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Dietary fiber is widely recognized as an essential element of good nutrition. In fact, research on the use of fiber in food science and medicine is being conducted at an incredible pace. CRC Handbook of Dietary Fiber in Human Nutrition, Third Edition explores the chemistry, analytical methodologies, physiological and biochemical aspects, clinical a
Dietary fiber is widely recognized as an essential element of good nutrition. In fact, research on the use of fiber in food science and medicine is being conducted at an incredible pace. CRC Handbook of Dietary Fiber in Human Nutrition, Third Edition explores the chemistry, analytical methodologies, physiological and biochemical aspects, clinical and epidemiological studies, and consumption patterns of dietary fiber. Featuring new chapters and tables, in addition to updated sections, the third edition of this popular book includes important information that has become available since the publication of the second edition. What's new in the Third Edition? o Definitions and consumption of dietary fiber from 1992-2000 o A new chapter on the physical chemistry of dietary fiber o Updated dietary fiber values for common foods o New table: Tartaric Acid Content of Foods o Coverage of non-plant food fibers, such as chitin and chitosan o An entire section devoted to the effect of whole grains, cereal fiber, and phytic acid on health o Discussion of the interaction of fiber and phytochemicals Quickly retrieve and understand current data with the book's concise, easy-to-read tables and definitions. Covering all aspects of dietary fiber, including chemistry and definitions, analytical procedures, and basic physiological functions, the CRC Handbook of Dietary Fiber in Human Nutrition provides you with a unique collection of dietary fiber information unlike that found in any other book.
Dietary fiber is now widely recognized as an essential element of good nutrition, and research on the use of fiber in food science and medicine is being conducted at an incredible pace. CRC Handbook of Dietary Fiber in Human Nutrition, 2nd Edition has been updated and expanded to include new information that has become available since the publication of the first edition in 1985. The book provides an incredible wealth of information on the chemistry, analytical methodologies, physiological and biochemical aspects, clinical and epidemiological studies and consumption patterns of dietary fiber. The tables of dietary fiber in food have been extensively expanded. New chapters added to the book include discussions on dietary fiber and starch, fiber and inflammatory bowel disease, and fiber consumption in Italy. CRC Handbook of Dietary Fiber in Human Nutrition, 2nd Edition is an excellent reference for all researchers, physicians, nutritionists, food manufacturers, and other health professionals studying the effects of fiber in the diet or using high fiber foods in a clinical setting.
Only 15 years ago a conference on dietary fiber, let alone an international conference, would have been considered an extremely unlikely, and in fact an unthinkable, event. Yet in recent years a number of such conferences have taken place at the international level and in different parts of the world; the conference of which the present volume is an outgrowth is the second to have been held in Washington, D. C. This extraordinary development of interest in a hitherto largely neglected component of diet has been reflected by a veritable explosion of scientific literature, with published articles increasing 40-fold, from around ten to over 400 per year, within the decade 1968-1978. Not only has the growth of interest in and knowledge of fiber made it perhaps the most rapidly developing aspect of nutritional science in recent history if not in all time, but epidemiologic studies relating fiber intake to disease patterns, subsequently broadened to include other food components, have been largely responsible for the current concept of diseases characteristic of modern Western culture and lifestyle. The potential importance of this realization is forcefully underlined by the considered judgment of Thomas MacKeown, epidemiologist and medical historian of Birmingham University, England.
This book is a printed edition of the Special Issue "Dietary Fibers and Human Health" that was published in Nutrients
Twenty years ago the very idea of an international conference on the fiber contained in plant food would have been totally inconceivable. At that time fiber was generally viewed as an inert component of food of no nutritional value and consequently consid ered as a contaminant, the removal of which would enhance the purity of a product. It was measured by a now obsolete and almost worthless test introduced in the last century for veterinary rather than human nutrition, and what was measured was referred to as "crude fiber," containing part of the cellulose and lignin but none of the numerous components of fiber now known to play important roles in the maintenance of health. There were a few lone voices prior to the last two decades who had extolled the laxative properties of the undigested portion of food, assuming that these were related to its irritant action on the bowel mucosa. In retrospect this was a total misconception, and "softage" would have been a more appropriate term than "roughage," since its presence insured soft, not irritating, colon content.
