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"India is uniquely placed to help reduce global poverty and boost shared prosp rity. While the country has achieved encouraging results in recent years in tackling these dual challenges, it remains home to one-third of the world's poor, as well as the largest number of people who have recently escaped poverty but are still vulnerable to falling bacl,<. India is now in the midst of an important transition, casting off its long-held status as a developing nation to emerge as a new leader in the international economic arena. Strong support for the country at this crucial juncture can help bend the arc of history by accelerating the decline in poverty both in India and the world. India's ongoing transformation calls for a new phase in its long-standing partnership with World Bank Group (WBG). The new Country Partnership Strategy (FY2013-17) between India and the WBG responds by setting out a program of support- from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), International Development Association (IDA), International Finance Corporation (IFC), and Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA}­ that seeks to develop transformational and innovative solutions to tackle the country's most pressing development challenges, especially in the poorest, least developed, and most isolated of its states. A more pronounced focus on India's low-income states (Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh) and on urbanization are haUmarks of this new phase of partnership, and represents a key strategic shift in the WBG's support to India's development. The strategy seeks to help India Jay the foundation for achieving a long-term vision for 2030- a vision of the nation as a global economic powerhouse where more and more people share the benefits of growth and where no more than 5.5 percent of the population lives in poverty and 41.3 percent of the population is no longer vulnerable to falling back. Key Elements of the World Bank Group Strategy To help achieve the vision for India in 2030 and contribute to its ongoing transformation, the WBG strategy focuses on three broad areas of engagement: integration, rural-urban transformation and inclusion. Improving domestic- as well as regional and global- integration is key to high, sustained growth, and accelerated poverty reduction. As India continues to transform from a largely rural, agrarian economy into an increasingly urbanized one, more emphasis will be needed on creating strong linkages between the urban and rural parts of the country. WBG will support efforts to help India and its people reap the benefits of urbanization while also improving agricultural productivity. A third area of support is to work in partnership to help foster the inclusion of all social and economic groups - regardless of age, gender, caste, or place of residence - thus ensuring that the benefits of faster economic growth touch the lives of all of India's people. All three areas of engagement will share a focus on improving governance, promoting environmental sustainability, and bolstering gender equality. World Bank Group Support Given the deep and complex challenges confronting a rapidly changing country, the strategy makes the case for continued high levels of support for India. Aware that WBG finances will always be modest compared to the task at hand, the strategy aims to leverage resources in creative ways that take into account the different strengths of India's states and regions, the entrepreneurial spirit of its people, the deep experience of civil society, and the convergence of better governance and social responsibility. To make a meaningful contribution to the assault on poverty, the volume of support from the WBG should be in the order of about $5 billion per year over the next five years. For the WBG's endeavors to be effective, actions will be required at the national level, at lower levels of government, as well as through partnerships with the private sector, civil society and development partners. The strategy is closely aligned with India's own vision for development outlined in the 12th Five-Year Plan (FY2013- 17), which calls for ""faster, sustainable, and more inclusive growth"". Lessons have been incorporated from the Group's long-term engagement in the country, and take into account learning from the previous strategy (FYi009-12) as well as inputs from experts across a broad spectrum of economic, social, and government sectors. "
Development and Human Rights presents the first book-length study examining the promotion of human rights through development assistance in a single country. It shows how rights promotion changes UN development assistance, and the political implications of these changes. It focuses on UNICEF, the World Bank, the UN Development Programme, and other agencies.
This book reviews and analyses higher education financing and explores the innovative ways by both public higher education and private higher education institutes in the context of globalization, with India, Russia and Tanzania as a case study. It examines the diverse policy discourses which greatly influence the higher education systems based on evidence-based research. This book is arranged into four major themes. Part 1 deals with the various possible modes of financing of higher education, such as the credit market and voucher system. Part 2 deals with strategies to mobilize the resources. Part 3 deals with innovative and sustainable approaches to financing private higher education institutions. Part 4 discusses the policies and limitations with external financing of higher education. It is an interesting collection of various themes in different chapters by serious researchers. It is an excellent read for students, educators and policymakers interested in alternative and innovative practices in higher education financing. It is a highly informative book for researchers providing insights on how social and political dynamics impact higher education financing.
