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Project description: Background; The Westmoreland proposal -- Environmental setting: General setting; Human environment; Physical environment -- Environmental aspects: Human environment; Physical environment; Impact at the market area -- Mitigating measures included in proposed action: Human environment; Physical environment; Environmental controls and legislation -- Unavoidable adverse environmental effects: Human impacts; Physical impacts -- Alternatives to proposed action: Approval of the mining plan; Require modification of the mining plan; Rejection of the mining plan -- Relationship of short-term use to maintenance of long-term environmental productivity -- Irreversible and irretrievable commitment of resources -- Consultation and coordination with others for preparation of draft -- Appendices: Soil survey and evaluation criteria; Topsoil availability; Plants found in the ceded area; Timber acreage and volume area; Wildlife species inventory; Geologic formations and their hydrologic properties; Well and spring records; Dust cloud kinetics; Effect of coal on SO2 emissions; Trace elements in coal; Chemical analyses of overburden; Estimated jobs and payroll -- Public hearings and responses; Written comments and responses.