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COVID-19 ON TRIAL Critical Analyses of a “Pandemic” Introduction 1 Chapter 1 The Nuremberg Code..................................................................3 Nuremberg 2.0.............................................................................4 WMA Declaration of Helsinki....................................................6 Informed Consent........................................................................6 The Vaccine Programme Has Been Rolled out in Breach of the Legal Requirements for Clinicians to obtain the Free and Informed Consent of Those Being Vaccinated................................................7 Three Major Questions................................................................8 UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights.............................................................................................10 BILD Asks all Children for their Forgiveness!.........................11 Wire Fraud.................................................................................13 CDC Study Finds 78% of People Hospitalized for Covid were Overweight or Obese.....................................................................13 Yellow Card Scheme Shows.....................................................14 Chapter 2 Single Source of Truth...............................................................16 Everything Is Prohibited............................................................16 COVILAND..............................................................................17 The First Social Media Virus.....................................................17 COVID-19 Has Caused 6.9 Million Deaths Globally, More Than Double what Official Reports Show..........................19 Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, University of Washington....................................................................................22 France & Germany Falsified ICU Bed Occupancy Figures to Justify Sanitary Restrictions..........................................................26 World Average Annual Number of Deaths................................27 The PCR Test Farce...................................................................28 I Discovered That There Was No Evidence That There Was A Virus...............................................................................................29 Eric Clapton after COVID Vaccination: “I Should Never Have Gone Near the Needle”..................................................................34 India Mucormycosis..................................................................35 The Epidemiology of Mucormycosis in India...........................37 Malnutrition and Pollution India's Biggest Health Hazard.......38 Trained Dogs can Detect Odour of COVID-19.........................39 Virus or Fecal Samples..............................................................39 The Virus Transmission Farce...................................................42 Medical Trade Propaganda........................................................42 Christian Drosten - The Real Face of the Coronavirus Farce...43 Corona-Explainer-In-Chief.......................................................43 German Government Advisory Board on Global Health..........45 The Virus Farce.........................................................................47 Clear Line on Nails A Symptoms of Covid-19.........................48 Sneezing is A “Classic” Symptoms of Covid-19......................48 Professor Timothy Spector........................................................49 The Emerging Field of Epigenetics...........................................50 Future of Jobs............................................................................51 We Tried to Infect Covid-19 into Bats, it Doesn't Grow Well in Bats................................................................................................52 The Variants of Concern and Emerging Mutations Farce.........52 Joint Biosecurity Centre............................................................53 Triple Mutant Variant................................................................54 Lying to Everybody...................................................................55 The Covid-19 Vaccine Farce.....................................................55 Spike Protein is a Toxin.............................................................56 Ingredients (as reported in the prescribing information) included in mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines.......................................60 SM-102 in Cloroform................................................................60 Safety Data Sheet......................................................................61 Vaccine Deaths..........................................................................63 Covid19 Vaccine Reports in USA.............................................64 Covid-19 Vaccine is a “Gene Therapy”....................................65 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency..........................67 DARPA Awards Moderna Therapeutics a Grant for up to $25 Million to Develop Messenger RNA Therapeutics.................68 Australia Drugs Regulator Never Seen the Study Data............69 UK Drugs Regulator We Didn't Read the Clinical Trial...........69 They Don't Understand What They Are Doing.........................70 We Have Essentially Been Taken Over by the Medical Trade Taliban............................................................................................71 Chapter 3 Follow the Money......................................................................73 The UK Government