ésta su última publicación- nos pasea por los más diversos escenarios. Historias que van desde conversaciones con seres que han dejado este mundo, hasta el atolondrado viaje por vía Aérea de María Esperanza, constituyen el marco perfecto para las demás historias contenidas en este volumen, donde el amor, la fantasía y el humor de Biggs, que para muchos no necesita presentación, recorren los caminos más diversos. Ciertamente usted sabrá encontrarse en alguno de estos CUENTOS VERDADEROS TRUE TALES is, above all, a gathering of feelings. Through amusing stories in Spanish (with three of them translated by into English and one into Swedish) and through easy and entertaining reading, Jorge Biggs –in this, his last publication- takes us through the most diverse scenarios. Tales that go from conversations with those no longer living in this world to Mary Agne’s wild plane trip, become the perfect frame for the rest of the stories contained in this volume. Stories where love, fantasy and Bigg’s sense of humor, which for many readers needs no further presentation, allowes us to travel along the most diverse roads.You will certainly be able to find yourself in one of these TRUE TALES
As part of the larger, ongoing movement throughout Latin America to reclaim non-Hispanic cultural heritages and identities, indigenous writers in Mexico are reappropriating the written word in their ancestral tongues and in Spanish. As a result, the long-marginalized, innermost feelings, needs, and worldviews of Mexico's ten to twenty million indigenous peoples are now being widely revealed to the Western societies with which these peoples coexist. To contribute to this process and serve as a bridge of intercultural communication and understanding, this groundbreaking, three-volume anthology gathers works by the leading generation of writers in thirteen Mexican indigenous languages: Nahuatl, Maya, Tzotzil, Tzeltal, Tojolabal, Tabasco Chontal, Purepecha, Sierra Zapoteco, Isthmus Zapoteco, Mazateco, Ñahñu, Totonaco, and Huichol. Volume 1 contains narratives and essays by Mexican indigenous writers. Their texts appear first in their native language, followed by English and Spanish translations. Frischmann and Montemayor have abundantly annotated the English, Spanish, and indigenous-language texts and added glossaries and essays that trace the development of indigenous texts, literacy, and writing. These supporting materials make the anthology especially accessible and interesting for nonspecialist readers seeking a greater understanding of Mexico's indigenous peoples. The other volumes of this work will be Volume 2: Poetry/Poesía and Volume 3: Theater/Teatro.
Con este significativo título, el más universal de los escritores daneses, autor de cuentos tan populares como "El patito feo", "La sirenita" y tantos otros, nos dio un relato de su vida que no sólo nos proporciona las claves para entender su original y compleja personalidad sino también para comprender mejor los argumentos de sus famosísimas cuentos.
Mexican figures like La Virgen de Guadalupe, la Malinche, la Llorona, and la Chingada reflect different myths of motherhood in Mexican culture. For the first time, Melero examines these instances of portrayed motherhood as a discursive space in the political, cultural, and literary context of early twentieth century Mexico.
This anthology gathers works by the leading generation of writers in thirteen Mexican indigenous languages: Nahuatl, Maya, Tzotzil, Tzeltal, Tojolabal, Tabasco Chontal, Purepecha, Sierra Zapoteco, Isthmus Zapoteco, Mazateco, Ñahñu, Totonaco, and Huichol. Volume 1 contains narratives and essays by Mexican indigenous writers. Their texts appear first in their native language, followed by English and Spanish translations.
Law and History in Cervantes’ Don Quixote is a deep consideration of the intellectual environment that gave rise to Cervantes’ seminal work. Susan Byrne demonstrates how Cervantes synthesized the debates surrounding the two most authoritative discourses of his era – those of law and history – into a new aesthetic product, the modern novel. Byrne uncovers the empirical underpinnings of Don Quixote through a close philological study of Cervantes’ sly questioning of and commentary on these fields. As she skilfully demonstrates, while sixteenth-century historiographers and jurists across southern Europe sought the philosophical nexus of their fields, Cervantes created one through the adventures of a protagonist whose history is all about justice. As such, Law and History in Cervantes’ Don Quixote illustrates how Cervantes’ art highlighted the inconsistencies of juridical-historical texts and practice, as well as anticipated the ultimate resolution of their paradoxes.
Incluye audio del autor. ¿Médicos psiquiatras escribiendo cuentos? Pues quién mejor que ellos para comprender los resquicios de la mente humana, para escudriñar en esos recovecos mentales en donde guardamos lo peor ¿o lo mejor? de nosotros mismos. Este conjunto de viñetas, que se basan en distintos males mentales, es un certero y profundo relato de los delirios y los grises tonos que el espíritu humano y la mente pueden alcanzar. Cuentos de locos para locos reúne cuentos escritos por psiquiatras que, sin importar su vocación científica, encuentran en la creación literaria una posibilidad de hablarle al mundo.