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The publication tells about the activities of the community “Revival”, Bakshi Galina Muzaeva and her disciples.The contents of the book are records of contacts made with messengers of the Lord of the Universe, Kegshin Tsagan Aawa. In addition to the amazing information about the Cosmos transmitted to the Earth, the way of understanding the secrets of the universe is revealed, and the performance of responsible tasks in order to strengthen ties with Higher Forces is described.Projects, drawings and diagrams obtained during communication sessions with the space forces over a number of years are presented. These landmarks helped us achieve our goal in many ways.Издание повествует о деятельности общины «Возрождение», Бакши Галины Музаевой и ее учеников.Содержание книги – записи контактов, установленных с посланцами Властелина Вселенной Кегшин Цаган Аавы. Кроме удивительной информации о Космосе, переданной на Землю, раскрыт путь постижения тайн мироздания, описано выполнение ответственных заданий с целью укрепления связей с Высшими Силами.Представлены проекты, рисунки и схемы, полученные во время сеансов связи с космическими силами на протяжении ряда лет. Эти ориентиры-указатели во многом помогли достичь поставленной цели.Данное издание – еще одно яркое доказательство малопознанных резервов и возможностей, таящихся в человеке. Изложенная «фактура» заставляет задуматься над судьбой землянина и его «обители», посмотреть на себя со стороны как на детище Космоса.Книга рассчитана не только на массового читателя, но и адресована ученым разных специальностей, интересующимся необычными, невероятными явлениями и исследующим их.В формате PDF A4 сохранён издательский дизайн.
The Book Sealed with the Seven Seals
xplore the deep mysteries of spiritual awakening in the engaging pages of this inspiring book. Enter a world of spiritual wisdom and discover the hidden truths behind the seven rays that illuminate and form the soul's journey. Delight in an in-depth exploration of the seven rays, an essential concept in Hindu, Buddhist and New Age traditions. Unlock the mysteries of the rays and discover how they shape all things and ourselves. Ancient Roots Discover their importance in ancient traditions and how they connect with contemporary spirituality. The Legacy of Helena Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society Explore the impact of Helena Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society on the modern understanding of the seven rays. Travel through time and discover the historical context that shaped this spiritual knowledge. Alice Bailey and Her Perspective Delve into Alice Bailey's vision of the seven rays. Explore how she saw their formation and interaction, and delve into the different facets of the spiritual awakening they represent. Unraveling the Seven Individual Rays Explore each of the seven rays individually. Discover how each ray influences and guides the spiritual journey in a unique way. Exploring New Perspectives: Venture into the new rays introduced by Maitreya Buddha. Explore their impact on the spiritual journey and understand how they expand our understanding of the original rays. Spiritual Conclusion: Immerse yourself in the gripping conclusion of this book and understand the work of Maitreya Buddha in a profound and transformative way. Leave with a new understanding of the Seven Rays and the spiritual journey we all share. "Spiritual Awakening through the Seven Rays of Maitreya Buddha: The Science of the Soul" is an invitation to explore the wealth of spiritual knowledge, uniting ancient traditions and contemporary wisdom. Get ready for a journey that will enlighten your soul and open doors to spiritual awakening in all dimensions of your life. Get it now and start your spiritual awakening journey today!
Come and Find Me. . . Welcome to the Mystery School of Lord Maitreya-the Buddha of mercy, love and compassion. Two thousand years ago, Maitreya sent forth the call to his disciple, Jesus, to come and find him. And so Jesus set out for the Himalayas to nd the Father, Maitreya, and to receive the teachings that would be the key to an age. Now, once again, Maitreya sends forth the call. Are you one of these fiery spirits that Maitreya Buddha is calling? Jesus tells us that the Mystery School of Lord Maitreya is "the open door of the coming of the golden age. This is the open door of the pathway of East and West, of the bodhisattvas and the disciples. . . . For once again it may be said that Maitreya is physically present, not as it was in the rst Eden but by the extension of ourselves in form through the messenger and the Keepers of the Flame." Soon after the announcement of the opening of his Mystery School, Lord Maitreya began a series of profound discourses. He asked us to search these teachings and to discover in them the keys to this Age of Maitreya. In this book you will nd those keys to anchoring the consciousness of the Cosmic Christ in your life. Maitreya beckons: "Come and Find Me." Welcome to the adventure of the ages.
This is a new release of the original 1942 edition.
Divide and conquer, the tar-baby syndrome, the salami technique--these are just three of the strategies that the fallen angels (and our own dweller-on-the-threshold) use to trip us up. These strategies of darkness are ancient. Even in the Garden of Eden we can see a typical ploy of the fallen ones to lead the soul astray. The strategies of darkness caused the downfall of the golden ages of Lemuria and Atlantis. And the plots are the same today. Don't be caught off guard! Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet reveal 33 strategies of the forces of darkness--and the strategies of light to counteract them.