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The greatest storyteller of all time was captivating, creative, shocking, funny, and moving. That storyteller was Jesus, and His stories were called parables. And if the parables of Jesus were reimagined through the eyes of a child, meshed with zany rhymes and modern art you might just end up "Creed And The Pearl Of Great Worth." Dive into this reimagined parable and discover what lengths God would go to ...just for you.
The Pearl of Greatest Price narrates the history of Mormonism's fourth volume of scripture, canonized in 1880. The authors track its predecessors, describe its several components, and assess their theological significance within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Four principal sections are discussed, along with attendant controversies associated with each. The Book of Moses purports to be a Mosaic narrative missing from the biblical version of Genesis. Too little treated in the scholarship on Mormonism, these chapters, produced only months after the Book of Mormon was published, actually contain the theological nucleus of Latter-day Saint doctrines as well as a virtual template for the Restoration Joseph Smith was to effect. In The Pearl of Greatest Price, the author covers three principal parts that are the focus of many of the controversies engulfing Mormonism today. These parts are The Book of Abraham, The Book of Moses, and The Joseph Smith History. Most controversial of all is the Book of Abraham, a production that arose out of a group of papyri Smith acquired, along with four mummies, in 1835. Most of the papyri disappeared in the great Chicago Fire, but surviving fragments have been identified as Egyptian funerary documents. This has created one of the most serious challenges to Smith's prophetic claims the LDS church has faced. LDS scholars, however, have developed several frameworks for vindicating the inspiration of the resulting narrative and Smith's calling as a prophet. The author attempts to make sense of Smith's several, at times divergent, accounts of his First Vision, one of which is canonized as scripture. He also assesses the creedal nature of Smith's "Articles of Faith," in the context of his professed anti-creedalism. In sum, this study chronicles the volume's historical legacy and theological indispensability to the Latter-day Saint tradition, as well as the reasons for its resilience and future prospects in the face of daunting challenges.
Pearl of Great Price Study Guide: A companion to your study of the Pearl of Great Price, this Study Guide from the Making Precious Things Plain Series is a rich resource for teachers, students, and gospel scholars alike. In this volume full of supplemental material, Dr. Randal Chase, a veteran Institute and Gospel Doctrine teacher, shares years of insights into the scriptures by exploring scriptural symbolism, background, culture, and chronology, as well as the words and teachings of gospel authorities. This unique study guide of the Pearl of Great Price provides new depth and understanding to the scriptures. Readers will enjoy Dr. Chase's relaxed style and easy presentation as they gather information, clarification, and quotes that can be used for either private study or public speaking. This unique study guide will be a welcome addition to any library, and they will broaden your comprehension of this great treasure of latter-day scripture, which restores many lost treasures from the Bible. From Adam through Enoch and Noah, to Abraham and Moses, we discover hidden treasures of truth about Old Testament events. Then we receive new insight into the Savior's prophecies of the latter-days, followed by the inspiring personal history of the Prophet Joseph Smith and the Articles of Faith.
A compilation of sermons and other writing on Spirituality.
This devotional book is a second book for the author, Lucy Allen. In her first work entitled The Pond, Lucy shows how God can be seen in everything in the natural world. Nature itself is a testimony to our Creator. In her new book, Pearls of Great Price, Lucy's devotional material has expanded beyond the pond, somewhat, but continues to focus on every day things to teach a spiritual lesson. Matthew 13:45-46 says this: "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls. When he found one very precious pearl, he went and sold all that he owned and bought it." Scholars liken this merchant to a Christian and the pearl as the kingdom of Christ. You will find pearls of faith, grace, hope, love, mercy, peace, promises, and salvation within these pages, and it is Lucy's prayer that the lessons contained within this book will point all merchants to the cross of Calvary. The last pearl is that of living the Christian life and knowing the tools that we have in our arsenal to walk the walk as a child of God. Will you sell out to Christ to obtain that pearl of greatest price? *All scripture references are from the King James Version or Common English Bible unless otherwise noted.