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CROWN PRINCE DUST LIFE PART 16 Chapter 272: The smell of conspiracy Everyone was in Truong Tam's hospital room chatting a few words. Diep Hoan smiled and looked suspiciously at Nam Kieu Moc, silently asking about his purpose in coming to China this time. Lord of England. Nam Kieu Moc smiled gently and shook his head without speaking. Diep Hoan had to proactively open his mouth to ask. "Princess, you came to China besides showing admiration for me, is there anything else?" Jinny blinked a few times, smiled and said: "Actually, I came to China to do a lot of work, but those things are not as important as 'Showing my admiration for you'..." Diep Hoan He blushed shyly, smiled and said nothing.
Chapter 1: Mr. Hoan walks through the world with loyalty In the late 80s. On the outskirts of Ninh Hai city, in front of an ordinary Welfare Institute, there were a few figures standing in the night, looking for a long time at the ancient mottled sign "Ninh Hai City First People's Phuc Loi Vien" said nothing, the feeling of sadness mixed in the air pressed tightly on his heart. Among them was a lady, dressed splendidly, gracefully without being ostentatious, with a beautiful and delicate appearance. At this moment, in her arms, that lady was holding a baby still in diapers. Looking absent-mindedly at the sleeping baby's face, the lady covered her mouth with one hand, her tears condensed into small chains, silently without a sound, the numbing sadness became even more obvious. . "Dung Nhi, put it down, we don't have much time..."
Chapter 60: Still a life The Merc-Benz slowly drove towards the First People's Hospital of Ninh HarB city. In the spacious car, Diep Hoan took out a soft White Sand cigarette from his pocket, hesitated for a moment, then put it back in, looking a bit shy. Chu Mi saw Diep Hoan's appearance and smiled softly, pulled out a delicate wooden box from under the seat, opened the lid, and a series of gray-yellow cigars caught her eye. ""If you want to smoke then smoke, but the best thing is to open the car window. Try this one, I heard it's imported from Cuba. I don't know what you guys like, this might not be bad." Lieu Mi sitting on the other side glared fiercely at Diep Hoan and said: "Chu Mi, don't let him smoke in the car, he'll suffocate." I'll die!"
CROWN PRINCE DUST LIFE PART 11 Chapter 193: Like a dream Gradually, Diep Hoan discovered that he liked this type of military camp. It seems to have a strange magic power, giving him determination in times of battle, allowing him to have an increasingly close brotherly bond. Day and night he spent time with his comrades, he had nothing to defend himself, he just opened his heart to them. On the battlefield, you can use your body to block bullets for your comrades, obviously it's out of love. This feeling is really frustrating. The world is hot, cold, cruel, cruel. Along the way, many grandparents and parents have had to die, no one dares to help, and loyalty has become seriously lacking. Only the military camp is a safe place, backward from society, and is also the place where people keep the most things.
CROWN PRINCE DUST LIFE PART 13 Chapter 227: Life's path The times create heroes, the meaning of this sentence is that someone will definitely do something glorious. No matter if that person was previously a thug or a vagabond*, after he did that glorious thing, he was all called a hero. From ancient times until now, people who are called heroes may actually only have that fleeting bit of glory in their entire life. Wandering, scoundrel Commander Trinh did not understand this sentence, the same goes for Tham Sung Vu. When they thought that Diep Hoan had won such a beautiful battle, even when faced with the criminal interrogation of Commander Trinh, he would be righteous and calmly face it. Indomitable power and strength, such a character is worthy of this victory. And the story of Commander Trinh's defeat by such a brilliant and straightforward man, naturally he would also be convinced.
CROWN PRINCE DUST LIFE PART 9 Chapter 159: BLOOD & RED LUCK “It's...The Club!” Tan Dat gritted his teeth and said a sentence, ignoring Diep Hoan's smiling face, turned around, and showed a gentle face to talk to someone else. The person speaking was a middle-aged woman, just like Diep. Hoan said, her beauty hasn't faded yet but it's not too exaggerated, at least she doesn't wear dark red lipstick, there are no moles on her mouth, and there's also no round fan on her hand. This woman is wearing an elegant black suit and black high heels. She smiled cleverly at Tan Dat, then glanced at Diep Hoan and Liu Tu Thanh, seemingly speculating about the identities of the two people accompanying Young Master Tan Dai. Although Diep Hoan and Liu Zicheng dressed very normally, jackets, jeans and sneakers, this style of clothing was everywhere on the streets, it was difficult to see anything from these things, but she knew that Sometimes I can't see their face and make out an image, so I still nod at them even though I'm talking to Tan Dat.