Business Plan..........................................74 Government Wants to Sell Your Medical Records....................74 Britain’s Status as a Scientific Superpower...............................75 The Plan is Predicated...............................................................76 The Bill Gates Business Plan....................................................77 CEPI - A New Organization Will Help Accelerate the Development of Vaccines..............................................................81 A Global Treaty on Pandemic Preparedness / Zoonotic Research Hubs................................................................82 UK Government Funds 8 Vaccine Passport Schemes...............83 Covid-19 Vaccine Passport........................................................83 Accelerate Genomic Medicine..................................................84 Chris Whitty..............................................................................84 Genomics...................................................................................85 Health Data................................................................................85 Applying Behavioural Science and Social Sciences in Health.............................................................................................85 Bill Gates and George Soros Buy Covid Test Company...........87 The Global South Market: Latin America, Asia, Africa, and Oceania..........................................................................................87 Mologic.....................................................................................87 A Very Terrorised Country.........................................................89 We Have Been Fed a Diet of Fear and Scaremongering...........91 How Does Lack of Oxygen Affect the Brain?..........................91 “Long Covid” a Disability Eligible for Accommodation under Civil Rights Law............................................................................92 Deployment of Covert Psychologic Interventions....................93 The Modelling Farce.................................................................94 NHS (UK) Sells Patients Medical Records to Companies........95 We Expect this Positive Momentum to Continue.....................96 Pfizer Wants Military Bases & Bank Reserves as Collateral....97 Who owns Pfizer?.....................................................................99 The Vanguard Group.................................................................99 BlackRock...............................................................................100 Behind those Vaccines are Companies, Shareholders, Bankers........................................................................................101 Chapter 4 Algorithmic Medicine.............................................................103 Clinical Trial Service Unit.......................................................105 Chapter 5 COVID-19 Versus Law or The Medical Trade Against the People...........................................................................................109 You Must Not Do Your Own Research When It Comes To Science.........................................................................................109 Infection Fatality Rate Less than 0.20%.................................110 Get Covid And Live Longer....................................................110 Lock-down Farce Alcohol Related Deaths Rise by 20% in England During “Pandemic”........................................................111 That Fear that Didn't Happen, The Models Failed in late March, and They Failed in April, They Failed Basically.........................112 Lockdowns just Have One Consequence, that is Making Poor People a lot Poorer.......................................................................117 From Science Fiction to Science Farce...................................118 Weaponized Viruses................................................................118 Developing Medical Counter Measures for Coronaviruses 2016..............................................................................................119 Secret Pandemic Plan to Deny Care to Elderly 2016..............119 A Scenario to Facilitate Medical Countermeasure Communication 2017...................................................................120 If You Have To: Be Persuaded, Reminded, Pressured, Lied to, Incentivized, Coerced, Bullied, Socially Shamed, Guilt-tripped, Threatened, Punished and Criminalized.....................................121 Chapter 6 The First “Confirmed” Case of Covid-19 “Virus”..................123 The Isolation of the So-Called “Virus” Farce.........................124 Chapter 7 COVID-19 The Rule By Fear..................................................127 The CDC is Certainly Misleading...........................................128 Sweden No Lockdowns Led To Better Mental Health, Healthier Economy And Happier People.....................................................128 The Vaccine Farce...................................................................129 Those With 2 Vaccine Doses “May Still Die”.........................129 Vaccines Save Lives................................................................129 Anyone Who Is Claiming that any of this is Totally Safe is Either Confused or Lying.............................................................130 Last Summer With No Vaccines Magic..................................133 There is no FDA approved Vaccine to Prevent Covid-19.......134 NEJM Editor had Close Ties with the FDA authorisation process when publishing Covid-19 Vaccine Trials......................137 Social Distancing and Face Masks Forever.............................138 Covid-19 