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Cross-border banking, while having the potential for a more efficient financial sector, also creates potential challenges for bank supervisors and regulators. This volume discusses topics that include: the landscape of cross-border bank activity, the resulting competitive implications, emerging challenges for prudential regulation, and more. Cross-border banking, while having the potential for a more efficient financial sector, also creates potential challenges for bank supervisors and regulators. It requires cooperation by regulatory authorities across jurisdictions and a clear delineation of authority and responsibility. That delineation is typically not present and regulatory authorities often have significantly different incentives to respond when cross-border-active banks encounter difficulties. Most of these issues have only begun to be seriously evaluated. This volume, one of the first attempts to address these issues, brings together experts and regulators from different countries. The wide range of topics discussed include: the current landscape of cross-border bank activity, the resulting competitive implications, emerging challenges for prudential regulation, safety net concerns, failure resolution issues, and the potential future evolution of international banking.
This report argues that policy reforms in micro- and macro-prudential regulation and macroeconomic policies are needed for Europe to reap the important diversification and efficiency benefits from cross-border banking, while reducing the risks stemming from large cross-border banks.Available online as pdf at: http: //
Cross-border banking, while having the potential for a more efficient financial sector, also creates potential challenges for bank supervisors and regulators. It requires cooperation by regulatory authorities across jurisdictions and a clear delineation of authority and responsibility. That delineation is typically not present and regulatory authorities often have significantly different incentives to respond when cross-border-active banks encounter difficulties. Most of these issues have only begun to be seriously evaluated.This volume, one of the first attempts to address these issues, brings together experts and regulators from different countries. The wide range of topics discussed include: the current landscape of cross-border bank activity, the resulting competitive implications, emerging challenges for prudential regulation, safety net concerns, failure resolution issues, and the potential future evolution of international banking.This book has been selected for coverage in:• Index to Social Sciences & Humanities Proceedings® (ISSHP® / ISI Proceedings)• Index to Social Sciences & Humanities Proceedings (ISSHP CDROM version/ISI Proceedings)
Cross-border Electronic Banking addresses everything from the changes made to payment clearing since the deregulation of cross-border flows of funds, to the development of capital adequacy ratios and the Euro. This insightful and revealing book, backed up by extensive practical experience, will alert you to the ways that electronic banking practices affect even the simplest daily transactions, and will unveil the legal technicalities imposed by these developments.
Cross-border banking, while having the potential for a more efficient financial sector, also creates potential challenges for bank supervisors and regulators. It requires cooperation by regulatory authorities across jurisdictions and a clear delineation of authority and responsibility. That delineation is typically not present and regulatory authorities often have significantly different incentives to respond when cross-border-active banks encounter difficulties. Most of these issues have only begun to be seriously evaluated. This volume, one of the first attempts to address these issues, brings together experts and regulators from different countries. The wide range of topics discussed include: the current landscape of cross-border bank activity, the resulting competitive implications, emerging challenges for prudential regulation, safety net concerns, failure resolution issues, and the potential future evolution of international banking. This book has been selected for coverage in: . OCo Index to Social Sciences & Humanities Proceedings- (ISSHP- / ISI Proceedings). OCo Index to Social Sciences & Humanities Proceedings (ISSHP CDROM version/ISI Proceedings). Sample Chapter(s). Chapter 1: Cross-Border Banking: Forces Driving Change and Resulting Regulatory Challenges (363 KB). Contents: Special Addresses: Cross-Border Banking: Forces Driving Change and Resulting Regulatory Challenges (M H Moskow); Cross-Border Banking and the Challenges Faced by Host Country Authorities (G Ortiz); Survey of the Current Landscape: Risks in US Bank International Exposures (N Cetorelli & L S Goldberg); Cross-Border Banking in Asia: Basel II and Other Prudential Issues (S Hohl et al.); Competitive Implications: Competitive Implications of Cross-Border Banking (S Claessens); Bank Concentration and Credit Volatility (A Micco & U Panizza); Prudential Regulation Issues: Home and Host Supervisors' Relations from a Host Supervisor's Perspective (P Bednarski & G Bielicki); Basel II Home Host Issues (P Jackson); Market Discipline Issues: Confronting Divergent Interests in Cross-Country Regulatory Arrangements (E J Kane); Market Discipline Issues Associated with Cross-Border Banking (D D Evanoff); Safety Net Issues: The Lender of Last Resort in the European Single Financial Market (G J Schinasi & P G Teixeira); Payment Systems and the Safety Net: The Role of Central Bank Money and Oversight (J Stehm); Insolvency Resolution Issues: Banking in a Changing World: Issues and Questions in the Resolution of Cross-Border Banks (M Krimminger); Bank Insolvency Procedures as Foundation for Market Discipline (A Angkinand & C Wihlborg); Policy Panel: Where to from Here?: Comments on Cross-Border Banking: Regulatory Challenges (C Calari); Designing the Home-Host Relationship to Support in Good Times and Bad: Trans-Tasman Developments (A Orr); and other papers. Readership: Professors teaching financial institutions, banking, financial regulation, or international financial markets; research economists interested in financial markets and institutions; financial regulators and policy-makers; financial consultants with internationally active customers."
