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The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), the radiation left over from the Big Bang, is arguably the most important topic in modern cosmology. Its theory and observation have revolutionized cosmology from an order-of-magnitude science to a precision science. This graduate textbook describes CMB physics from first principles in a detailed yet pedagogical way, assuming only that the reader has a working knowledge of General Relativity. Among the changes in this second edition are new chapters on non-Gaussianities in the CMB and on large-scale structure, and extended discussions on lensing and baryon acoustic oscillations, topics that have developed significantly in the last decade. Discussions of CMB experiments have been updated from WMAP data to the new Planck data. The CMB success story in estimating cosmological parameters is then treated in detail, conveying the beauty of the interplay of theoretical understanding and precise experimental measurements.
The goal of the Daniel Chalonge School on Astrofundamental Physics is to contribute to a theory of the universe (and particularly of the early universe) up to the marks, and at the scientific height of, the unprecedented accuracy, existent and expected, in the observational data. The impressive development of modern cosmology during the last decades is to a large extent due to its unification with elementary particle physics and quantum field theory. The cross-section between these fields has been increasing setting up Astrofundamental Physics. The early universe is an exceptional (theoretical and experimental) laboratory in this new discipline. This NATO Advanced Study Institute provided an up dated understanding, from a fundamental physics and deep point of view, of the progress and key issues in the early universe and the cosmic microwave background: theory and observations. The genuine interplay with large scale structure formation and dark matter problem were discussed. The central focus was placed on the cosmic microwave background. Emphasis was given to the precise inter-relation between fundamental physics and cosmology in these problems, both at the theoretical and experimental/observational levels, within a deep and well defined programme which provided in addition, a careful interdisciplinarity. Special sessions were devoted to high energy cosmic rays, neutrinos in astrophysics, and high energy astrophysics. Deep understanding, clarification, synthesis, careful interdisciplinarity within a fundamental physics framework, were the main goals of the course.
Spectacular observational breakthroughs, particularly by the WMAP satellite, have led to a new epoch of CMB science long after its original discovery. Taking a physical approach, the authors of this volume probe the problem of the 'darkness' of the Universe: the origin and evolution of dark energy and matter in the cosmos. Starting with the observational background of modern cosmology, they provide an accessible review of this fascinating yet complex subject. Topics discussed include the kinetics of the electromagnetic radiation in the Universe, the ionization history of cosmic plamas, the origin of primordial perturbations in light of the inflation paradigm, and the formation of anisotropy and polarization of the CMB. This fascinating review will be valuable to advanced students and researchers in cosmology.
In the last fifteen years, various areas of high energy physics, astrophysics and theoretical physics have converged on the study of cosmology so that any graduate student in these disciplines today needs a reasonably self-contained introduction to the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). This book presents the essential theoretical tools necessary to acquire a modern working knowledge of CMB physics. The style of the book, falling somewhere between a monograph and a set of lecture notes, is pedagogical and the author uses the typical approach of theoretical physics to explain the main problems in detail, touching on the main assumptions and derivations of a fascinating subject. Sample Chapter(s). Chapter 1: Why CMB Physics? (297 KB). Contents: Why CMB Physics?; From CMB to the Standard Cosmological Model; Problems with the SCM; SCM and Beyond; Essentials of Inflationary Dynamics; Inhomogeneities in FRW Models; The First Lap in CMB Anisotropies; Improved Fluid Description of Pre-Decoupling Physics; Kinetic Hierarchies; Early Initial Conditions?; Surfing on the Gauges; Interacting Fluids; Spectator Fields; Appendices: The Concept of Distance in Cosmology; Kinetic Description of Hot Plasmas; Scalar Modes of the Geometry; Metric Fluctuations: Gauge Independent Treatment. Readership: PhD students and researchers in physics, astrophysics and astronomy.
This self-contained introduction to astrophysical magnetic fields provides a comprehensive review of the current state of the field and a critical discussion of the latest research. Its emphasis on results that are likely to form the basis for future progress benefits a broad audience of advanced students and active researchers.
Graduate textbook examining the theory of the cosmic microwave background and its recent progress.
A deep understanding of the first instants of the Universe would not only complete our description of the cosmic history but also enable an exploration of new fundamental phsyics at energy scales unexplored on Earth laboratories and colliders. The most favoured scenario which describes these first instants is the cosmic inflation, an ephemeral period of accelerated expansion shortly after the big bang. Some hints are in favour of this scenario which is however still waiting for a smoking-gun observational signature. The cosmic microwave background (CMB) B modes would be generated at large angular scales by primordial gravitational waves produced during the cosmic inflation. In this frame, the primordial CMB B modes are the aim of various ongoing or being-deployed experiments, as well as being-planned satellite mission. However, unavoidable instrumental and astrophysical features makes its detection difficult. More specifically, a partial sky coverage of the CMB polarisation (inherent to any CMB measurements) leads to the E-to-B leakage, a major issue on the estimation of the CMB B modes power spectrum. This effect can prevent from a detection of the primordial B modes even if the polarisation maps are perfectly cleaned, since the (much more intense) leaked E-modes mask the B-modes. Various methods have been proposed in the literature offering a B modes estimation theoretically free from any leakage. However, when applied to real data, they are no longer completely leakage-free and remove part of the information on B-modes. These methods consequently need to be validate in the frame of real data analysis. In this purpose, I have worked on the implementation and numerical developments of three typical pseudospectrum methods. Afterwards, I have tested each of them in the case of two fiducial experimental set ups, typical of current balloon-borne or ground based experiments and of potential satellite mission. I have therefore stated on the efficiency and necessity of one of them: the so-called pure method. I have also shown that the case of nearly full sky coverage is not trivial because of the intricate shape of the contours of the point-sources and galactic mask. As a result this method is also required for an optimal B modes pseudospectrum estimation in the context of a satellite mission. With this powerful method, I performed realistic forecasts on the constraints that a CMB polarisation detection could set on the physics of the primordial universe. First of all, I have studied the detectability of the tensor-to-scalar ratio r, amounting the amplitude of primordial gravity waves and directly related to the energy scale of inflation, in the case of current suborbital experiments, a potential array of telescopes and a potential satellite mission. I have shown that a satellite-like experiment dedicated to the CMB polarisation detection will enable us to measure a tensor-to-scalar ratio of about 0.001, thus allowing for distinguishing between large and small field models of inflation. Moreover, in extension of the standard model of cosmology, the CMB EB and TB correlations can be generated. In particular, I have forecast the constraints that one could set on a parity violation in the gravitational waves during the primordial universe from observations on a small and a large part of the sky. Our results have shown that a satellite-like experiment is mandatory to set constraints on a range of parity violation models. I finally address the problematic of the detectability of observational signature of a primordial magnetic field.
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on the Cosmological Background Radiation, Strasbourg, France, May 27-June 7, 1996