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L'histoire de Croc-Blanc, un chien-loup. Le roman suit la meute d'o� il vient et ses premi�res semaines de vie sauvage, sa lutte pour la vie : manger ou �tre mang�. Puis il fait l'exp�rience de la vie chez les hommes ; son premier ma�tre se nomme Castor-Gris. L'histoire devient alors plus sombre lorsqu'il est �chang� � Beauty Smith contre de l'alcool pour devenir une b�te de combat. Il sera sauv� et recueilli par Weedon Scott, un ing�nieur des mines, et son ami Matt.
"French Short Stories: Post-Apocalyptic Society" presents a collection of gripping tales set in a world ravaged by catastrophe. From the ashes of a once-thriving civilization emerge stories of survival, resilience, and the enduring human spirit. Through the lens of French literature, these short stories explore the struggles, sacrifices, and triumphs of individuals navigating a post-apocalyptic landscape. With evocative prose and compelling narratives, this anthology offers a poignant reflection on the human experience in the face of societal collapse. Discover captivating storytelling that transcends borders and languages, offering a unique perspective on the enduring themes of hope and humanity.
L'anglais est la langue mondiale des affaires. Le parler de maniere fluide est essentiel dans de nombreuses professions. L'anglais se cultive des l'adolescence. Et nombreux sont les adultes a vouloir lameliorer ou simplement lentretenir. Les methodes efficaces sont celles qui se font oublier. Regarder James Bond en anglais, et lon se rend compte que c'est aussi un plaisir ! Lire Croc-Blanc en version bilingue. Quelques pages suffisent a vous laisser prendre. Petit a petit, en catimini, vous voila pris dans l'intrigue. Et vous voila a passer des heures en immersion totale aux flancs de Croc-Blanc. Perdu la-bas dans le Grand Nord, vous vous verrez memoriser inconsciemment des centaines de mots et tournures, tout simplement, avec plaisir, comme un enfant apprend en ecoutant ses parents. La version francaise vous permettra de passer les passages les plus difficiles et de garder le fil de l'intrigue. Nous avons choisi de respecter la version francaise originale, en depit de ses omissions, comme un incitatif a plonger sans filet dans la fraicheur du texte original."
The New York Times and internationally bestselling author of the “captivating, richly drawn” (Woman’s World) The Paris Library returns with a brilliant new novel based on the true story of Jessie Carson—the American librarian who changed the literary landscape of France. 1918: As the Great War rages, Jessie Carson takes a leave of absence from the New York Public Library to work for the American Committee for Devastated France. Founded by millionaire Anne Morgan, this group of international women help rebuild devastated French communities just miles from the front. Upon arrival, Jessie strives to establish something that the French have never seen—children’s libraries. She turns ambulances into bookmobiles and trains the first French female librarians. Then she disappears. 1987: When NYPL librarian and aspiring writer Wendy Peterson stumbles across a passing reference to Jessie Carson in the archives, she becomes consumed with learning her fate. In her obsessive research, she discovers that she and the elusive librarian have more in common than their work at New York’s famed library, but she has no idea their paths will converge in surprising ways across time. Based on the extraordinary little-known history of the women who received the Croix de Guerre medal for courage under fire, Miss Morgan’s Book Brigade is a tribute to the resilience of the human spirit, the power of literature, and ultimately the courage it takes to make a change.
Praise and Reviews "An unusual and refreshing expatriate guide, written by a local. Beautifully illustrated and with many quotations, this will even appeal to the absent francophile."WOMAN ABROAD"An easy and enjoyable read, the book is a good introduction to living and working in France."FT ExpatIf you are interested in France, this book is for you. Informal and original, it welcomes you like a friend. Whether you are going to France for work, study or pleasure, Living and Working in France: Chez vous en France will be your companion. Geneviève Brame's book shines a practical, political and cultural spotlight on French values and customs. The author gives you the keys to unlock the mysteries of the country she knows best - her own. She introduces you to your new surroundings and helps you find your way through the labyrinth of administrative and immigration procedures. Sections on the socio-economic environment, the European Union, language, travel, health, home, education and the French lifestyle will provide answers to all your questions. Since 1993, Living and Working in France: Chez vous en France has been read by many people around the world. Their advice about France and the French will assist you, as will the opinions of private and public companies.Living & Working in France: Chez vous en France offers an attractive and realistic image of the country. It contains all the essential information you will need, plus the little details that reveal the diversity of the French experience and take you beyond the hackneyed clichés. This book is aimed first and foremost at welcoming newcomers, but it is also for those who have been there for a while, to help them prepare for their naturalization interviews. It will guide you but will not do the work for you. So browse at your leisure, then come and be chez vous en France!
This guide identifies hundreds of books that can help children develop into engaged readers. Children's librarians, collection development specialists in public libraries, as well as K–8 school librarians and teachers will choose from the best in children's titles. This unique readers' advisory and collection development guide for librarians and others who work with children focuses on readers and their needs, rather than simply categorizing books by their characteristics and features as traditional literature guides do. Taking this unusual perspective brings forth powerful new tools and curricular ideas on how to promote the classics, and how to best engage with young readers and meet their personal and emotional needs to boost interest and engagement. The guide identifies seven reader-driven appeals, or themes, that are essential to successful readers' advisory: awakening new perspectives; providing models for identity; offering reassurance, comfort, strength, and confirmation of self-worth; connecting with others; giving courage to make a change; facilitating acceptance; and building a disinterested understanding of the world. By becoming aware of and tapping into these seven themes, librarians and other educators can help children more deeply connect with books, thereby increasing the odds of becoming lifelong readers. The detailed descriptions of each book provide plot summaries as well as notes on themes, subjects, reading interest levels, adaptations and alternative formats, translations, and read-alikes. This informative guide will also aid librarians in collection development and bibliotherapy services.