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Examines the life and writings of William Butler Yeats, including a biographical sketch, detailed synopses of his works, social and historical influences, and more.
The Irish poet William Butler Yeats is often considered the premier English-language poet of the 20th century, but he was also an important playwright, folklorist, critic, and politician.
This accessible and thought-provoking Companion is designed to help students experience the pleasures and challenges offered by one of the twentieth century's greatest poets. A team of international contributors examine Yeats's poetry, drama and prose in their historical and national contexts. The essays explain and synthesise major aspects and themes of his life and work: his lifelong engagement with Ireland, his complicated relationship to the English literary tradition, his literary, social, and political criticism and the evolution of his complex spiritual and religious sense. First-time readers of Yeats as well as more advanced scholars will welcome this comprehensive account of Yeats's career with its useful chronological outline and survey of the most important trends in Yeats scholarship. Taken as a whole, this Companion comprises an essential introduction for students and teachers of Yeats.
An original, yet lucid and accessible introduction to the often difficult poetry of W.B. Yeats. No poet in this century has shaped his work so directly out of reaction to the history of his times. Yeats's antithetical vision, his fascination with conflict, energy, turbulence and the bodiliness of being, his sense of poetry as a dramatic process, indicate how closely bound up are the stylistic and the thematic dimensions of his art. As a poet of carnality as much as of politics, Yeats is unexcelled. The aim of this book is to show what an exciting writer he is, to reveal the relevance and contemporaneity of his work, even in its more esoteric aspects, and to make its study less intimidating than it can sometimes seem.
Carrying a story to tell is the “ancient burden” of craftsmen, and it is one of the characteristics of the quest to find oneself, since a journey requires recognition of the aspects of self and anti–self. Like the speaker of his poems, W.B. Yeats has something to tell. His poetry draws nourishment from the battle between the dichotomies of self and anti–self, human and divine, mind and intellect, past and present, and body and soul. This book covers a selection of Yeats’s poems from 1889 to 1939, discussing them within the frame of the quest to find oneself and its gyroscopic transformation. The book illustrates that self is not a single entity, but has multiple layers, and it can be found within the quest in which it experiences a simultaneous transformation with every phase of the antithetical structure of gyroscopic movements. In addition, the way of the quest is cyclical; however, it is not a vicious cycle, since, in life, every end is a phase of a beginning and every beginning is a phase of an end.
A wide-ranging anthology of Yeats' work which includes over 50 poems illustrating Yeats' development from the dreamy romanticism of his youth to the symbolist phase and the more austere voice of his maturity. The introduction contains a biographical portrait of Yeats.
This book is a collection of selected papers which have been delivered at numerous international conferences. They are classified into two main categories: poetry and prose. The first section deals with poetry of the Pre-Romantic, Romantic, modern, and contemporary eras, while the section on prose concerns the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
This book explores the question of Yeats’s identity as an important issue in the criticism of the Irish poet. The identity of the poet with the advent of postcolonial theory into Irish studies in general and Yeats’s studies in particular, this controversial issue has gained new dimensions. Whether Yeats was a revolutionary and anti-colonial nationalist or a poet with unionist and colonialist inclinations has been the subject of much debate and less agreement. One can justify any of these versions of Yeats by concentrating on some of his works and utterances and ignoring some others. However, this will result in an incomplete and partial picture of a complex, multidimensional, and ever-changing poet such as Yeats. It explores the different aspects of W. B. Yeats’s poetic theory and political ideology. It also studies Yeats’s modernity and influences on his contemporaries as well as successors, such as T. S. Eliot, Ezra Pound and W. B. Aden. Though three common themes in Yeats’ poetry are love, Irish nationalism and mysticism, modernism is the overriding theme in his writings. Yeats started his long literary career as a romantic poet and gradually evolved into a modernist poet. As a typical modern poet, he regrets the post-war modern world, which is now in disorder and chaotic tuition and laments the past.