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Contemporary or traditional? Blended or seeker? Pop or "classical"? Chorus or hymn? Combo or organ? Questions concerning music in worship abound these days. Is there a practical way to deal with these issues?In "Music and Ministry: A Biblical Counterpoint," Calvin Johansson looks to God's Word for principles foundational to music ministry. Weaving together great scriptural truths, he establishes the need for a "directional balance" between pastoral contextualization and prophetic purity. In a time of facile musical accommodation of the gospel to culture, Dr. Johansson suggests that a heightened concern for musical style and quality is in order" not for the sake of music, but for the sake of the gospel.
Sing! has grown from Keith and Kristyn Getty’s passion for congregational singing; it’s been formed by their traveling and playing and listening and discussing and learning and teaching all over the world. And in writing it, they have five key aims: • to discover why we sing and the overwhelming joy and holy privilege that comes with singing • to consider how singing impacts our hearts and minds and all of our lives • to cultivate a culture of family singing in our daily home life • to equip our churches for wholeheartedly singing to the Lord and one another as an expression of unity • to inspire us to see congregational singing as a radical witness to the world They have also added a few “bonus tracks” at the end with some more practical suggestions for different groups who are more deeply involved with church singing. God intends for this compelling vision of His people singing—a people joyfully joining together in song with brothers and sisters around the world and around his heavenly throne—to include you. He wants you,he wants us, to sing.
Strengthening Music Ministry in the Evangelical Church Drawing upon a wealth of experience and years of fieldwork, author Calvin Johansson sets forth detailed suggestions and practical ideas for growing the ministry of music in the local church. He offers readers a unique perspective on music’s role, disassociated from text, in Christian formation and worship. Written in two parts, the first (Practics) is concerned with the hands-on operation of a church music program. The second (Rationale) presents biblical fundamentals helpful in making musical choices.
Why do the books of Chronicles regard the performance of choral music as an integral part of the sacrificial ritual at the temple, despite the lack of sanction for it in the Pentateuch? And why do they stress that it must be synchronized with the presentation of the regular public burnt offering at the temple? These and other questions are answered in this challenging new volume. After an introductory chapter defining the scope of the study as an analysis of the ritual function and theological significance of sacred song, the author examines the divine institution and royal establishment of the Levitical choir in Jerusalem. This is followed by an examination of the components of the Lord's song in terms of its contents, location, times, instruments and performers. A chapter on the function of sacred song as determined by its place within the sacrificial ritual follows, and the fifth chapter deals with its theological significance as the proclamation of the Lord's presence with his people.
Are you a musician? Are you a Christian musician? Are you using your gift in your service to God? Why? Because you feel like? Because it seems the right thing to do? And if you're not, why not? Has God's work kept you very busy for a long time? Are you doing the same old thing the same old way, but don't know how to change? Are you dissatisfied . like there should be more? Are you wondering why you do what you do at all? What's it really all for? Do you feel like it's just too much work? Not enough rewards? Are you thinking of giving it up; doing something else? Do you suffer performance blocks- anxiety attacks, selective memory loss, panic attacks? Have you tried hard to overcome these with little or no success? Read this book. It will open up your mind and raise your understanding of yourself and of what you do. It will give you a once-and-for-all opportunity to change and position yourself to experience continuing inspiration from the Holy Spirit. It will give you the information you need to complete and express your divine ministry. Read it.
Discover the Music Ministry Entrepreneur System; seven integrated insights for building a sustainable part-time or full-time independent Christian music ministry. The author, a full-time professional in the field of Christian artist development for nearly four decades, presents a refreshing alternative to the conventional indie artist model. The book contents cover the spiritual foundations and develops and expands through the financial business model. Includes assessment worksheets and $150+ in bonus online training content.
For:•Individual use•Group trainingIncludes instrumentalist survey and worship planning checklistWorship is a slice of eternity that Christians can participate in on earth, and nothing can facilitate our experience of worship like music. This wise, concise guidebook will help you harness your God-given musical talent as a gift to the body of Christ, in a way that brings joy to both God’s heart and yours.Serving in Your Church Music Ministry discusses•Words on Worship•Planning for Worship•Serving at the Keyboard•Serving with Your Voice•Serving with an Instrument•Serving in the PewZondervan Practical Ministry Guides provide you with simple, practical insights for serving in today’s churches. Written by experienced pastors and church workers, these easy-to-read, to-the-point booklets address the fundamentals of different ministries as practiced effectively in real life. You’ll find biblical insight and wise, field-tested advice you can apply today, as well as discussion questions to help you think through and integrate what you read.
Now is the time for the church to reclaim its role as a center of creativity. Among your members are artists and musicians whose gifts can enhance your worship, inform your theology and impact your community. Christian arts advocate J. Scott McElroy gives a comprehensive vision and manual for unleashing creativity in your congregation.