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¿Estás listo para descubrir al asesino?. Resuelve estos casos y demuestra que eres el mejor detective. Te presentamos siete crímenes increíblemente ingeniosos que te tendrán totalmente asombrado hasta que consigas dar con la pista que resuelve el enigma. Son misterios al viejo estilo: no necesitas disponer de conocimientos forenses especiales, basta con un poco de imaginación. Más información en:
AS SEEN ON BBC BREAKFAST 'The real-life pet detective' Sunday Mirror Read the extraordinary tale of how a dog and her owner became the ultimate pet-detective duo . . . When ex-policeman Colin Butcher set up his own pet detective agency to search for lost and stolen pets, he quickly realised he needed a partner. Enter Molly, an unloved and unwanted cocker spaniel he spotted on a rescue website. Clever and charismatic, she melted Colin's heart and the two became instantly inseparable. Colin's detective skills combined with Molly's intelligence, tenacity and sense of smell made them the ultimate team and it wasn't long before they were cracking cases and solving crimes across the country. From the search for Pablo the ginger tom cat kidnapped in Devon, to unearthing a treasure trove of stolen jewels in a north London wood, the duo have countless exciting adventures and make plenty of new friends along the way. Charming, moving and thrilling, Molly and Me is the story of a rescue cocker spaniel with a troubled past who - thanks to the love and devotion of her owner - finds a new life, purpose and a forever friend.
Un fenómeno editorial que no para de crecer en todo el mundo. Ir al baño nunca ha sido tan peligroso. ¿Serás capaz de resolver el caso antes de tirar de la cadena? Pon a prueba tu perspicacia en el único lugar donde nadie te molestará. Asómate por encima del hombro del forense durante la autopsia, escucha atentamente el testimonio de un perito y evalúa todos los detalles relevantes. Métete en la piel de un investigador y resuelve el enigma... sin abandonar la comodidad de tu baño. Cada caso pondrá a prueba tu atención a los detalles. ¿Serás capaz de arrestar al culpable antes de levantarte del váter? ¿De qué tratan los rompecabezas? Son historias cortas y cautivadoras en las que el lector juega el papel de detective. Al final de cada una habrá que responder una pregunta relacionada con el crimen. ¿Cómo resolver un caso? Primero, lee la historia. Mientras lo haces, busca cuidadosamente las pistas que puedan ayudarte. Estarán escondidas en la declaración de un personaje o en cualquier comportamiento extraño... ¡Fíjate bien!
A trio of not-yet-famous young detectives must solve what appears to be a mysterious murder.
In this brilliant sequel to actor Luke Arnold's debut The Last Smile in Sunder City, a former soldier turned PI solves crime in a world that's lost its magic. The name's Fetch Phillips -- what do you need? Cover a Gnome with a crossbow while he does a dodgy deal? Sure. Find out who killed Lance Niles, the big-shot businessman who just arrived in town? I'll give it shot. Help an old-lady Elf track down her husband's murderer? That's right up my alley. What I don't do, because it's impossible, is search for a way to bring the goddamn magic back. Rumors got out about what happened with the Professor, so now people keep asking me to fix the world. But there's no magic in this story. Just dead friends, twisted miracles, and a secret machine made to deliver a single shot of murder. Welcome back to the streets of Sunder City, a darkly imagined world perfect for readers of Ben Aaronovitch and Jim Butcher. Praise for Dead Man in a Ditch: "Superb... With a lead who would be at home in the pages of a Raymond Chandler or James Ellory novel and a nicely twisty plot, this installment makes a strong case for Arnold's series to enjoy a long run." ―Publishers Weekly "Arnold's universe has everything, including the angst of being human. The perfect story for adult fantasy fans—a tough PI and a murder mystery wrapped around the mysticism of Hogwarts, sprinkled with faerie dust." ―Library Journal (starred review) Fetch Phillips Novels The Last Smile in Sunder City Dead Man in a Ditch One Foot in the Fade
Benito Pérez Galdós, considered Spain’s most important novelist after Cervantes, wrote 77 novels, several works of theater and a number of other tomes during his lifetime (1843–1920). His works have been translated into all major languages of the world, and many of his most highly regarded novels, those of the contemporary period, have been translated into English two, three and even four times over. Of the few “contemporary novels” of Galdós that until now have not come to light in English, The Forbidden is certainly among the most noteworthy. The story line concerns a wealthy philanderer, José María Bueno de Guzmán, who attempts to buy the favors of his three beautiful married cousins. He is successful with the first, Eloísa, a grasping materialist who falls deeply in love with him. Then he rejects her in order to attempt to seduce the youngest, Camila. Meanwhile, the third, the pseudo-intellectual María Juana, jealous, seduces José María. But it is Camila, healthy, impetuous and wild, who resists his temptations and holds our attention. The novelist and critic Leopoldo Alas, Galdós’s contemporary, calls her “the most feminine, graceful, lively female character that any modern novelist has painted.” As a naturalistic study, in the manner of Balzac in particular, principal characters of Galdós’s other novels (El doctor Centeno, La de Bringas, La familia de León Roch) become fleetingly visible in The Forbidden. In addition, the entire Bueno de Guzmán family gives evidence of the naturalistic emphasis on heredity: they all display certain physical or mental disorders. Eloísa has a morbid fear of feathers, María Juana often feels that she has a tiny piece of cloth caught in her teeth, José María suffers bouts of depression, an uncle is a kleptomaniac, one of the relatives writes letters to himself, etc. At the same time, this novel shows the foibles of Spanish society where status is determined by one’s associates, by the wearing of finery, and by living on borrowed money. In their history of Spanish literature, Chandler and Schwartz call Galdós “the greatest novelist of the nineteenth century and the only one who deserves to be mentioned in the same breath with great novelists like Balzac, Dickens and Dostoievsky.” The Forbidden, written at the height of the author’s creative powers, is a major work and its publication for an English-speaking audience is long overdue.
