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And so the journey continues... The Crystal Oversoul Attunements, published by Findhorn Press, explored 44 crystalline beings of consciousness through a series of mandalas, meditations and writings on their role in our unfolding journey. This set is a continuation, an extension of that journey starting with card number 45 continuing to card 66, along with audio recordings that accompany each of the attunements. While Michael Eastwood was writing Crystal Oversoul Attunements, the Oversouls made it known that cards 1 to 44 would need to be released first, and that cards 45 to 66 should follow later. When he enquired as to why the cards 45 to 66 would need to wait, they answered “the first 44 mandalas and writings explore humanity’s evolutionary on-going journey from the end of one cycle into another entirely new paradigm. The first 44 mandalas supported humanity’s initiation known as the Great Turning of 2012 that would in itself birth the New Earth”. Michael understands this to mean that, once humanity’s initiation had been passed, the next set of Oversouls could be born. The new Oversouls could only make themselves visible through our understanding once the initiation had occurred and been integrated. The Oversouls further enhanced upon this “Each of the attunements that make up the information in this set are in their own way here to help you as you navigate your way through the energies of the New Earth. You will notice times when you life-force feels stuck, heavy or restricted - each of the Oversouls are here to support you through these times. For these unsettling or deeply uncomfortable feelings are signals that your energy has slipped back or has been pulled back by the energies of the Old Earth. The attunements are here to assist you getting yourself unstuck, releasing the old energy and getting into the correct dimensional reality.” Here they are, 22 new crystalline mandalas, writings and audio recordings that offer guidance as the New Earth reaches up, unfolds and welcomes us.
Designed for meditation and contemplation, this set of 44 beautiful cards and accompanying book explore in great depth the spiritual and metaphysical qualities of crystals and how to communicate with the part of the collective consciousness that the crystals represent. Each card is a photographic mandala featuring a different crystal that conveys messages directly into the consciousness of the viewer. The corresponding volume contains information about crystal healing and meditation practice. Together the cards and the book build a map, representing the shared spiritual and healing potential that these meditations can bring.
Designed for meditation and contemplation, this set of 44 beautiful cards and accompanying book explore in great depth the spiritual and metaphysical qualities of crystals and how to communicate with the part of the collective consciousness that the crystals represent. Each card is a photographic mandala featuring a different crystal that conveys messages directly into the consciousness of the viewer. The corresponding volume contains information about crystal healing and meditation practice. Together the cards and the book build a map, representing the shared spiritual and healing potential that these meditations can bring.
Originally published during the early part of the twentieth century, the Cambridge Manuals of Science and Literature were designed to provide concise introductions to a broad range of topics. They were written by experts for the general reader and combined a comprehensive approach to knowledge with an emphasis on accessibility. Earthworms and their Allies, written in 1912 by Frank E. Beddard, offers both an introduction to the principal facts about earthworms and an analysis of their distribution across the world.
There Is a Place You Can Go - That place is a New Earth free from sickness, crime, and war. The Earth is shifting to a higher vibration - from third density to fourth and fifth density. For you to survive on the New Earth you must also change your frequency to match that of the New Earth. Unless you make that change your body frequency will be incompatible with these new frequencies and you will have to leave. You have a choice, prepare to ascend or transfer to another third density planet. Ascension is available for those who choose to move out of duality consciousness into Unity Consciousness. Dr. Pettit explains some of the requirements and preparations needed to ascend from the Old Earth.
Based on his work with the Crystal Oversouls, Unfolding Our Light explores a new vision for an awakening humanity which takes into account the changes to the traditional model of auras and chakras. The book explains Eastwood’s childhood connection to light-beings and a particular experience he had as a child. This experience connected him directly to light-beings and their guidance. The book follows the light-beings’ message: “In Lemuria your vastness was reflected through at least ten layers of your aura as well as ten chakras, awakened and fully operational. In this lifetime humanity, as well as all kingdoms of this planet, will awaken from this slumber through an initiation -- the like that has not been since since Lemurian times. This initiation will activate the ten layers of your aura as well as all ten chakras. Through this you and humanity will remember union with the wider universe. This human initiation will be keenly watched by the inner planes as well as other star worlds -- it involves them too.”
When reincarnating, do we have a short spell in a disembodied phase? Hypnosis reveals what goes on.
"The Kolbrin Bible is a 2-part, 11-book secular anthology. The first six books are called the "Egyptian texts" and were penned by Egyptian academicians following the Hebrew Exodus. The last five books are called the "Celtic texts" and were penned by Celtic priests following the death of Jesus. Several accounts describe an object in orbit around our sun sun called the "Destroyer," which the Celtic authors call the "Frightener." According to recently translated Sumerian texts, this object (also known as Nibiru or Planet X) is in a 3600-year orbit around our sun, and The Kolbrin Bible warns us of its imminent return and of yet another Biblical tribulation." --
Complete in itself, this volume originated as a commentary and expansion of Manly P. Hall's masterpiece of symbolic philosophy, The Secret Teachings of All Ages. In Lectures on Ancient Philosophy, Manly P. Hall expands on the philosophical, metaphysical, and cosmological themes introduced in his classic work, The Secret Teachings of All Ages. Hall wrote this volume as a reader's companion to his earlier work, intending it for those wishing to delve more deeply into the esoteric philosophies and ideas that undergird the Secret Teachings. Particular attention is paid to Neoplatonism, ancient Christianity, Rosicrucian and Freemasonic traditions, ancient mysteries, pagan rites and symbols, and Pythagorean mathematics. First published in 1929-the year after the publication of Hall's magnum opus-this edition includes the author's original subject index, twenty diagrams prepared under his supervision for the volume, and his 1984 preface, which puts the book in context for the contemporary reader.