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The Public-Private Partnership Operational Plan 2012-2020 provides a consistent analytical and operational framework for scaling up public-private partnerships (PPPs) in support of Strategy 2020. The PPP operations of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) are based on four pillars: (i) advocacy and capacity development, (ii) enabling environment, (iii) project development, and (iv) project financing. Applying PPP principles holistically to ADB operations holds the potential to vastly improve the quality of design and outputs of PPP projects in support of Strategy 2020 targets. It also provides ADB with an opportunity to significantly leverage its limited resources in attracting private sector investments and commercial financing to meet the Asia and Pacific region's huge and growing infrastructure investment needs.
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) issued its long-term strategic framework, Strategy 2020, in April 2008 to guide its operations to meet the changing assistance needs of its developing members. The strategy identified financial sector development as one of the five focal areas of ADB's operations through 2020. This Financial Sector Operational Plan aims to articulate the financial sector agendas of Strategy 2020 and guide its implementation by ADB.
Judging by all the hoopla surrounding business plans, you'd think the only things standing between would-be entrepreneurs and spectacular success are glossy five-color charts, bundles of meticulous-looking spreadsheets, and decades of month-by-month financial projections. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, often the more elaborately crafted a business plan, the more likely the venture is to flop. Why? Most plans waste too much ink on numbers and devote too little to information that really matters to investors. The result? Investors discount them. In How to Write a Great Business Plan, William A. Sahlman shows how to avoid this all-too-common mistake by ensuring that your plan assesses the factors critical to every new venture: The people—the individuals launching and leading the venture and outside parties providing key services or important resources The opportunity—what the business will sell and to whom, and whether the venture can grow and how fast The context—the regulatory environment, interest rates, demographic trends, and other forces shaping the venture's fate Risk and reward—what can go wrong and right, and how the entrepreneurial team will respond Timely in this age of innovation, How to Write a Great Business Plan helps you give your new venture the best possible chances for success.
The publication guides the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in meeting the recommendations of the midterm review of the ADB Strategy 2020 to provide increased emphasis on food security and agriculture productivity. The Plan, which builds on the earlier Operational Plan for Sustainable Food Security in Asia and the Pacific (2010–2014), focuses ADB agriculture and natural resources (ANR) sector operations in four priority areas: (i) increasing the productivity and reducing pre- and postharvest losses of food crops; (ii) improving market connectivity and value chain linkages; (iii) enhancing food safety, quality, and nutrition; and (iv) enhancing management and climate resilience of natural resources. The outcome will be improved focus and quality of ADB ANR operations in meeting developing member country needs toward safe, nutritious, and affordable food for all.
This report reflects the changes in the South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) Program's operational plan for the period 2016–2025. It outlines the updates on the supporting list of priority projects resulting from a rigorous vetting process. This involves defining SASEC transport and energy networks and identifying priority projects based on preparedness and their roles in filling network gaps. The result is a more reasonable estimate of funding needs to help meet the SASEC Program's goals of multimodal connectivity, energy market development, and increased intraregional and interregional trade.
This 2017 Article IV Consultation highlights that Papua New Guinea’s economic activity has remained subdued in 2017. Slow growth, generous tax treatment of the Liquefied Natural Gas project, the drought and weak tax administration have all contributed to declining tax revenues and a substantial fiscal deficit and increasing debt-to-GDP ratio. Inflation was boosted to over 6 percent by drought effects, but is beginning to ease. Near-term risks to the outlook are tilted to the downside. Over the medium term, risks are more balanced owing to the upside potential of new resource sector projects and, possibly, a pickup in commodity export prices.
The fragile and conflict-affected situations (FCAS) and small island developing states (SIDS) approach represents a new way of doing business for the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in its most vulnerable developing member countries. FCAS and SIDS face unique development challenges such as a greater need for governance and institutional capacity building, geographic isolation, small populations, narrow asset bases, and armed conflict. The FCAS and SIDS approach—or FSA—introduces flexible processes and procedures that will allow ADB to tailor interventions to the specific challenges of these countries, with the goal of improving project results, and ultimately improving livelihoods.
The economy of the Republic of the Marshall Islands has experienced a strong recovery with a 5.2 percent growth in 2010 following strong improvement in the fisheries sector and a moderate recovery in exports. The financial sector remained focused on consumer lending and contributed little to overall economic growth. Although the financial sector remained profitable, much of the rapid growth in credit has been in consumer loans. The authorities are monitoring high levels of household debt and intend to begin work on strengthening the regulatory framework.