From the 2015 winner of the ALA William C. Morris Award comes a humorous chapter book series about a not-so-attractive cat and his well-dressed mouse friend. Ugly Cat is dying for a paleta, or ice pop, and his friend Pablo is determined to help him get one by scaring a little girl who is enjoying a coconut paleta in the park. Things go horribly wrong when, instead of being scared, the little girl picks Pablo up and declares that he would make a great snack for her pet snake. Oh and there's also the small problem that Ugly Cat may have inadvertently swallowed Pablo in all of the commotion! Ugly Cat and his impeccably dressed mouse friend, Pablo, are an unlikely and dynamic duo who will win young readers over with their ridiculously silly antics and their search for tasty treats.
El juego de redes sociales más viral por fin en formato libro de manos de su creador, el tuitstar Modesto García. Ha llegado el momento de convertirte en el protagonista de tus novelas negras y thrillers favoritos. Incluye casos exclusivos nunca antes vistos en internet. ¿Eres capaz de resolver un asesinato observando simplemente la escena del crimen? Transfórmate en un auténtico detective de homicidios y empieza a atar cabos porque aquí la historia no te la cuentan, la tienes que desentrañar tú mediante la observación y la deducción. ¿Por qué hay una botella rota en el suelo? ¿A quién pertenecen esas huellas? ¿Qué quiso decir la víctima en su último mensaje de texto? Poco a poco irás entendiendo lo ocurrido y acotando el círculo de sospechosos hasta encontrar al culpable. Crímenes ilustrados te atrapará por su inventiva, imaginación y originalidad. Por primera vez, una historia de detectives no se narra de forma lineal, sino que es el lector el que debe demostrar sus aptitudes deductivas y ser capaz de armar el puzle completo. ¿Aceptas el reto? Entretenido y adictivo: el verdadero crimen es no atreverse con el juego más seguido en internet. Desde suicidios sospechosos hasta cruentos homicidios, disputas familiares por herencias millonarias, crímenes pasionales, identidades ocultas, secretos mortales y misterios por desvelar, el lector tendrá que resolver doce casos diferentes valiéndose de su perspicacia y observación. Reseñas: «Resolver los enigmas de los Crímenes Ilustrados en Twitter e Instagram se ha convertido en deporte nacional.» El Español «El crimen ilustrado que ha enganchado a miles de personas de Twitter.» El País «Los casos de asesinatos que tienen en vilo a Twitter.» El Economista «Los nuevos retos para detectives tuiteros.» La Vanguardia «El nuevo fenómeno viral.» El Periódico «Si Agatha Christie levantara la cabeza y viera la que está montando en redes Modesto García con sus Crímenes Ilustrados, se moriría otra vez, pero de la envidia.» Yorokobu
This ground-breaking volume provides readers with both an overview of harm reduction therapy and a series of ten case studies, treated by different therapists, that vividly illustrate this treatment approach with a wide variety of clients. Harm reduction is a framework for helping drug and alcohol users who cannot or will not stop completely—the majority of users—reduce the harmful consequences of use. Harm reduction accepts that abstinence may be the best outcome for many but relaxes the emphasis on abstinence as the only acceptable goal and criterion of success. Instead, smaller incremental changes in the direction of reduced harmfulness of drug use are accepted. This book will show how these simple changes in emphasis and expectation have dramatic implications for improving the effectiveness of psychotherapy in many ways. From the Foreword by Alan Marlatt, Ph.D.: “This ground-breaking volume provides readers with both an overview of harm reduction therapy and a series of ten case studies, treated by different therapists, that vividly illustrate this treatment approach with a wide variety of clients. In his introduction, Andrew Tatarsky describes harm reduction as a new paradigm for treating drug and alcohol problems. Some would say that harm reduction embraces a paradigm shift in addiction treatment, as it has moved the field beyond the traditional abstinence-only focus typically associated with the disease model and the ideology of the twelve-step approach. Others may conclude that the move toward harm reduction represents an integration of what Dr. Tatarsky describes as the “basic principles of good clinical practice” into the treatment of addictive behaviors. “Changing addiction behavior is often a complex and complicated process for both client and therapist. What seems to work best is the development of a strong therapeutic alliance, the right fit between the client and treatment provider. The role of the harm reduction therapist is closer to that of a guide, someone who can provide support an