is not a Health Pandemic, it is an Ideological Pandemic......................................................................................138 Neil Ferguson..........................................................................138 Covid-19 as a Dangerous and Deadly Disease Needs to Change.........................................................................................139 The Goal of Developing and Delivering a Universal Influenza Vaccine.........................................................................................140 Chapter 8 Universal Basic Income Program............................................141 Wales to Launch Universal Basic Income Scheme.................141 Global Over-Population Is The Real Issue..............................142 But Baby Number 7 on the Way..............................................142 Global Health Emergency.......................................................142 Lockdown Every Two Years...................................................143 Bill Bowtell.............................................................................144 Matt Hancock, Secretary of State for Health..........................145 Chapter 9 States Ban Vaccine Passports..................................................149 World Health Organization (WHO)........................................150 The Vaccine Is Trust First Trust In science.............................151 The Patients Who Die, After and Possibly From a Vaccination...................................................................................151 The Data Support The Failure of the Vaccine.........................152 I Refuse to be Vaccinated........................................................154 Manipulation Without Shame or Dignity................................155 Number of People Died Within 21 Days of Having COVID-19 Vaccine in England Between January and June 2021..................156 Pharmacovigilance Investigation Concerning Janssen Covid-19 Vaccine.........................................................................156 If It Works Perfectly is Going to Take a Decade.....................157 Chapter 10 Every Year People Catch The Flu...........................................160 Is Just Like the Common Flu..................................................161 Flu Season Didn’t Happen Last Year in Canada.....................163 Australia Is Currently Reporting “Historically Low Levels” of Influenza..................................................................................163 Two-in-One Vaccine Booster Shot that Protects Against Both Covid-19 and the Seasonal Flu....................................................164 Australia Deaths Due to Influenza 2017.................................165 Australia Deaths Due to “Covid-19” 2020-2021....................166 Covid Will Eventually Become Like the Common cold.........167 Least We Forget The Medical Trade HIV (AIDS) Virus Pandemic......................................................................................168 Influenza Vaccine A Failed Vaccine........................................171 How to Treat Yourself Coronavirus (COVID-19) at Home, Just Like the Flu...........................................................................172 Chapter 11 The Muddy Foundations, or a Sand Castle Called “Genetic Medicine”.....................................................................................173 Medical Trade so-called “Gene Therapies” + “Viruses” Farce.............................................................................................174 National Institutes of Health (NIH).........................................175 The Final Words......................................................................176 Annex 1. Letter to Sir Simon Stevens, CEO of the NHS England 2. SAGE COVID-19 Register of Participants' Interests - GOV.UK Index 179
Data sharing can accelerate new discoveries by avoiding duplicative trials, stimulating new ideas for research, and enabling the maximal scientific knowledge and benefits to be gained from the efforts of clinical trial participants and investigators. At the same time, sharing clinical trial data presents risks, burdens, and challenges. These include the need to protect the privacy and honor the consent of clinical trial participants; safeguard the legitimate economic interests of sponsors; and guard against invalid secondary analyses, which could undermine trust in clinical trials or otherwise harm public health. Sharing Clinical Trial Data presents activities and strategies for the responsible sharing of clinical trial data. With the goal of increasing scientific knowledge to lead to better therapies for patients, this book identifies guiding principles and makes recommendations to maximize the benefits and minimize risks. This report offers guidance on the types of clinical trial data available at different points in the process, the points in the process at which each type of data should be shared, methods for sharing data, what groups should have access to data, and future knowledge and infrastructure needs. Responsible sharing of clinical trial data will allow other investigators to replicate published findings and carry out additional analyses, strengthen the evidence base for regulatory and clinical decisions, and increase the scientific knowledge gained from investments by the funders of clinical trials. The recommendations of Sharing Clinical Trial Data will be useful both now and well into the future as improved sharing of data leads to a stronger evidence base for treatment. This book will be of interest to stakeholders across the spectrum of research-from funders, to researchers, to journals, to physicians, and ultimately, to patients.