This book provides an Asian perspective on the timely, urgent questions of how international education aid and development should move forward and what development roles Asia should play, especially following the end of the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Education for All (EFA) in 2015. To answer these questions, four separate but interwoven parts, which analyze and anchor education MDGs and EFA policies and practices by means of diverse case studies of donor states, recipient states, and states with a dual and transitional role in Asia, are addressed. On the basis of the analyses, a clearer and concrete direction for effectively and sustainably extending international education aid and development beyond 2015 can be derived.
Bangladesh has transformed its economy over the last 2 decades, graduating to middle-income status as average annual growth remained strong at 5%–6%. The country’s goal to become an upper-middle-income country by 2021 will require even stronger annual growth of 7.5%–8%. This study finds that the most critical constraints to growth are (i) insufficient reliable energy supply, (ii) policies that indirectly stunt development of economic activities unrelated to ready-made garment exports, and (iii) insufficient security about property and land rights due in part to inadequate registry systems. If policies are designed to urgently tackle these constraints, Bangladesh will be free to harness its potential for inclusive and sustainable growth.
This 2014 Article IV Consultation highlights that India’s growth has slowed markedly, reflecting global developments and domestic supply constraints, while inflation remains stubbornly high. Led by falling infrastructure and corporate investment, the slowdown has generalized to other sectors of the economy. The financial positions of banks and corporate have deteriorated. The principal risk facing India is the inward spillover from global financial market volatility. Growth is projected at 4.6 percent for fiscal year 2013/14, and should pick up to 5.4 percent in 2014/15 (at factor cost).
The report describes key features of ADB's operations in India and how these have evolved to support the Government of India's focus on high, inclusive and sustainable growth. As of December 2012, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) had approved 168 sovereign loans amounting to $27.2 billion and 344 technical assistance projects amounting to $258 million on a cumulative basis for India. Today, ADB operations cover over 20 states in India. While infrastructure projects in the energy, transport, and urban sectors comprise over 75% of ADB's operations in the country, ADB is also engaged in promoting water resources management, agribusiness infrastructure development, financial inclusion, skills development, and regional cooperation and integration. The report provides a compendium of ongoing projects and case studies across ADB's sectors of operations in India. It also highlights the innovative elements of projects and showcases the impact of development assistance on people's lives and livelihoods.
Crime and violence inflict high and rising costs on the private sector, equivalent to several points of GDP loss. In light manufacturing, international purchasers quickly shift know-how and capital to less violent destinations and behind the statistics are human costs: lost jobs, working capital spent on security, contraband, fraud and corruption.
The World Bank Group A to Z provides the most concise and essential information about the mission, policies, procedures, products, and services of the new World Bank Group. This second edition is a follow-up to the first volume released for the 2014 Annual Meetings. The World Bank Group A to Z series builds on previous editions of A Guide to the World Bank to include features not found in its predecessors including: a graphical introduction to the World Bank Group, highlighting the Bank Group's goals, financials, regions, and results; examples and photos of Bank Group projects and programs; and tools to guide you to the information you are looking for (even if you don’t know exactly what that is). It also reflects the wide-ranging reforms that have taken place within the World Bank Group in recent years, including the launch of the new World Bank Group Strategy; new approaches to development; the establishment of new Global Practice Groups and Cross Cutting Solutions Areas; and the goal of becoming a "Solutions Bank," one that will marshal the vast reserves of evidence and experiential knowledge across the five World Bank Group agencies and apply them to local problems. With more than 280 entries arranged in encyclopedic A-to-Z format, readers can easily find up-to-date information about the five agencies of the World Bank Group and the wide range of areas in which they work: from agriculture, education, energy, health, social protection and labor to gender, jobs, conflict, private sector development, trade, water and climate change. The World Bank Group's work in all of these areas now focuses on two new twin goals: eliminating extreme poverty by 2030 and boosting shared prosperity of the poorest 40 percent in every developing country.
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