CROWN PRINCE DUST LIFE PART 6 Chapter 103: Cao Thang Nam confesses People cannot accept all the changes in destiny at one time, from poor to rich, from rich to poor, everyone wants to have a noble position, not willing to lose compared to others, but the person who has the courage to fight against fate is a true warrior. Diep Hoan doesn't want to be a warrior, he's too tired, but he also doesn't want to listen to God's arrangements. He hopes to continue living a peaceful life like now, even if he is poor, he doesn't want to change himself, whether he has money or no money, he still lives as before, still smoking White Sand. , still speaks eloquently about buying quiche, eating one and throwing one at a time, but always regrets not daring to do it. Every early morning, wearing old sandals, running with eyes closed, he ran to Mr. Ly's place that sold fried cakes. He had to buy eight dimes for each cake, even though Mr. Ly wanted to fry him many times in a pan.
Chapter 37: Just met and already close “Beauty, would you like a cigarette?” This is the first conversation, the first meeting of Diep Hoan and Chu Mi. Chu Mi calmly looked at the young man standing in front of her, wearing a luxurious, well-fitting black Armani suit, thick black hair combed neatly and attractively, eyes like two transparent black diamonds emitting light. sparkling, but unfortunately the temperament is somewhat inconsistent with the way of dressing. No matter how luxurious the pants he wears, he feels like "a dog wearing shoes". No matter how beautifully and preciously dressed a person is, how handsome his appearance is, his temperament still cannot deceive others. Every gesture can fully reveal his education, the level of education he has undergone. What education and what class are you in? Chu Mi silently sighed in his heart, these years he... has really been very poor, even wearing the most expensive vest, his face still shows sadness that is not suitable for his age. This kind of tragedy is not left by the years, but by the cruel and cruel reality that has left this mark on him. After struggling and suffering for twenty years, what kind of person did he become? What kind of quietness is hidden beneath the cheerfulness on the outside? Have years and reality taught him perseverance and courage? Can his wings handle the storms he is about to face? Can his body withstand the crashing ocean waves? Looking at Diep Hoan with an indecent smiling face in front of her, Chu Mi's heart was very confused at this moment, everything was speechless. Diep Hoan also looked at Chu Mi's expression that changed several times in that moment, and felt even more confused.
CROWN PRINCE DUST LIFE PART 14 Chapter 240: Raid on the banquet On the ninth floor of Kinh Thanh Hotel, Diep Hoan looked at the phone in bewilderment for half a day without saying a word. At a life-threatening moment, this bastard Ha Binh dares to turn off his phone... A person who can become a captain of the special forces must definitely have his extraordinary presence, of course not. must be an ordinary person. Diep Hoan's forehead was full of cold sweat, what should I do now? Just have to report it to the police. Anyway, he will never imitate Hollywood movies, become a stupid superhero, and save the entire world alone. Only superheroes wear briefs outside and fly everywhere, but Diep Hoan is not a pervert who wears briefs over long pants.
CROWN PRINCE DUST LIFE PART 12 Chapter 212: End of action Under the thunderous sound of gunfire, Canh Chi Quan was stunned for a few seconds! What is the whip on your body?" Without needing the team members to answer, Canh Chi Quan squinted his eyes and looked back, then quickly understood the meaning of "the whip on his body" . At night, on the roof of the armored vehicle, there was a pile of white flesh, as if crazy, constantly using a machine gun to bombard fiercely, and to bombard like that, one had to contort the body back and forth, so the "whip" was under the body. His black skin stood out on his white skin as he swayed back and forth with his body. Canh Chi Quan was momentarily stunned, he was about to go crazy... "That pile of meat is... Diep Hoan?" "That's right, Commissar. " "He... He's right now, right now, he's really...,...."