The study of plant fibers and their effect on human physiology has suddenly, after many years of comparative obscurity, been catapulted to the forefront of the scien tific world. This new interest, first ignited by certain epidemiological reports, has been intensified by new re search and by dramatization in the lay press. To counter act the dissemination of inaccurate information and to elimi nate confusion, several authors have felt the need to make objective, unbiased reports available to the scientific community. The collection of papers in our own Fiber in Human Nutrition (Plenum Press, 1976) is one such effor~ However, even as it was going to press, we realized that increased interest in specific areas of fiber research necessitated a more detailed and up-to-date look at certain topics. This book is directed to that purpose. The first volume of Fiber in Human Nutrition was de signed as a basic reference textbook covering the entire spectrum of plant fibers from chemical, analytical, physico chemical, physiological, medical and epidemiological points of view. The present volume, which enlarges on specific aspects of dietary fiber, is offered as a supplement to Fiber in Human Nutrition. Together, the two volumes should be a most valuable source of information for the student of the scientific intricacies of fiber. An ongoing concern is that many of the substances dealt with in these and other "fiber" books are not, in the clas sical sense, of a fibrous nature at all.
Dietary fiber is a topic that has burgeoned from an esoteric interest of a few research laboratories to a subject of international interest. This growth has been helped by the intense public interest in the potential benefits of adding fiber to the diet. The general popularity of fiber may have been helped by the perception that, for once, medicine was saying "do" instead of "don't. " There has been a proliferation of excellent scientific books on dietary fiber. Why another? The Spring Symposium on Dietary Fiber in Health and Disease was an outgrowth of our belief that informal discussion among peers-a discussion in which fact is freely interlaced with speculation-was the most effective way to organize our knowledge and direct our thinking. The normal growth progression of a discipline inc1udes its branching into many areas. Soon the expertise, which was once general, is broken into many specialties. Intercommunication becoIlles increasingly difficult. It was our intent to provide a forum that would expose its participants to developments in areas related to their research interest. Free exchange under these conditions could not help but broaden everyone's knowl edge and expand his horizons. We feel that this symposium was singularly successful in achieving its goals. It resulted in a free and friendly exchange of knowledge and ideas. It helped to establish seeds for future collaborations based on mutual interest and friendship. The proceedings of this conference will serve as yet another basic resource in the fiber field.
Presents the latest research on the analysis, metabolism, function, and physicochemical properties of fiber, fiber concentrates, and bioactive isolates--exploring the effect of fiber on chronic disease, cardiovascular health, cancer, and diabetes. Examines food applications and the efficacy and safety of psyllium, sugar beet fiber, pectin, alginate, gum arabic, and rice bran.
The editors have designed this book to serve both as a textbook on fiber in nutrition and, we hope, as the first complete reference on the subject. For the past 25 years, the study of plant fibers and their effect on human physiology has generally been relegated to a low-priority status. Recently, however, this area of research has enjoyed a renaissance unparalleled in the history of the food and nutritional sciences, a reawakening which has occurred primarily as a result of epidemiology reports that suggested a positive relationship between plant fiber ingestion and health. As interest among the scientific community increased and new research programs were initiated to test objectively the epidemiological hypotheses, major gaps in the fundamental pool of knowledge became apparent. To compound the difficulty, scientists often did not agree upon what "fiber" is. Some investigators restricted their definition to the structural polymers of the plant, while others expanded theirs to include the entire plant cell wall with all its fibrous and associated nonfibrous substances. As a result, research that was performed and reported frequently only obscured the issue still further; at best it exposed whole new areas of ignorance in a field once considered too uninteresting to pursue. Despite voluminous research, scientists generally have still not been able to identify with certainty the specific component(s) of the plant cell-wall system that causes the various observed physiological effects. In fact, they do not yet agree upon the nomenclatures involved.