International banks greatly reduced their direct cross-border and local affiliates’ lending as the global financial crisis strained balance sheets, lowered borrower demand, and changed government policies. Using bilateral, lender-borrower countrydata and controlling for credit demand, we show that reductions largely varied in line with markets’ prior assessments of banks’ vulnerabilities, with banks’ financial statement variables and lender-borrower country characteristics playing minor roles. We find evidence that moving resources within banking groups became more restricted as drivers of reductions in direct cross-border loans differ from those for local affiliates’ lending, especially for impaired banking systems. Home bias induced by government interventions, however, affected both equally.
The banking systems of some countries export intermediation services to the rest of the world, while many other countries are net exporters of deposits to banks abroad and net importers of loans from banks abroad. Banking center countries typically have lower inflation, deeper financial systems, earn less government revenue from seigniorage, and have lower reserve money relative to bank assets than nonbanking-center countries. This paper develops a stylized model of regulated bank intermediation to examine the role of national monetary policy in determining the international competitiveness of a national banking system. Monetary policy takes the form of controlling the supply of reserve money and imposing restrictions on banks that generate a demand for reserve money (reserve requirements). The international competitiveness of a banking system is enhanced by having a monetary authority who places greater weight on the interests of existing creditors relative to debtors in its constituency, and who has less need to raise revenue from seigniorage. With complete integration of deposit and loan markets the location of intermediation can be indeterminate. Countries that receive more deposits can generate a given amount of seigniorage with less inflation. Monetary authorities in countries that experience deposit outflows may be tempted to impose capital controls in order to maintain their seigniorage base. One implication of the analysis is that integration of monetary policies can facilitate financial integration by reducing the incentive to relocate deposits to avoid the inflation tax.
In March 2009, the Fund established a new Framework Administered Account to administer external financial resources for selected Fund activities (the “SFA Instrument”). The financing of activities under the terms of the SFA Instrument is implemented through the establishment and operation of a subaccount within the SFA. This paper requests Executive Board approval to establish the AFRITAC Central subaccount under the terms of the SFA Instrument.
This new work provides timely analysis of the cross-border exercise of banking activity in the EU and its supervision, from the perspective of the 'home-host rule'. It examines the current system and the efficacy of recent reforms considering whether the centralisation of decision making and a more effective mutualisation of financing tools could increase the efficiency of the EU banking system and reduce the asymmetry of information between home and host authorities.0This book analyses how far recent reforms under the banking union regime have addressed these issues to ensure the integrity and stability of the European integration project. It utilises data to illustrate the cross border exposures between member states and how they influence home and host decision making. But it equally explores those areas that still remain within the national discretion such as non-performing loans, insolvency-liquidation of banks and deposit protection arrangements, to0mention a few.0The book analyses the main pillars of the banking union: the single supervisory mechanism (SSM); and the Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM) and the proposed European Deposit Insurance Scheme (EDIS); and the related tools designed to provide crisis management under the European Stability Mechanism (ESM). As such the work considers the impact of the Single Rulebook. In considering these pieces of regulation and mechanisms the book analyses how international standards and EU requirements undertake to divide responsibilities between the home and host state and the extent to which they align interests between the home and host and minimise potential conflicts of interests. In this analysis examples from a set of EU cross-border banks are used to illustrate the workings of home and host relationship between Member States and Third Countries, and the benefits of participating in centralisation of decision making and mutualisation of financing in resolution and depositor protection.0.