The emergence of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in late 2019 has brought great challenges to public health worldwide and, to date, there is no specific approved therapeutic protocol. Therefore, this chapter will analyze types of intervention for use in patients with COVID-19 developed by American researchers from records made on the Clinical Trials platform. For the search strategy, keywords ,ÄúCOVID-19,Äù in the ,ÄúCondition or Disease,Äù section and ,ÄúUnited States,Äù in the ,ÄúCountry,Äù section were used. No filters were applied. Data were descriptively analyzed. In total, 1,182 studies were obtained, of which 496 met the eligibility criteria. Sample size ranged from 1 to 10,000 participants. Most studies involved the age group of 18,Äì64¬†years (48.6%). As for design, randomized type (80.5%), parallel (75.6%), open designs (38.7%) and those with therapeutic purpose (88.3%) were more frequent. Most clinical trials used the two-arm trial (67.3%), researched drugs (64.8%), used placebo (55.2%) and were sponsored by pharmaceutical/biotechnology companies (35.4%). Clinical trials developed by American researchers on COVID-19 involve adult and elderly participants, with predominance of randomized, parallel and open design, for therapeutic purposes and mostly evaluated immunosuppressants or combinations of antivirals/immunosuppressants. The drugs and biological products Remdesivir, Baricitinib in combination with Remdesivir, Bamlanivimab and Etesevimab, REGEN-COV and COVID-19 convalescent plasma were also used, authorized for emergency use.
A portion of the revenue from this book’s sales will be donated to Doctors Without Borders to assist in the fight against COVID-19. The rapid spread of COVID-19 has had an unprecedented impact on modern health-care systems and has given rise to a number of complex ethical issues. This collection of readings and case studies offers an overview of some of the most pressing of these issues, such as the allocation of ventilators and other scarce resources, the curtailing of standard privacy measures for the sake of public health, and the potential obligations of health-care professionals to continue operating in dangerous work environments.
The evolution of health care is expanding the possibilities for integration of clinical research into the continuum of clinical care; new approaches are enabling the collection of data in real-world settings; and new modalities, such as digital health technologies and artificial intelligence applications, are being leveraged to overcome challenges and advance clinical research. At the same time, the clinical research enterprise is strained by rising costs, varying global regulatory and economic landscapes, increasing complexity of clinical trials, barriers to recruitment and retention of research participants, and a clinical research workforce that is under tremendous demands. Looking ahead to 2030, the Forum on Drug Discovery, Development, and Translation of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine convened a public workshop for stakeholders from across the drug research and development life cycle to reflect on the lessons learned over the past 10 years and consider opportunities for the future. The workshop was designed to consider goals and priority action items that could advance the vision of a 2030 clinical trials enterprise that is more efficient, effective, person-centered, inclusive, and integrated into the health care delivery system so that outcomes and experiences for all stakeholders are improved. This Proceedings of a Workshop summarizes the presentations and discussions that took place during the four-part virtual public workshop held on January 26, February 9, March 24, and May 11, 2021.
Addressing issues at the forefront of interest for the Clinical Trial Materials Professional (CTMP), this Second Edition highlights the most critical concepts related to the planning, manufacturing, packaging, labeling, distribution, reconciliation, and quality and regulatory control of clinical trial materials-offering an authoritative selection of chapters on the current and evolving state of clinical supplies operations by esteemed researchers and consultants in industry.
The purpose of this secondary research paper is to summarize the impact of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2; viral cause of COVID-19 and the COVID-19 pandemic) on the Clinical Trial industry and the demand that was created for de-centralized clinical trials. This demand, and the expedited trial conduct facilitated by regulatory and government agencies supporting COVID-19 trials, is shaping the future of the clinical trial industry. ... This secondary research paper will conclude that the lessons learned from COVID-19 serve as a pathway to future development and minimization of waste, both financial and of time, within the clinical trial industry.
The story of COVID-19 now seems so familiar: from the first reported case of a new respiratory infection in China in December 2019, to a pandemic that rapidly changed the world. Respiratory clinicians and scientists were at the forefront of delivering healthcare for people with COVID-19, leading efforts to understand this novel virus and disease, and developing and testing strategies to better prevent and treat it. These endeavours extended not only to the acute illness, but also to understanding the longer-term consequences. The pace of knowledge acquisition was rapid but is now maturing. This Monograph therefore provides a timely and valuable state-of-the-art summary for clinicians and scientists on our understanding of this virus and its consequences to date. It is essential reading for all those involved in the care of people who are or who have been affected by COVID-19.