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Examines the relationship between alcohol studies and the cross-cultural perspective of anthropology.
First published in 1987, Constructive Drinking is a series of original case studies organized into three sections based on three major functions of drinking. The three constructive functions are: that drinking has a real social role in everyday life; that drinking can be used to construct an ideal world; and that drinking is a significant economic activity. The case studies deal with a variety of exotic drinks
Essays on the use of alcoholic beverages within diverse societies and cultures
From the President of the Research Society on Alcoholism The field of alcohol research has been slowly but continuously evolving, taking into its domain an ever-increasing array of scientific disciplines. This senes is designed to fill the need for ,a review publication that covers the broad range of research into alcohol actions and alcoholism. Research in alcohol concerns social, epidemiological, and legal concerns in addition to biomedical and behavioral topics to greater degree than research with many other drugs. A publication devoted to alcohol research should serve the broadest existing research community, but perhaps more important, it should also provide a means to recruit new investigators with fresh approaches to the field. We can and must demonstrate that legitimate, high-quality research is being done, but we must also highlight the opportunity for new workers to make a real impact on the problem. The Research Society on Alcoholism seeks to provide such a service not only through this publication but also through other ac tivities. Richard A. Deitrich, Ph.D.
Lists 1398 items that deal with alcohol from a socio-cultural perspective. Includes author and subject indexes.
The first three volumes of this series have dealt with materials which generally justify the title, The Biology of Alcoholism. This is only remotely true of the present volume, Social Aspects of Alcoholism, or of the final volume to come, Treatment and Rehabilitation. Except for small portions of the treatment section which involve pharmacotherapy, much of these last two volumes deals with the psychological aspects of alcoholism and still more with the social. It is interesting to review the evolution of this new pattern over the past seven years, a pattern which, had it existed initially, would have resulted, if not in a dif ferent format, at least in a different title. Our initial selection of areas to be covered was influenced by our desire to present as "hard" data as possible, in an attempt to lend a greater aura of scientific rigor to a field which was generally considered as "soft. " When we completed our review of this material in volumes 1-3, we recognized that what we might have gained in rigor, we had more than lost in completeness. These volumes presented a picture of a biological disease syndrome for which the remedies and preventive measures were presumably also biological. And yet, most workers in the field readily accept the significant contributions of psychological and social factors to the pathogenesis and treatment of alcoholism.