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For a long time after the discovery in 1964, by Christenson, Cronin, Fitch and Turlay, that the long-lived neutral kaon decays both into three and into two pions, which has since been taken as proof of CP violation, successive new and more precise experiments confirmed the original evidence and provided results compatible with a phenomenological description confining the CP violation to the mixing between neutral kaons and antikaons. However the Standard Model, with three generations of quarks, linking as it does CP violation to the presence of a single non trivial phase in the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa quark mixing matrix, implies that if CP violation exists at all, then it is a general property of weak interactions, appearing in transitions were amplitudes involving all three quark families interfere with each other, producing effects with a magnitude related to that of the CKM coefficients. This fact has stimulated an impressive amount of theoretical work leading in many cases to precise predictions. This publication reviews the field, from both the theoretical and experimental point of view, while planning for the forthcoming experimentation at LHC and considering possible new facilities for kaon, B meson and neutrino physics. Abstracted in Inspec
This 2nd edition is an extensive update of "B Decays?. The revisions are necessary because of the extensive amount of new data and new theoretical ideas. This book reviews what is known about b-quark decays and also looks at what can be learned in the future.The importance of this research area is increasing, as evidenced by the approval of the luminosity upgrade for CESR and the asymmetric B factories at SLAC and KEK, and the possibility of experiments at hadron colliders.The key experimental observations made thus far, measurement of the lifetimes of the different B species, B0-B0 mixing, the discovery of ?Penguin? mediated decays, and the extraction of the CKM matrix elements Vub and Vcb from semileptonic decays, as well as more mundane results, are described in great detail by the experimentalists who have been closely involved with making the measurements. Theoretical progress in understanding b-quark decays using HQET and lattice gauge techniques are described by theorists who have developed and used these techniques.Synthesizing the experimental and theoretical information, several articles discuss the implications for the ?Standard Model? and how further tests can be done using measurements of CP violation in the B system.
Cover title.
The articles collected in this volume are mainly concerned with the phenomenological description of the 1964 discovery on K° decay that CP invariance was violated in nature. The variety of models developed to explain this CP violation are described together with reprints of more recent definitive experiments, and CP violation in the B° system and the electric dipole moment of the neutron is also covered.
The exciting experiments of the BABAR and BELLE collaborations have now proven violation of CP symmetry in the neutral B system. This has renewed strong interest in the physics of CP violation. Novel experimental techniques and new highly intense neutron sources are now becoming available to further test the related time reversal symmetry. They will substantially lower the current limit on the neutron electric dipole moment and hence open up new tests of theoretical concepts beyond the Standard Model. These are strongly required to explain the decisive excess of matter versus antimatter in our Universe. There is a de?nite need to communicate these exciting developments to younger scientists, and therefore we organized a summer school in October 2000 on “CP Violation and Related Topics”, which was held in Prerow, a small Baltic Sea resort. These Lecture Notes were inspired by the vivid - terest of the participants, and I am grateful to the authors, who faced the unexpected and delivered all the material for an up-to-date introduction to this broad ?eld. It is a great pleasure for me to warmly thank the Co-organizers of the summer school, Henning Schr ̈oder, Thomas Mannel, Klaus R. Schubert and my colleague Roland Waldi. Also I would like to express my sincere thanks to the Volkswagen-Stiftung for their ?nancial support of this inspiring summer school.
Contents:CP Phenomenology:Introduction to CP Violation (C Jarlskog)CP-Violation in the K0-K0-System (K Kleinknecht)The Quark Mixing Matrix, Charm Decays and B Decays (S Stone)The Question of CP Noninvariance — As Seen through the Eyes of Neutral Beauty (I I Bigi et al.)In Search of CP Noninvariance in Heavy Quark Systems (L-L Chau)CP Violation at High Energy e+e- Colliders (J Bernabéu & M B Gavela)CP Violation in the Standard Model with Four Families (A Datta & E A Paschos)CP Effects When Neutrinos are their Own Antiparticles (B Kayser)On Spontaneous CP Violation Triggered by Scalar Bosons (I I Bigi & A I Sanda)CP Violation and Left-Right Symmetry (R N Mohapatra)CP Violation and Supersymmetry (R N Mohapatra)Electric Dipole Moments (S M Barr & W H Marciano)Special Topics: The Strong CP Problem (R D Peccei)CP Violation and Cosmology (P Langacker)Nonleptonic Interactions:The 1/N Approach to Nonleptonic Weak Interactions (A J Buras)Chiral Perturbation Theory Approach to Weak Amplitudes (E de Rafael)What We Learnt from Weak Decays of Heavy Quarks (B Stech)Weak Hamiltonian on the Lattice (G Martinelli) Readership: High energy physicists. Keywords:CP Violation;Quark Mixing Matrix;Charm Decays;B Decays;Nonleptic Interactions;Heavy QuarksReview: “Similar material is most often available in journals, but the book accomplishes a valuable service in drawing it together … the one that will probably have the greatest utility and longest lifespan is the survey of B meson physics by I Bigi, V Khoze, N Uraltsev and A Sanda … Bigi et al. here provide the most thorough and readable account of the issues that I know of. I have seen no review comparable to the excellent summary of electric dipole moments by S Barr and W Marciano … the volume offers a generally readable entry into this field for a reader who has a basic background in particle physics.” John F Donoghue Science “… this book performs a very useful service for anyone active or interested in CP violation, both as a source of primary information and as a work of reference.” K J Peach J Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys.
Ranging from the physics of elementary particles to the structure of viruses, the subject matter of the book reflects the importance of optical activity and chirality in much of modern science and will be of interest to a wide range of physical and life scientists.
Helping readers understand the complicated laws of nature, Advanced Particle Physics Volume I: Particles, Fields, and Quantum Electrodynamics explains the calculations, experimental procedures, and measuring methods of particle physics. It also describes modern physics devices, including accelerators, elementary particle detectors, and neutrino telescopes. The book first introduces the mathematical basis of modern quantum field theory. It presents the most pertinent information on group theory, proves Noether’s theorem, and determines the major motion integrals connected with both space and internal symmetry. The second part on fundamental interactions and their unifications discusses the main theoretical preconditions and experiments that allow for matter structure to be established at the quark-lepton level. In the third part, the author investigates the secondary quantized theories of free fields with spin 0, 1/2, and 1, with particular emphasis on the neutrino field. The final part focuses on quantum electrodynamics, the first successfully operating quantum field theory. Along with different renormalization schemes of quantum field theory, the author covers the calculation methods for polarized and unpolarized particles, with and without inclusion of radiative corrections. Each part in this volume contains problems to help readers master the calculation techniques and generalize the results obtained. To improve understanding of the computation procedures in quantum field theory, the majority of the calculations have been performed without dropping complex intermediate steps.